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ENERGY CH. 15. ENERGY & ITS FORMS 15.1 ► Energy is the ability to do WORK ► Work is a transfer of Energy!

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2 ENERGY & ITS FORMS 15.1 ► Energy is the ability to do WORK ► Work is a transfer of Energy!

3 The energy of motion is called… ► Kinetic energy! ► Ke = 1/2mv 2 ► Kinetic energy depends on an object’s mass & speed!

4 Gravitational Potential Energy ► Gravitational potential energy depends on an objects mass, height above ground AND the acceleration due to gravity :-0 ► PE = mgh

5 Another energy…Elastic potential energy ► Bread doesn’t bounce. ► It’s not “elastic” ► bread-roll

6 FORMS of Energy ► Energy is either KE or PE ► Then it is divided up into these groups:  Mechanical  Thermal  Chemical  Electrical  Electromagnetic  Nuclear

7 15.2 ENERGY CONVERSION & CONSERVATON ► Energy can be converted from one form to another. ► What energy conversions occur when you light a match?

8 The Law of conservation of energy states…. ► You go to jail and pay heavy fines if you waste energy.

9 Actually….. ► It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. ► Energy is CONVERTED from one form to another. ► We often say, energy is lost due to “heat”. What really happens is heat is given off and radiates into the surroundings…it is transferred.

10 When objects fall… ► PE is converted into KE

11 Pendulums ► Pendulums, eventually slow down due to friction.

12 Mechanical Energy ► Conservation of Mechanical energy ► (KE + PE) beginning = (KE + PE) end

13 Einstein’s equation…E = mc 2 ► He believed energy and mass can be converted into each other. ► This means a tiny amount of matter can make a lot of energy! ► Think about how much energy one drop of gasoline produces.

14 15.3 ENERGY RESOURCES ► Renewable ► Non-renewable ► Be able to ID these on the OGT! ► fin

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