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What is it? Spreading rumors and gossip Posting pictures without consent Obtaining a password to assume a person’s identity Harassing or threatening.

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Presentation on theme: "What is it? Spreading rumors and gossip Posting pictures without consent Obtaining a password to assume a person’s identity Harassing or threatening."— Presentation transcript:




4 What is it? Spreading rumors and gossip Posting pictures without consent Obtaining a password to assume a person’s identity Harassing or threatening with mean or bad language

5 Cyber Bullying Question Starters: Why do you think people Cyber bully? How does your school deal with Cyber bullying? Have you ever sent a mean message because you were upset? What would you do if someone created a mean, fake profile for you or one of your friends? How can you stop yourself from being Cyber bullied? Who would you talk to if it happened to you?

6 Watch ‘You can’t take it back’ video clip Answer the follow up questions about the clip as a class, in groups or individually You can’t take it back questions

7 Cyber Bullying Consequences: Broken friendships Hurting people School Consequences Prosecution by police Can you think of some others with your class?

8 What to do? If you are ever cyber-bullied: If someone threatens you, or you feel in immediate danger: Tell an adult you trust Contact the local police Do not respond Save the evidence Tell an adult you trust Report it to your Internet Service Provider


10 Getting too Close Clink on the following link to view a story involving cell phones

11 Getting too Close Clip Discussion questions: 1.What dangers did you identify? 2.What different choices would you have made? 3.How can cellphones be dangerous?

12 Cell phones Question Starters: Put you hand up if you have a cell phone How many of you would let your parents view your cell phone? Why do you think it is easier to bully someone using a cell phone? Have you ever sent a mean message from your cell phone? How do you think a cell phone complicates discussions and interactions between people?

13 Click on the link to watch a video clip about some of the issues involving texting Terrible tEXt Answer the follow up questions about the clip as a class, in groups or individually Terrible Text Discussion Points

14 Chat Danger Scenario Someone you know is being bullied at school during the day and receiving nasty and threatening emails and texts at night. They feel there is no escape from this 24/7 abuse and are getting really stressed by this. Complete the quiz with your group / or individually and discuss the advice you would give them

15 Points to Remember When shopping for a cell phone research the security settings that are available. Remember that texting is viral—anything sent in a text can be easily forwarded and shared. Never reveal cell phone numbers or passwords online. There are consequences when you send provocative images or text messages.


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