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Feedback. Planning  Spend time analysing the question. What exactly is the question asking?  Do not choose a question that you do not actually understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Feedback. Planning  Spend time analysing the question. What exactly is the question asking?  Do not choose a question that you do not actually understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feedback

2 Planning  Spend time analysing the question. What exactly is the question asking?  Do not choose a question that you do not actually understand.  Create a thesis statement/argument which clearly communicates your argument/attitude/opinion that will form the foundation of your entire response.  Create a plan for your essay. This will help you to respond to the question, focus your topic sentences and select relevant select relevant supporting evidence.  Ensure that all of your topic sentences clearly link to/support your thesis statement.

3  Your introduction should include a thesis statement/argument which responds to all parts/aspects of the essay topic.  Each topic sentence should clearly address the essay question and link to the thesis statement/argument. A topic sentence should not be a plot summary, a description of a character, or an example or evidence from the text. The marker should be able to read your topic sentence and know what topic/idea for that paragraph.  Evidence or examples which are used to support your discussion should be introduced and/or blended into your discussion. Randomly dropping quotes or examples into your paragraphs, without introduction or explanation, doesn’t work.

4  Even though the essay question may not specifically request this, any essay on film should include a range of relevant references to production techniques which support your argument. NAME/DEFINE THE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE. These should be carefully woven into your discussion.  Production techniques are any aspect that has gone into the creation of a shot/scene/film. These include, camera shots and angles, camera movement, diegetic and/or non-diegetic sound, lighting, use of props, costume, colour, mise en scene, character action …

5  These need to be relevant.  Please don’t suddenly shift from discussing the text to a connection – there needs to be some statements that link these together.  Make sure you relate your connection back to your argument/thesis statement and text.  Students who made relevant comments about human behaviour/nature often showed the greatest perception.  Students who suddenly shifted their discussion to a similar text, individual or event did not do this convincingly.

6 Question 1 “Visual or oral texts present us with a world in crisis to initiate social commentary”  This question asks how by showing a world in a state of conflict/crisis your film leads you to think about the state of your own world/existence’  The state of ‘crisis’ in your text had to be clearly defined.  Links then needed to be made regarding what that crisis taught you/made you consider about your world.

7 Question Two: “A study of visual or oral texts shows us that the self is an ever changing thing.”  This question was generally answered well.  Many students chose to simply follow the growth or change of a character(s) throughout the course of the film. This was not always a convincing approach.  Paragraphs could have been structured around the way in which a character(s) continue to change/grow/develop.

8 Question Three: “Visual or Oral text(s) transport us from our daily lives in order to better understand them.”  It is important that a response to this question doesn’t just focus on how a text ‘transports’ us. Reference to how we then, gain a better understanding of our own lives is important.  Paragraphs could have been structured according to the various ways in which texts ‘transport’ us.

9  This question needed to clearly address how the characters ‘challenged conventions’, or went against the commonly accepted norm of behaviour.  Further to this, an argument needed to be developed which demonstrated that these characters are the most interesting.

10 Question Five: “Traditional storyline patterns are the most effective way to deliver clear messages.”  This question was generally not well answered.  A clear definition of what you considered to be ‘traditional storyline patterns’ should have been at the forefront of this essay.  Reference then needed to be made as to why these are the most effective way to teach the viewer about important themes/ideas/issues.

11  Simply discussing a range of conflicts in your text was not sufficient for this question.  Discussion of the concept of not being able to ‘choose sides’ is vital.  Paragraphs could have been structured around how the nature of the/each conflict made it difficult to make a preference or follow one argument/train of thought.

12  This question was a little ambiguous. It could have been approached in two different ways.  Uncertainties developed throughout the film could have been discussed. (Because of these, we are uncertain at the end of the film)  OR  Uncertainties linked specifically to the ending could have been discussed.

13  This was a ‘popular’ choice.  The concept of dark needed to be clearly defined with many students reflecting on themes which demonstrated the ‘dark’ side of human nature.  This then needed to be linked to some clear ideas as to the importance/relevance of this information to the viewers understanding of the film/society.

14  It is important that this does not become an essay about ‘suffering’.  The ‘survival’ of that suffering needs to be addressed. This could be a physical or emotional survival.  Further to this, discussion regarding the way in which this script kept the viewer engaged is vital.

15  This was a good choice for those wanting to use the material from their Close Viewing Internal Report.  Paragraphs could have focussed on the aims/purpose/intentions of the director with reference to specific techniques to demonstrate these OR  The production techniques could have led the way for a discussion of your chosen director’s aims

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