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Prepared by : Nishant .A. Raval

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1 Prepared by : Nishant .A. Raval
HIGH PRESSURE BOILER Prepared by : Nishant .A. Raval Roll no: 12 me 104

2 Introduction Boiler is an apparatus to produce steam. Thermal energy released by combustion of fuel is transferred to water, which vaporizes and gets converted into steam at the desired temperature and pressure. The steam produced is used for: Producing mechanical work by expanding it in steam engine or steam turbine. Heating the residential and industrial buildings. Performing certain processes in the sugar mills, chemical and textile industries.

3 A Boiler Should Fulfil The Following Requirements
Safety Accessibility Capacity Efficiency Low initial and maintenance cost Simple in construction It should have no joints exposed to flames Should be capable of quick starting and loading

4 Types of Boiler According to flow of water and hot gases. Water tube:
In water tube boilers, water circulates through the tubes and hot products of combustion flow over these tubes. 2. Fire tube: In fire tube boiler the hot products of combustion pass through the tubes, which are surrounded, by water.

5 High Pressure Boilers Why High Pressure Boilers?
To increase the efficiency of power plant and to reduce the cost of the electricity production high pressure boiler is used. Its become possible to increase the pressure and temperature of boilers because of the development of the material.

6 Advantages of High Pressure Boiler
Due to use of forced circulation, there is freedom in the arrangement of furnace, tubes and boiler components. Because of the forced circulation is used, components can be arranged horizontally. All the parts are uniformly heated, therefore danger of overheating is reduced and thermal stress problem is simplified. The efficiency of plant is increased up to 40 to 42%. Rapid start from cold is possible so it can be used as stand by purpose. The differential expansion is reduced due to uniform temperature and this reduces the possibility of gas and air leakages. The tendency of scale formation is eliminated due to high velocity of water through the tubes.

7 La Mont Boiler

8 Characteristic of La Mont Boiler
A centrifugal pump circulates the water equal to 8 to 10 times the weight of steam evaporated. Because of the large circulation of water overheating is prevented. These boiler have been built to generate 45 to 50 tons of superheated steam at a pressure of 120 bar, and at a temperature of 500 C Main disadvantage of this boiler is formation and attachment of bubbles on the inner surfaces of the heating tubes

9 Once Through Boiler Beyond 200 bar there is reduction in effectiveness of boiler drum in separating the saturated steam from water. And hence, beyond 200 bar drum less boiler is envisaged. Difficulties: The purity of water and make-up water becomes more and more important. Availability of suitable material to withstand such a high pressure and temperature.

10 Benson Boiler The main difficulty experienced in the La Mont boiler is the formation and attachment of bubbles on the inner surfaces of the heating tubes. Benson in 1922 argued that if the boiler pressure was raised to critical pressure (225 atm.), the steam and water would have the same density and therefore the danger of bubble formation can be completely. Benson boiler having temperature as high as 6500C, pressure up to 500 bar and steam generation capacity of 150 tonnes/hr are in use.


12 Advantages and Disadvantages
There is no drum so weight is reduced by 20% than other boilers. Pipe joints are welded, so erection of the boiler is easier and quicker as all parts are welded at sites. Transportation is easy as there is no drum and majority of parts are carried to sites without pre-assembly. Can be started very quickly. Insensitive to load fluctuation. Blow-down losses of Benson boiler are hardly 4% of natural circulation boilers of same capacity. Major problem is salt deposition when all remaining water is converted into steam in transformation zone. To avoid this the boiler is flashed out after every 4000 working hours to remove salt.

13 Loeffler Boiler

14 Characteristic Of Loeffler Boiler
Problem of salt deposition in Benson boiler is eliminated in Loeffler boiler as most of the steam is generated outside from the feed water using part of the superheated steam coming out from the boiler. About 65% of steam from super-heater is used to evaporate the feed water and 35% of steam is supplied to H.P. turbine. Special design nozzle is used to distribute the superheated steam through the water into evaporator drum to avoid noise. This boiler can carry higher salt concentration than any other type and is more compact than indirectly heated boilers having natural circulation. Generating capacity is of 100 tones/hr and operating at 140 bar.

15 Schmidt Hartmann Boiler

16 Characteristic of Schmidt-hartmann Boiler
Two pressure are used to effect an interchange of energy. Primary circuit use distilled water at 100 bar pressure. Natural circulation is used in primary circuit. Secondary circuit is used to produce steam at 60 bar. Because of use of distilled water in primary circuit, salt deposition problem is eliminated. And salt deposited in secondary circuit can be easily brushed off. Wide fluctuation of load are easily taken by this boiler.

17 Velox Boiler

18 Characteristics of Velox Boiler
When the gas velocity exceeds the sound-velocity, the heat is transferred from the gas at a much higher rate than rates achieved with sub-sonic flow. High heat release rates (40 MW/m3). Circulation ratio varies from 10 to 20. Low excess air is required as the pressurised air is used and the problem of draught is simplified. It is very compact generating unit and has greater flexibility. It can be quickly started even though the separator has a storage capacity of about 10% of the maximum hourly output.

19 Super Critical Boiler They are designed to operate in the ranges of 225 bar and 510oC to 300 bar and 600oC, and characterized as super critical boilers. Heat transfer rate is very large compare to other boilers. Higher thermal efficiency of power plant can be achieved. Problem of erosion and corrosion are minimized. Adaptable to load fluctuation and it can meet peak load demand easily.

20 Supercharged Boiler

21 Characteristics of Supercharged Boiler
Combustion is carried out under pressure in the c.c. by supplying the compressed air. The exhaust gases from the c.c. are used to run gas turbine as they are at high pressure. The heat transfer surface required is hardly 25 to 30% of that required for conventional boilers. Rapid start is possible. Better response to control. G.T. output can be used to run other auxiliaries. Number of operators required is less than conventional boiler plant

22 Thank You

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