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India’s Largest Career Counselling Company. For 8 th to 9 th Std. For 10 th Std. For 11 th to 12 th Std. For Graduation For Professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "India’s Largest Career Counselling Company. For 8 th to 9 th Std. For 10 th Std. For 11 th to 12 th Std. For Graduation For Professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 India’s Largest Career Counselling Company


3 For 8 th to 9 th Std. For 10 th Std. For 11 th to 12 th Std. For Graduation For Professionals

4 Standard 8th is the threshold of career foundation Seeking Career guidance for class 8 students is quite natural.Career guidance for class 8 Careerfutura offers proficient career counselling for class 9 so that the seeking student gets to know about the best career opportunities that await him in the prospects. career counselling for class 9 It is really essential to have the escort through a career guidance program if the right choice is to be made. A student can excel if he is counseled about the best choice at the right time!career guidance program

5 What after 10th ? Should my child opt for Science, as he scores well in mathematics and science? What after 10th Get them stream assessed today, Get professional career counselling after counselling after 10th Choosing a career after 10th emerges out a dilemma for the average student who remains perplexed about the available options. career after 10th The number of career options after 10th has increased in the event of current academic differentiation and allied options after 10th If you are confused that after 10th what career to choose then come to Careerfutura – the expert career guidance portal!.after 10th what

6 What to do after 12thWhat to do after 12th? What are my career opportunities after 12th? There are numerous courses after 12th. Depending upon the stream viz arts science or commerce. But how good are these courses for the student, is what is important to know. For eg. An introvert aspiring to be a lawyer may not be the right thing to do. Or somebody whose study habit is that of avoiding strenuous schedule may not be right for Medicine as a career. So as you see, courses after 12th, needs to be selected with great care and through proper methods. Careerfutura offers the right methodology of career, course opportunities after 12th

7 Academic paths have become very dynamic and intricate and a simple fault could send the entire prospect of the student into doldrums. Therefore, career counselling and dedicated planning has emerged as the definitive and sought after counselling The concerned guardians as also the students passing out from their middle school reach out for, career guidance passages to get information about the latest, career guidancecareer options Often, the students clearing their 12th enquire about 'what to do after graduation? In the absence of authentic escort, they suffer from career confusion which could misguide the student mind! Today online career guidance is also available that does not require the student to travel to the professional. The specialized portals offer the best counselors and passages to reach out them in real time!what to do after graduationcareer confusiononline career guidance Actually the career options after graduation have increased and there are many full time courses after graduation that generates lucrative career prospects for the ambitious mind. The counselors behave as the objective guides!career options after graduationcourses after graduation

8 While career counselling and career guidance for the students is getting common, the professionals often shy out from having such escorts; most of them consider their present designation and work ambience as their final destination! However, the current dynamism in the economy allows for more passages of real time counselling career guidance Midlife career change or career change at 40 are the new concepts and many are deliberating upon it.Midlife career changecareer change at 40 Some specialized online career guidance sites in the web offer career counselling for the working professionals and facilitate mid career change for them through effective and authentic counselling of resonant value. In the yester decades, career after 40 was considered as generally stable and less career guidancecareer counselling for the working professionalscareer after 40 However, the turfs have changed and the opportunities keep emerging for the experienced professionals who now can make active transitions to higher echelons. Sometimes the professionals going through the midlife career crisis can also benefit from new career options that could be adopted!midlife career crisiscareer options

9 Career Counselling Franchise business opportunity offered by Careerfutura. Contact us for counsellor jobs or counselling jobs. Become a career advisor or consultant.Franchise business opportunitycounsellor jobscounselling jobs

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