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ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF POWER SYSTEMS: A CIGRÉ PERSPECTIVE P. Argaut, E. Ferreira Figueiredo, A. Negri, C.A. Nucci (responsible member), C. Rajotte, Ph. Southwell,

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Presentation on theme: "ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF POWER SYSTEMS: A CIGRÉ PERSPECTIVE P. Argaut, E. Ferreira Figueiredo, A. Negri, C.A. Nucci (responsible member), C. Rajotte, Ph. Southwell,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF POWER SYSTEMS: A CIGRÉ PERSPECTIVE P. Argaut, E. Ferreira Figueiredo, A. Negri, C.A. Nucci (responsible member), C. Rajotte, Ph. Southwell, J. Vanzetta. Cigré TC Project – Energy Efficiency TC Meeting – Barcelona, March 25-28, 2012

2 1.Scope 2.The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters 3.CIGRE and CIGRE Response 4.CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 5.Conclusions Cigré TC Project – Energy Efficiency

3 1.Scope 2.The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters 3.CIGRE and CIGRE Response 4.CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 5.Conclusions Cigré TC Project – Energy Efficiency

4 This document is intended for decisions makers and politicians. It presents the results of the TC works, what we are convinced are the right questions, and forwards relevant messages on the issue. The final aim is to analyze existing situations illustrating the complexity of the concept. (So far) Cigré Study Committees involved in its preparation are: A1 – Rotating Electrical Machines A2 – Transformers B1 – Insulated cables C1 – System Development and Economics C2 – System Operation and Control C3 – System Environmental Performance C4 – System Technical Performance Scope

5 1.Scope 2.The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters 3.CIGRE and CIGRE Response 4.CIGRE Technical Committee Projects on Energy Efficiency 5.Conclusions Cigré TC Project – Energy Efficiency

6 The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

7 North America South America Europe Africa Middle East Asia Oceania RESERVES 909 Gt PRODUCTION 4.8 Gt/year CONSUMPTION 4.8 Gt/year 50 255 20 258 247 0.4 79 RESERVES 909 Gt PRODUCTION 4.8 Gt/year Survey of Energy Resources 2004 Coal The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

8 2010 Rserve 861 Gt Production 6,7 Gt/year Consumption 6,7 Gt/ year PRODUCTION 6.7 Gt/year RESERVES 861 Gt Survey of Energy Resources 2010 Coal The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

9 year Source: WEC “Survey of Energy Resources”, 2010 The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

10 There is availability of fossil energy resources and this will be the case for several more years Sustainability however is not granted forever Environmental impact is another major issue  Use of renewables and increase of system efficiency is mandatory  Note that the use of renewables has major implications on the concept/appraisal of system efficiency The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

11 The mission of modern and future power systems is to supply electric energy satisfying conflicting requirements: reliability and security of supply economic/rational use of energy protection of the environment The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

12 Smart grid – Europe Technology Platform Smart Grid will help The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

13 Total Renewables only 11 th Inventory 2009 ed. of worldwide Electric energy production from renewable energy resources The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

14 pro-capite consumption in kWh - 2008 11 th Inventory 2009 ed. of worldwide Electric energy production from renewable energy resources The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

15 Source: 11 th Inventory 2009 ed. of worldwide energy production from renewable energy resources Increase of pro-capite consumption in kWh - 2008 The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters


17 World Energy Council  “Energy efficiency improvements refer to a reduction in the energy used for a given service (heating, lighting, etc.) or level of activity” Electric Power Systems: 1950  improvement of single parts, no system approach 1970  Oil shocks  energy efficiency program (consume less, etc) 1980  cheap oil  decreasing concern 1990  deregulation  disaggregation  sub-system approach 2000  climate change  increasing concern The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

18 A balanced approach to the overall efficiency of the power system is a necessary starting point. We shall take into account: System component efficiency including energy efficient devices System operational strategies, possibly making use of emerging technology options, with particular emphasis on renewables exploitation. Network loss reduction considered in conjunction with other factors to avoid suboptimal dispatch of generation which ensures that these reductions are due to system improvements. Use of storage to support intermittent generation even if it is a long way from the generation source as this may still result in the most efficient overall solution. The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

19 COMPONENT EFFICIENCY The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

20 SYSTEM OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES To maximize energy output from a wind turbine  control of coefficient of efficiency (Cp). Theoretical maximum value of Cp is 0.593 (Betz’s Law). In practice, Cp values close to 0.4 are achievable. The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

21 (source: GSE, Italy) NETWORK LOSSESS in Italy >6% (to be extended) Electric power production and consumption – year 2008 The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

22 Italian electricity production from hydro source [GWh] Source: GSE 2008 STORAGE in Italy about 1/3 of hydro The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters

23 System Efficiency System Components Generation Dispatch & Renewables Network Losses Storage The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters


25 1.Scope 2.The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters 3.CIGRE and CIGRE Response 4.CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 5.Conclusions Cigré TC Project – Energy Efficiency

26 Technical activities organized into 16 Study Committees, operating constantly 200 Working Groups, grouping together over 2000 experts within the electric energy sector from all over the world, who are ideally positioned to express the views of industry and academia. Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques International council on large electric systems Cigré Response

27 The 16 Study Committees of A1Rotating Electrical Machines A2Transformers A3High Voltage Equipment B1Insulated Cables B2Overhead Lines B3Substations B4HVDC and Power Electronics B5Protection and Automation C1System Development and Economics C2System Operation and Control C3System Environmental Performance C4System Technical Performance C5Electricity Markets and Regulation C6Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation D1Materials and Emerging Technologies D2Information Systems and Telecommunication Technical Committee Cigré Response

28 The 16 Study Committees of A1Rotating Electrical Machines A2Transformers A3High Voltage Equipment B1Insulated Cables B2Overhead Lines B3Substations B4HVDC and Power Electronics B5Protection and Automation C1System Development and Economics C2System Operation and Control C3System Environmental Performance C4System Technical Performance C5Electricity Markets and Regulation C6Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation D1Materials and Emerging Technologies D2Information Systems and Telecommunication Cigré Response The 16 Study Committees of

29 The 16 Study Committees of A1Rotating Electrical Machines A2Transformers A3High Voltage Equipment B1Insulated Cables B2Overhead Lines B3Substations B4HVDC and Power Electronics B5Protection and Automation C1System Development and Economics C2System Operation and Control C3System Environmental Performance C4System Technical Performance C5Electricity Markets and Regulation C6Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation D1Materials and Emerging Technologies D2Information Systems and Telecommunication Cigré Response The 16 Study Committees of

30 Informal survey conducted with CIGRE Study Committee Chairmen  was energy efficiency work is evolving along two main directions. 1.Continual efficiency improvement in equipment such as transformers, lines and rotating machines is being examined. This work is incremental and fundamental to the work of a number of CIGRE Study Committees. 2.Secondly, at a broader level, the C committees are considering system architecture aspects of the whole power system, including opportunities for indirect influence on generation and consumption Cigré Response


32 1.Scope 2.The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters 3.CIGRE and CIGRE Response 4.CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 5.Conclusions Cigré TC Project – Energy Efficiency

33 This review of energy efficiency is based on the following four priority technical areas: 1.High efficiency equipment 2.Emerging Technological Options 3.New Network Topologies 4.Energy Storage The following captures the work being done by CIGRE SCs CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency

34 SC A1 Generators SC A2 Transformers SC A3 High Voltage Equipment SC B1 Cables SC B2 Lines SC B4 HVDC and Power Electronics Standardization CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 1.High efficiency equipment

35 SC A1 Real time plant monitoring SC A1 Polymer Nano-composites SC A1 Superconducting Apparatus SC C6 Micro load control and automation SC C6 Demand Side Integration CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 2. Emerging Technological Options

36 SC C1 Coordinated planning SC C2 System optimisation SC C1 and SC C6 Micro-grid Technologies Integrated approach CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 3. New Network Topologies

37 Generation Transmission and distribution SC A1 Pumped Storage Plants SC A1 Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage SC D2 Flywheels - CAS CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 4. Energy Storage

38 CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency

39 1.Scope 2.The importance of Energy Efficiency and Definition of Parameters 3.CIGRE and CIGRE Response 4.CIGRE Technical Committee Project on Energy Efficiency 5.Conclusions Cigré TC Project – Energy Efficiency

40 Energy Efficiency  crucial for minimizing environmental impact For Electric Power Systems  1.System component efficiency including energy efficient devices 2.System operational strategies that take into account the use of renewables 3.Network loss reduction (sometimes in contrast with 2) 4.Use of storage On-going activity carried out by CIGRE Study Committees on the four priority technical areas relevant to Energy Efficiency, namely high efficiency equipment; emerging technological options; new network topologies; and energy storage have been briefly illustrated. It is worth reminding that Points 2 and 4  development of smart grid (Network of the future)  The two TC projects are coupled Conclusions

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