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ZEROTRADE A Public Private Governance Model for Zero Carbon Trade Sector 2 nd Steering Group Meeting - Odense 19 th -20 th December 2011

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Presentation on theme: "ZEROTRADE A Public Private Governance Model for Zero Carbon Trade Sector 2 nd Steering Group Meeting - Odense 19 th -20 th December 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 ZEROTRADE A Public Private Governance Model for Zero Carbon Trade Sector 2 nd Steering Group Meeting - Odense 19 th -20 th December 2011

2 Component 2: GOVERNANCE TOOLS According to the Implementation Plan the following OUTPUTS has to be carried out: O.2.1.1 SWOT analysis of trade sector in partner regions O.2.2.1 Relevant best practices identified in Europe O.2.2.6 Catalogue of BP O.2.3.1 – O.2.3.4 3 interregional workshop in partners region O.2.4.1 List of similar projects uploaded on LoCaRe websites O.2.6.1 List of stakeholders to be invited at local forum O.2.6.5 – O.2.6.6 PP Public forums launched O. 2.7.1 ZEROTRADE Voluntary Agreement scheme O.2.8.1 – O.2.8.2 ZEROTRADE Voluntary Agreement signed with retailers

3 O.2.9.1 ZEROTRADE Check-list of actions to reduce CO 2 emissions of trade sector O.2.10.1 ZEROTRADE Diploma O.2.11.1 Common procedure to demand and grant ZEROTRADE diploma O.2.12.1 ZEROTRADE Common Monitoring System O.2.4.2 1retail company/1association from each partner joins Retail Forum O.2.12.2 Evaluation of stakeholders involvement O.2.13.1 Zero Carbon Action Plan O.2.14.1 Policy Recommendations and description of ZEROTRADE governance model Component 2: GOVERNANCE TOOLS

4 Voluntary Agreement



7 Check-list of actions In order to get Io Riduco! label, two evaluation tools exist so that the firms' evaluation can be objective, scientific and shared: - a checklist base for the large retail of different sizes according to the retail type: hypermarkets, supermarkets and small supermarkets; - a Decalogue for small retailers. The Decalogue is a versatile and clear tool. The ten engagements can be taken by any shop, either selling products (cloths, stationary, etc.) or selling services (barber, beauty centre, etc.).

8 Environmental performances of the shop GroupIDEnvironmental criteria / Items § All the three § Hyper & Supermarket § HyperM only Hyperm arkets Superm arkets Small super mark ets Other green services A1 Sale of compostable eco-shoppers (in line with present European standard, Uni En 13432-2002) or reusable bags (e.g. textile bags) all the three333 A2 Cartons available for customers at checkout to carry goods HyperM & SuperM2,5 A3 Containers for exausted batteries at the customers's disposal HyperM & SuperM33 A4Containers for food oil at the customers's disposalHyperM & SuperM2,5 A5 Dustbins for separate collection in the parking area at the customers' disposal HyperM2 A6 Cycle rack in front of the shop and visible bus lines and timetable boards HyperM & SuperM2,5 Check-list of actions

9 SectionCriterionScoreCriterionScore Environmental performance of the shop □ A1 □ A2 □ A3 □ A4 □ A5 □ A6 □ A7 □ A8 □ A9 □ A10 □ A11 □ A12 □ A13 □ A14 3 2.5 3 2.5 2 2.5 3 2.5 3 2 3 □ A15 □ A16 □ A17 □ A18 □ A19 □ A20 □ A21 □ A22 □ A23 □ A24 □ A25 □ A26 □ A27 3 2 3 2.5 3 2.5 2 2.5 2 Total score A ____Score (min 17.5 – max 70) Check-list of actions

10 Discourage the use of superfluous plastic bags to carry sold items. When requested by the customer, offer only paper, recycled paper, bioplastic or reusable bags. Information to the staff on the environmental engagements taken by the shop and on "IO RIDUCO!" project. Communication to customers on "IO RIDUCO!" project and signalling the eco-friendly products on sale. Adjustment of heating/cooling systems to energy saving principles. Separate waste collection system inside the shop for at least three kinds of material (paper, plastic, glass). Cleaning of the premises with green products with sound environmental certifications. Promotional material print on green paper. Water consumption reduction through flow reducer on the taps of the premises. Involvement in the Municipality communication campaigns for the defence of the environment. Exclusive use of tap water. Decalogue for small retailers

11 ZEROTRADE Diploma


13 Common procedure to grant ZEROTRADE diploma Io Riduco! checklist for large retailers most be applied to very heterogeneous targets, from small supermarkets up to hypermarkets. The applicants for the label have been divided according to their sizes (following the common large retailers' classification): 1Hypermarkets S > 2.500 m² 2Supermarkets 400 m² < S < 2.500 m² 3Small supermarkets 200 m² < S < 400 m² Three different checklists have been developed: 1Environmental performances of the shop 2Sale modalities and products with high environmental performances 3Organic local items and items with ethical social value

14 SectionDescription Hyper M Super Mark. Supe rette s Shops' environmental performance This section contains the evaluation of the retail structure: plant, equipment, features and devices aimed at reducing environmental impact, etc. 282517 Sale modalities and high environmental performances This section concerns the choices relating to: Eco-friendly alternatives in products sales (for ex. products sold on draft, packaging reduction, etc.); High environmental performances products guaranteed by eco-friendly labels (e.g. Ecolabel, Blauer Engel, etc.). 24 12 Local organic products with ethical and social value This section assesses the products sold in the store certifying: - sustainable breeding/growing modalities; - up-grade of the region; - local origin. 20 16 Total726945

15 Minimum score Hypermarkets Minimum score Supermarkets Minimum score Small supermarkets Sale modalities and high environmental performance products 2517,512,5 Environmental performances of the shop 17,51611 Organic local products with ethical and social value 7,5 6 Total minimum score504030 To enter Io Riduco! network, a shop has to exceed the lowest environmental performance thresholds indicated for each section and for the total score, furthermore it has to improve its yearly environmental performances. Common procedure to grant ZEROTRADE diploma

16 The improvement ranges are subdivided in score classes per each type of shop applying for the label in a particular year, and they indicate whether the level of improvement (actions, technologies and/or procedures to be adopted to upgrade the environmental performances) is sufficient to confirm the following year the label awarding and the shop inclusion in Io Riduco! network. Hypermark ets Supermark ets Small supermarkets Class I50 – 59,940 - 49,930 - 39,9 Class II60 – 79,950 - 69,940 - 54,9 Class III80 – 109,970 - 99,955 - 69,9 Class IV110 – 149,9100 - 119,970 - 89,9 Class V150 – 189,9120 - 149,990 - 109,9 Class VI190 - 200150 - 165110 - 120 Yearly environmental performance increase Class of scoreImprovement degree in the year “n+1” Class I+ 10 points Class II+ 8 points Class III+ 6 points Class IV+ 4 points Class V+ 2 points Class VI+ new actions

17 The checklist, filled out and signed by the shop representatives, will be the self- assessment for joining the network. Once it has been self-assessed and declared that the threshold score has been exceeded, the shop is added to the list of shops joining Io Riduco! network and it will enjoy the benefits provided. After the label Io Riduco! has been delivered, an independent body verifies during the following year the shop compliance. In the yearly improvement phase, the large retailers have to gradually improve their environmental performances in order to keep the label onward. Common procedure to grant ZEROTRADE diploma

18 Monitoring Procedure An inspector charged by Cesena Municipality will take an appointment with the owner or the manager, will visit the shop, will verify that the environmental criteria, as mentioned in the shop self-declaration form, are fulfilled and that minimum score is reached. The inspector will draw up a monitoring report indicating all the commitments and actions to be pursued by the shop, with annexed any document (digital format or printed on paper) proving that the verification has been completed. At the end of the verification process the inspector will issue the shop manager or owner with a report describing the verification steps and stating the final evaluation.

19 Criterion that needs to be certifiedDocumentation or integrative action Sale of compostable eco-shoppers (in line with present European standard, Uni En 13432-2002) or reusable bags (e.g. textile bags) If on the eco- shopper the label is not visible, the retailers has to show manufacturer’s certification, in particular, certification of the compostability of the material according to UNI EN 13432-2002. Provide a specimen of the eco-shopper. Staff training on waste management and on "Io Riduco!" circuit (objectives, criteria, actors involved, joining conditions, "Io Riduco!" communication tools) Prove that staff has received a proper training showing training session and providing training material to the examinator. Deep-frozen food department with highly efficient freezers with proofed doors Fridge department with highly efficient machines and proofed doors Provide a copy of specifications of freezers and show consumption and energy efficiency rate. If unavailable ask to the maintenance service. Highly efficient lighting system (led or other energy saving lamps) and maximum natural lighting Provide a copy of specifications of lamps or technical data or documentation proving the real installation of high efficiency lamps. Photovoltaic panels on the roofs or in the parking area or energy supply from at least 75´% renewable sources Provide documentation that show the use or production of renewable energy from a PV plant. Suitable thermal performances of the premises - thermal efficiency (insulation and heat production): - in line with regional rules (D.A.L. 1362/2010) - temperature adjust: 21-23°C in winter and 23-25°C in summer Allow the access to thermal plant and to the thermal regulation equipment. Waste reduction of expired products (e.g. giving nearly expired products to charitable institutions or discounting them for the customers) Show to the examinator the tools and the campaign of the retail outlets to reduce waste.

20 Municipality of Cesena Councillor for Environmental Sustainibility and European Projects Lia Montalti +39 0547 356400 Municipality of Cesena Department for Environment Safety and Territory Elena Giovannini + 39 0547 356215 Web: FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONS

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