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SHOULDER: Rehabilitation protocols: protecting the repair Tim Anne, PT Physical Therapist and Owner Lattimore Physical Therapy.

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Presentation on theme: "SHOULDER: Rehabilitation protocols: protecting the repair Tim Anne, PT Physical Therapist and Owner Lattimore Physical Therapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHOULDER: Rehabilitation protocols: protecting the repair Tim Anne, PT Physical Therapist and Owner Lattimore Physical Therapy

2 What is overall objective for rehab?  Restore structural mobility  Strengthen dynamic stabilizers of glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joints  Address kinetic chain deficits to reduce overall loading onto shoulder (i.e. Core stabilization)

3 PT’s must monitor patient’s exercise quality for improved efficiency throughout rehab

4 Common Surgical Procedures seen by PT’s Bankart Repair (Anterior vs. Posterior) SLAP Tears Laterjet Capsular shift

5 ROM  Strength  Endurance Do not need to wait until patient has full ROM to initiate strengthening Address muscular endurance as gross strength improves

6 Bankart Procedure

7 Match the protocol to the patient!

8 Open vs. Arthroscopic  Open – protect subscapularis by not introducing resisted IR for 6 weeks  Arthroscopic – can begin cuff strengthening much earlier

9 Bankart Repair Immediate Considerations Sling  2-6 weeks depending on doctor preference  Sleep with sling for up to 6 weeks  Educate on proper sleeping positions Ice  3-5x/day for 10-20 minutes

10 Bankart Repair Protocol P/AAROM (0-4 Weeks)  Flexion 0-90 degrees  ER (at 0 deg abd) 0-15 degrees depending on doctor preference  IR to tolerance

11 Bankart Repair Protocol P/AAROM (4-8 Weeks)  Flexion – progress as tolerated at 6 weeks  ER (at 45 deg abd) progress 5-10 degrees/week  IR slowly progress to full

12 Bankart Repair Protocol P/AAROM (8-12 Weeks)  All ROM to be progressed to full by week 12  May begin PROM/joint mobs if goals are not met by week 12

13 Bankart Repair Protocol Therapeutic Exercises (0-4 Weeks)  Putty/Towel Squeeze  Pendulum  Scapular Retractions/Depressions  Shoulder Shrugs At Week 3, initiate:  Isometric ER  Isometric IR (if no open repair)

14 Bankart Repair Protocol Therapeutic Exercises (6-8 Weeks)  Posterior Capsule Stretch (Crossed Body)  Sleeper Stretch  Posterior Joint Mobilizations  Prone Scapular Exercises Ext/Row/Horiz Abd/Scaption  Sidelying ER/Abd  T-Band Ext/IR/ER to neutral  Standing Flexion/Scaption  Wall Push-Up

15 -No weight until able to easily perform 30 reps with limb weight OR -When proper scapulohumeral & scapulothoracic timing is achieved


17 Bankart Repair Protocol Therapeutic Exercises (8-12 Weeks)  Alphabet Stabilization (OKC vs CKC)  PNF Patterns with T-band  Prone W’s  Quadruped Rocking  Push-Up Progressions Wall/Table/Floor  Begin higher level rhythmic stabilizations and proprioceptive training

18 Bankart Repair Protocol Therapeutic Exercises (3-6 Months)  Aggressive Stretching as needed  Increase load with resistance training (higher reps/lower weight)  DYNAMIC STABILIZATION DRILLS  Initiation of: Plyometrics Throwing program Sports specific program Eccentric loading







25 Thank you!

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