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LUTHER VANDROSS  Luther Vandross, a popular R&b singer suffered from a debilitating stroke in April 2003 and was in a coma for nearly two months; HE.

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Presentation on theme: "LUTHER VANDROSS  Luther Vandross, a popular R&b singer suffered from a debilitating stroke in April 2003 and was in a coma for nearly two months; HE."— Presentation transcript:


2 LUTHER VANDROSS  Luther Vandross, a popular R&b singer suffered from a debilitating stroke in April 2003 and was in a coma for nearly two months; HE EVNTUALLY RECOVERED. He died at the early age of 54 from complications of the 2003 stroke on July 1, 2005. Vandross struggled with health and image problems. He suffered from hypertension and diabetes, which killed two siblings and his father, but refused to slow down until his stroke in 2003.

3 How much is known about stroke? T or F: 1)Stroke is the 10 th leading cause of death in America. False: It’s the 3 rd leading cause

4 Questions continued 2 ) Stroke is not a major cause for adult disability. False: Stroke is the #1 cause of adult disability.

5 So Lets Answer The Main Question…  What is a stroke?  A disease in which a blood clot blocks an artery or if a blood vessel breaks; this prevents blood from reaching to an area of the brain. As a result, brain cells die and this unfortunately leads to brain damage.

6 Types of Stroke ISCHEMIC STROKE HEMORRHAGIC STROKE ccaused from the blockage of arteries by blood clots or by the accumulation of plaque and other fatty deposits.  85% of all strokes are ischemic.  caused by a blood vessel in the brain that had broken and has leaked blood in the brain.  accounts for about 15% of all strokes BUT IS the cause for more than 30% of all stroke deaths in the brain.

7 TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is when blood flow to a part of the brain stops for a brief period of time. A person will have stroke like symptoms for up to 24 hours, but in most cases for 1 - 2 hours. A TIA is felt to be a warning sign that a true stroke may happen in the future if something is not done to prevent it.

8 Symptoms PPain that a stroke patient suffers depends on the amount of parts of their brain that has been affected. TThe area of the brain damaged, causes changes or symptoms in the body which include:  slurred speeches ttrouble moving parts of the body(left or right side). aa sudden severe headache without knowing why. EEven a person’s memory can be affected!

9 Who is affected?  Stroke can happen to anyone despite their race, gender or age. Most people may think that strokes only happen to old people but surprisingly 1/3 of 780,000 U.S. stroke victims each year are under age 65!  Most African-Americans are affected by stroke on a regular basis than other ethnic groups. Why?

10  1:3 African-Americans suffer from high blood pressure which is the # 1 risk factor that can cause stroke.  Diabetes is prevalent in many African- Americans.(in general, people who have diabetes are prone to have a high stroke risk.)  Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that is found in people of African descent. If sickle-shaped cells block a blood vessel to the brain, a stroke can happen.  Obesity and smoking are two other reasons that can increase risk for stroke.

11 Treatments  Surgery -Carotid endarterectomy is one type of surgery that takes out fatty residue that clogs the carotid artery in the neck and could lead to a stroke.  TPA, or tissue plasminogen activator- a medicine that helps to prevent the clotting of blood.  Physical therapy- to regain movement, balance,  Occupational therapy -to learn simple actions such as bathing and dressing.  Speech therapy –to learn how to talk better again

12  It is always good to know what to do in case a person has stroke. When this occurs YOU MUST ALWAYS ACT SWIFTLY because stroke is DANGEROUS! Here is a test created by the National Stroke Association that can help you detect this disease early.

13 Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward ? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Does the speech sound slurred or strange? If you observe any of the signs, it’s time to call 9-1-1 or get to the nearest stroke center or hospital!


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