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Tools of the Biologist Simple Microscope- Magnifying glass Light Microscope- Using light to produce an enlarged view of the object Magnification- The ratio.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools of the Biologist Simple Microscope- Magnifying glass Light Microscope- Using light to produce an enlarged view of the object Magnification- The ratio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools of the Biologist Simple Microscope- Magnifying glass Light Microscope- Using light to produce an enlarged view of the object Magnification- The ratio of the image size to the actual object size. Ex. 100x Compound Microscope- Uses 2 lenses. The fist lens enlarges image and the second lens increases the optical and mechanical light system.

2 Parts of the Compound Microscope Optical- Ocular lens (eyepiece) & Objective lens Mechanical- Structural parts that hold the specimen Resolution (resolving power)- the ability to show two points that are close together as separate images. It gives a sharper image.

3 What do you know? Ocular Lens Base Fine adjustment knob Stage 1 3 2 4 5 6 Microscope Diagram

4 Dissecting Microscope: Twin tube microscope that produces only a 3D image. Used for opaque objects. Phase contrast Microscope: Used for living specimen that are unstained

5 Electron Microscopes- Electron beams are utilized as well as electromagnetic lenses and a camera. They can have up to 250, 000 times greater magnification capability. 2 Types: 1.Transmission EM- The electron beams are directed through a vacuum chamber 2.Scanning EM- the beam passes back and forth over the specimen.

6 Electron Microscope

7 Preparation of Specimens 1.Fixation- Cutting and soaking the specimen 2.Embedding- Place specimen in liquid wax 3.Section- Slicing (thin sections to put on a glass slide)

8 LAB TECHNIQUES Centrifugation- Materials of different densities are placed in liquid an separated by spinning. Centrifuges and ultracentrifuges rotate from 40 to 100,000 times per minute


10 Chromatography (Liquid or Gas) – It is used to separate different substances from each other based on chemical and physical properties

11 Spectrophotometry Determining the identity of a substance by showing the kind and amount of light absorbed by the sample.

12 Electrophoresis- Separating substances on gel media made of particles that have an electrical charge. Used in DNA crime investigations and paternity.

13 Microdissection- Tiny instruments used to perform operation on living cells. Staining- Iodine and Methylene blue are 2 stains that are put into organisms to increase the ability to see organelles. Computers- Used to collect, store, and analyze data Tissue Culture- Maintain cells in a media outside the body of the organism. Ex. Specimens in formaldehdye in a jar

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