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1 Introduction to. 2 NZ has: Top sports people NZ’s tallest tower NZ’s biggest shopping malls NZ’s biggest outdoor market.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Introduction to. 2 NZ has: Top sports people NZ’s tallest tower NZ’s biggest shopping malls NZ’s biggest outdoor market."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Introduction to

2 2 NZ has: Top sports people NZ’s tallest tower NZ’s biggest shopping malls NZ’s biggest outdoor market

3 3

4 4 Joe Blogs We eat too many takeaways We’re not very active We eat too many foods high in fat We eat too much bread & starchy foods

5 5 Overweight & obesity Heart disease Low self-esteem High blood pressure Type 2 Diabetes Some cancers Stroke

6 6 Especially if : You’re Pacific Island, Asian or Maori You’re getting older You make unhealthy choices You have a family history

7 7 Eat healthy – choose low fat & low sugar foods & drinks Get active and stay active Drink more water & ‘Stay in Touch’ with your body Don’t smoke Get educated – know what’s cool

8 8

9 9 Label reading Activities & games Fat & sugar display Food groups & takeaways Goal setting Physical activity & nutrition Group discussions

10 10

11 11 Type 2 Diabetes High Blood Pressure Stroke Cancer Low self-esteem

12 12 Diabetes is when there is TOO MUCH SUGAR (or glucose) in the BLOOD! Blood sugar becomes too high because either: Pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin OR it doesn’t make any insulin at all! OR the insulin the pancreas makes isn’t used properly What is Diabetes?

13 13 The Pancreas produces Insulin (keys). Pancreas Where is the Pancreas? Stomach

14 14 Cell vs. Insulin Body Cells = Padlock Insulin = Key

15 15 So what happens when we eat? Food is broken down into sugar and then delivered to cells via the blood. Sugar

16 16 Sugar Sugar goes from the blood into the cells and is used as Energy/fuel. Cell or Padlock Diabetic Healthy person

17 17 Starts slowly Usually adult onset (now seen in younger people) Treatment : 1/ Healthy Eating 2/ Activity 3/ Tablets and/or Insulin Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented/delayed in some people Type 2 Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Usually young people Sudden onset Can’t be prevented Insulin injections needed for life!

18 18 Symptoms of Diabetes Feel very tired Thirsty Passing lots of urine Poor healing Blurred vision Infections, boils Skin rashes

19 19 Things I CANT CHANGE about my Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Getting older Maori, Pacific Island or Asian ethnicity A family history of Diabetes Having been a large baby (over 4kgs) (gestational diabetes)

20 20 Things I CAN CHANGE about my Risk Factors Weight Exercise Food choices Smoking Blood Pressure

21 21 It’s all about ME! Why SHOULD I look after myself?? TYPE 2 DIABETES CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS LIKE: Stroke Kidney failure Lower limb amputation Blindness Heart failure Impotence

22 22 How does this happen? Lack of exercise Smoking High FAT diet High cholesterol

23 23 Kidney Failure Stroke Heart Attack Impotence

24 24 How does this happen? Overweight Smoking Blocked arteries

25 25 Breast Colon Womb Kidney Linked to overweight & obesity

26 26 Depression Lonely No friends Isolated

27 27 Eat well Maintain a healthy weight Keep active Eat 5 + a day Don’t smoke

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