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Goal 12 Part 2 Conservative Movement Reagan –George H.W. Bush Persian Gulf War – Op Desert Storm.

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1 Goal 12 Part 2 Conservative Movement Reagan –George H.W. Bush Persian Gulf War – Op Desert Storm

2 1980 Presidential Election Regan Vs. Carter Why did Carter lose? __________________________ “CONSERVATIVISM” (VERY RIGHT) Ronald Reagan (1980-1988) – Republican VP – George H.W. Bush - Reaganomics- (3 MAIN Pillars) (1) budget cuts (reduction in government spending) (2) tax cuts (3) increased defense spending

3 Reaganomics (1) Budget Cuts – downsizing the federal government (ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS) = Ex. Government spending on Medicaid & Medicare (LBJ) (2) Tax Cuts / supply-side economics (pay fewer taxes = save $) - $ that people save they put in the bank / Banks loan this $ to businesses to improve productivity. The increased supply of goods would force prices to go down…which results to “Trickle Down Economics” – the policy of providing tax cuts or other benefits to businesses and rich individuals, in the belief that this will indirectly benefit the broad population *What OTHER president believed in this>>> (Great Depression) LONG TERM EFFECTS: INCREASED NATIONAL DEBT / lack of federal revenue because of lack of high taxes  (3) Defense spending - $ in programs that would help “defend” America (missiles) ***** SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) or Star Wars *****



6 Supreme Court Justices (Conservative) Reagan appoints “SANDRA DAY O’CONNER” to the Supreme Court – First woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court William Rehnquist – most conservative justice ever

7 1984 Presidential Election Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush vs. Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro – first woman on a major party ticket Result: Reagan wins in a landslide! ******************************************************* Texas V. Johnson (1989) – “Flag Burning” is protected as free speech under the 1 st Amend. (Protesting Reagan in 1984)

8 Reagan and Nicaragua Nicaragua is engulfed in civil war Somoza Family (rigged elections and assassinated political rivals) VS. the Sandinistas (supposed communist) Reagan’s reaction: (Afraid of the spread of communism) cuts off aid to the Sandinistas and puts the aid toward the CONTRAS (against the Sandinistas) *All without congressional approval so….. 3 parties – Somoza vs. Sandinistas vs. Contras

9 Iran Contra Affair (1986) “Reagan’s Political Scandal _ *After a failed attempt to assassinate Khomeini, Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists (funded by Iran) took 6 American hostages Weapons are supposed to go to Nicaragua Contras (anti-communist) BUT…Reagan diverts these weapons to Iran in exchange for cooperation in the hostage situation Perception: we traded weapons to an enemy in the Middle East – but never got the hostages (Selling guns to our enemy – made Israel mad) *Oliver North (Scapegoat) – order to move the weapons

10 GRENADA and Panama Grenada – Caribbean Island *developing into a Communist island – 2,000 American troops are sent by Reagan in 1983. Reagan’s defense: stop communism (18 soldiers killed) established pro-democracy gov’t Panama – Manuel Noriega (US $)- working with S. American drug lords and violating US embargo of Cuba America marched in and took him by force and hair bands (TWISTED SISTER) Result: Some Latin governments view America as “Yankee Imperialist” and some support our efforts

11 1980s Social Concerns Health issues – AIDS / Abortion & War on Drugs ***NANCY REAGAN “JUST SAY NO!” African Americans ***Jesse Jackson (ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 84 and 88) - first African American to make a very serious run for the presidency

12 Challenger Space Shuttle Explosion The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster broke apart in 73 seconds after it’s takeoff over the Florida Coast

13 1988 Presidential Election George H.W. Bush WINS (REP) VERY CONSERVATIVE – focused on promoting moral/family goals *****NEW WORLD ORDER Speech******** Policemen of the World (Controlling conduct of nations) Supreme Court appointee by Bush Sr. - Clarence Thomas (CON) take the place of Thurgood Marshall

14 COLD WAR ENDS 1945 -1991 What starts Cold War? 1985, Soviet Union gains a new leader *Mikhail Gorbachev* - initiates CHANGE in the Soviet Union **************************************************** (1) Glasnost (2) Perestroika

15 Gorbachev & S.U. Key Reforms Glasnost – “openness” – opened criticism of the federal government in S.U. / and freedom of the press Perestroika – called for less government control of the economy and more private investors = steps toward a DEMOCRATIC NATION Problem: Soviets become VERY nationalistic! WHAT ENDS THE COLD WAR???? Basically, unheard of democratic ideas destroyed the Soviet Union

16 Destruction of the Berlin Wall 1989, East Germany opened Berlin Berlin Wall – ugly physical symbol of iron curtain / communism

17 Communism continues in China 1980s / China begins to loosen their grip on their people – more democratic ideas 1989, university students in China held protests / demonstrations  Beijing’s Tiananmen Square – Chinese Students constructed versions of the Statue of Liberty to symbolize their struggle for democracy  Chinese government – “crush the protesters”  Chinese Protesters’ Fight? ___________________

18 Tiananmen Square

19 Persian Gulf War (1991) *Iran vs. Iraq (Saddam Hussein) Iraq claims that “KUWAIT” is part of Iraq Kuwait – oil-rich land! Aug, 1990 – Iraqi troops invade KUWAIT President George H. W. Bush*(1988 winner) steps up and announces a war against Iraqi aggression! (NEW WORLD ORDER)


21 Operation Desert Storm PURPOSE: to liberate “KUWAIT” Jan.1991 – U.S. led a massive air attack on Iraq with a successful ground attack on Saudi Arabia America was led by COLIN POWELL Feb. 1991 – Bush announces a cease fire Main Result: Operation Desert Storm was over & “Kuwait was liberated”

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