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Economic Definitions Profit = Revenue – Cost P(x) = R(x) – C(x) Assume the cost of producing x radios is C(x) =.4x 2 +7x + 95 dollars. A. Find the cost.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Definitions Profit = Revenue – Cost P(x) = R(x) – C(x) Assume the cost of producing x radios is C(x) =.4x 2 +7x + 95 dollars. A. Find the cost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Definitions Profit = Revenue – Cost P(x) = R(x) – C(x) Assume the cost of producing x radios is C(x) =.4x 2 +7x + 95 dollars. A. Find the cost of producing 20 radios. B. Determine the cost of producing the 20 th radio. C. Determine the cost of producing 0 radios.

2 It costs a manufacturer C(x) =.4x 2 +7x + 95 dollars to produce x radios. Each radio can be sold for $40. a. Determine the profit function. b. What is the profit on the manufacture and sale of 25 radios? c. What is the profit on the 25 th radio?

3 Break Even Point occurs when the profit is zero or when revenue equals costs. Break even: P(x) = 0 or R(x) = C(x) A manufacturer of plastic containers for compact disks has a profit function P(x) =.3x – 150, where x is the number of CD containers produced and sold. How many containers must be made and sold to break even.

4 The cost and revenue function for a business are given by C(x)=20x + 1250 and R(x)=50x -.1x 2. For what value of x will the business break even?

5 The relationship between price and consumer demand is given by a demand equation. This equation is usually some type of inverse variation. As the price increases, the demand decreases. The relationship between the price per unit to a supplier and the number of items supplied is given by a supply function. This equation is usually some type of direct variation. As price increases, supply increases.

6 Revenue is the money that is earned by selling x items of a product. Revenue is the product of the number of items sold and the price of each item. R(x) = x ∙ p x = number of items sold p = price per item Use the demand function p=80-.2x to construct the revenue function and then find the total revenue from the sale of 90 units.

7 The total cost function is the product of the number of items produced and the cost per item plus the fixed costs. C(x) = x∙ p + (fixed costs) x=number of items p=cost per item Use the supply function p=.02x+3 to construct the cost function, then find the total cost of supplying 85 units. Assume there are no fixed costs.

8 Equilibrium Point occurs when the supply of a product equals the demand of the product. (Supply is the amount that producers are willing to produce and sell. Demand is the amount that consumers are willing to buy.)

9 Suppose the demand function for a product is p=17-.2x and the supply equation is p=.4x+8. a. Find the equilibrium quantity. b. Find the equilibrium price. c. Find the equilibrium point.

10 assignment Page 50 Problems 2-14 even, 18,20,24,28,30,32 Page 52 Problems 2,4

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