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Nonsuppurative ear infections. Chronic catarrh of the middle ear. Sensorineural hearing loss. Otosclerosis. Meniere's disease: etiology, pathogenesis,

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Presentation on theme: "Nonsuppurative ear infections. Chronic catarrh of the middle ear. Sensorineural hearing loss. Otosclerosis. Meniere's disease: etiology, pathogenesis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonsuppurative ear infections. Chronic catarrh of the middle ear. Sensorineural hearing loss. Otosclerosis. Meniere's disease: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis. Department of ENT diseases of Tashkent Medical Akademy

2 Nonsuppurative diseases of middle and inner ear Adhesive otitis media Adhesive otitis media Otosclerosis Otosclerosis Neuritis of the auditory nerve Neuritis of the auditory nerve Meniere's disease Meniere's disease

3 Audiogram IN NORMAL

4 Otoscopy adhesive otitis media Turbidity drum-term membrane, the disappearance of light reflex, draw, immobility, lime deposits, the shortening of the long process of malleus, a sharp protrusion of the short process

5 Audiogram IN ADHESIVE otitis

6 FORMS Otosclerosis Tympanic.Cochlear.Mixed.

7 Diagnosis (placed on the ground) Complaints of patients Clinical history, Otoscopic picture Symptoms, Of the disease, Data of hearing (akkumetry, audiometry, impedansometry).

8 Clinic otosclerosis sonitus progressive hearing loss sometimes dizziness, headache, decrease in memory Parakuzis Vilizi The tympanic membrane is not changed, or has a slightly pinkish tint in the rear quadrants drawn parts

9 Audiogram AT Otosclerosis

10 Treatment of Otosclerosis Conservative.Operative.

11 CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT Otosclerosis Drugs calcium, phosphorus (phytin), bromine; Vitamins (A, B, E); Electrophoresis (kaltsy or iodine) Darsonvalization

12 Triad with Meniere's disease Vertigo A unilateral hearing loss and noise in the ear Spontaneous nystagmus (horizontal rotator)

13 Some clinical features The duration of the attack no more than 24 hours Very rapid recovery after the attack Wellness between attacks

14 The differential diagnosis of Meniere's disease Since vascular vestibular syndrome Vestibular neuritis portions VIII nerve Arachnoiditis, Cervical osteochondrosis, Tumors bridge-cerebellar angle.

15 Patients with Meniere's disease is contraindicated: Work in transportation, Placed at a height Work with moving parts, Smoking and drinking alcohol.

16 Etiological factors in sensorineural hearing loss influenza and acute respiratory infections cranial trauma ototoxic antibiotics disease noise, vibration birth injury

17 SYMPTOMS IN Sensorineural hearing loss Varying heights subjective tinnitus as a result of inflammatory and degenerative process, and vascular disorders.

18 SYMPTOMS IN Sensorineural hearing loss Hearing loss, which is characterized by a poor perception of sounds, mainly of high frequency, with air and bone of their conduct.

19 Audiogram AT Cochlear Neuritis

20 Treatment of Sensorineural hearing loss Conservative: Conservative: - Anti-bacterial, - Anti-bacterial, - Stimulating, - Stimulating, - Vitamin, - Vitamin, - Physiotherapy. - Physiotherapy. Operational: cochlear implants. Operational: cochlear implants.

21 Hearing loss Hearing loss, in which poorly or not clearly seen it around

22 Hearing loss Hearing loss is different degrees of perception, spoken language at a distance of 3-4 meters (mild hearing loss) to the perception of loud conversation in the ear (severe deafness)

23 Hearing loss Hearing children in the degree of hearing loss on speech-band reception (500 - 3000 Hz) are divided into three degrees of hearing loss: a degree - the hearing loss does not exceed 50 degree dB2 - hearing loss from 50 to 70 degree No. CB3 - hearing loss exceeds 71 dB (average 75 - 80 dB).

24 Neuritis of the auditory nerve (sensorineural hearing loss Distinguish congenital and acquired hearing loss of neural networks, weeds had developed after previous infectious diseases: influenza, measles, mumps (characterized by a unilateral lesion of hearing), meningitis,

25 Neuritis of the auditory nerve (sensorineural hearing loss) and the use of ototoxic drugs such as streptomycin, monomitsin, salicylates, quinine, mercury, etc. and the use of ototoxic drugs such as streptomycin, monomitsin, salicylates, quinine, mercury, etc. Clinical symptoms: partial or total hearing loss in normal otoscopic picture. Clinical symptoms: partial or total hearing loss in normal otoscopic picture. Diagnosis is based on the study of hearing. Diagnosis is based on the study of hearing.




29 ER - epitimpanal polostET - bone of the auditory (Eustachian) trubyMC - antruma1 cavity, 2,3,4,5 - periantral group of cells (angular, perisinus, apex- mastoidal, threshold, roof antrum) 6.7 - cells of meso-and gipotimpanum8 - peritubar cells Eustachian truby9 - cheek cells

30 Stapedoplastika



33 Department of ENT diseases of Tashkent Medical Academy

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