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Welcome To Our Presentation

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1 Welcome To Our Presentation

2 We want to market Green Coconut Water
We want to market Green Coconut Water. We have prepared this feasibility plan on that basis. We have assigned a name for the product as “Jaul”. Since the raw materials are very much available in our country, we have decided to give the product an indigenous image.

3 Jaul is a kind of soft drink that provides the consumers with processed green coconut water in bottles. For the marketing purpose of the product we have decided to launch three product lines. The Jaul would be launched in the market at 250 ml. 500 ml. and 1 Litre bottle.

4 Market Description Bangladesh is a country of about 150 million people.. The total market size of the soft drink industry is about 20 million and day by day it is increasing. Lots of people are looking for such a product. Green Coconuts are not available all the time. For example: a person walking on the street. Suddenly he feels thirsty. Now if he wishes to drink green coconut water he cannot find it easily.

5 Market Segments We have segmented the market in the following sectors:
Geographic Segmentation: Sylhet Rajshahi Khulna & Barishal Chittagong Dhaka Demographics: Individuals Family Sportsman Business buyer

6 Psychographics: Higher class Higher mid class Middle class Behavioral: Sick people Health conscious Sophisticated who take the new product from the market

7 Target market and projections:
Our target is to maximize profit by providing maximum satisfaction to the consumers. Analyzing all the segments, we decided our target market according to our product category. The target customers of “Jaul” are sick people, health conscious people, sportsmen and tourists.

8 Competitive Analysis The Soft drink industry is very much competitive. Many soft drink companies have acquired a significant portion of the market. But the unique features of “Jaul” will take it far beyond the reach of the competitor. Because, no one has yet thought about selling green coconut water in such a specialized way.

9 SWOT analysis: The product existence in the future is depending on its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats analysis: Strengths: 1. Available input materials 2. Low production cost 3. Technological and marketing knowledge 4. Strong distribution channel Easy manufacturing process Reasonable price

10 Weaknesses: Opportunities: It is easy to copy the idea by others
Taste differ from the natural green coconut water Green coconut water cannot be preserved for longer period Opportunities: 1. Monopoly market 2. Large market 3. High demand 4. Might have a chance to get subsidies by Govt. to export

11 Threats: 1. High competition in future by copying the idea
2. Entrance of new product 3. Alternatives are avoidable in some segment 4. Uncertainty of launching a new product.

12 Competitor Analysis The major soft drinks and juice companies of current market are: Pran Groups Starship Uro Cola RC Cola Coca cola Pepsi Acme Danish Foreign Products etc.

13 Strategies against competitors:
To compete with the major competitors we can adopt the following measures: Providing the best service to create high customer satisfaction Reasonable and acceptable pricing Promising and providing top quality product Launching highly effective mass promotional activities Continuous innovation and modification of the products Creating and maintaining long term customer relationship Creating “Brand Loyalty” among the target consumers

14 Market Plan Pricing Strategies We have decided to set a reasonable price for our product when we will develop it. We considered many factors in setting the pricing policy. We will describe a six-step procedure: Setting the pricing objectives Determining Demand

15 Estimating costs Types of cost and level of production Analyzing competitor’s costs, prices and offer Selecting a pricing method

16 Promotional Strategies
To acquire a strong position in the market, we need to give special emphasis on effective promotional activities. In order to get the maximum market share we will have to use all four tools of marketing promotion. Advertising: We initially will give more emphasis on paper ads and TV commercials.

17 We have also planned to apply some promotional tools
We have also planned to apply some promotional tools. Initially for sometimes we will distribute our product at 50% discount just make our new product familiar with the customers. Public Relations: We have future plans to hold seminars, commit social development, supporting social activities, to arrange cultural functions and mobile game shows for publicity purpose. Promotional Tools:

18 The End

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