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Energy What Is Energy? Forms of Energy Energy Transformations and Conservation Energy and Fossil Fuels Table of Contents Book M – 5.1 Pg. 146-150 Book.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy What Is Energy? Forms of Energy Energy Transformations and Conservation Energy and Fossil Fuels Table of Contents Book M – 5.1 Pg. 146-150 Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy What Is Energy? Forms of Energy Energy Transformations and Conservation Energy and Fossil Fuels Table of Contents Book M – 5.1 Pg. 146-150 Book M – 5.3 Pg. 158-163 Book M – 5.2 Pg. 151-155

2 Energy Energy, Work, and Power The ability to do work or cause change is called energy. When an object or living thing does work on another object, some of its energy is transferred to that object. You can think of work then, as the transfer of energy. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred, or the amount of energy transferred in a unit of time. - What Is Energy?

3 Energy Power Practice Problem Find the power of a machine that transfers 450 J of energy in 9 seconds. Power = 450 Joules / 9 seconds Power = 50 J/s or watts - What Is Energy?

4 Energy - What Is Energy? Energy The two basic kinds of energy are kinetic energy and potential energy. The energy an object has due to its motion is called kinetic energy. Objects that are moving do work, and therefore have energy. Stored energy that results from the position or shape of an object is called potential energy. This energy has the “potential” to do work.

5 Energy - What Is Energy? Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy increases as mass and velocity increases. Relationship between kinetic energy, mass, and velocity.

6 Energy Exponents An exponent tells how many times a number is used as a factor. For example, 3 X 3 can be written as 3 2. You read this number as “three squared.” An exponent of 2 indicates that the number 3 is used as a factor two times. To find the value of a squared number, multiply the number by itself. 3 2 = 3 X 3 = 9 Practice Problem What is the value of the number 8 2 ? 64 - What Is Energy?

7 Energy Kinetic Energy Practice Problem A 1,350 kg car travels at 12 m/s. What is its kinetic energy? Kinetic Energy = (1/2) x (1350 kg) x (12 m/s)² Kinetic Energy = 97,200 Joules - What Is Energy?

8 Energy - What Is Energy? Gravitational Potential Energy Potential Energy related to an object’s height is called gravitational potential energy. Gravitational potential energy increases as weight and height increase.

9 Energy Potential Energy Practice Problem A 380-N girl walks down a flight of stairs so that she is 2.5 m below her starting level. What is the change in the girl’s gravitational potential energy? GPE = (380 N) x (2.5 m) GPE = 950 J Her potential energy decreased by 950 Joules. - What Is Energy?

10 Energy Elastic Potential Energy The potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed is called elastic potential energy. - What Is Energy?

11 Energy Links on Energy Click the SciLinks button for links on energy. - What Is Energy?

12 Energy End of Section: What Is Energy?

13 Energy Mechanical Energy The form of energy associated with the position and motion of an object is called mechanical energy. You can find an object’s mechanical energy by adding the objects kinetic energy and potential energy. - Forms of Energy

14 Energy Mechanical Energy Practice Problem If the kinetic energy of a falling apple is 5.2 J and its potential energy is 3.5 J, what is its mechanical energy? Mechanical Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy Mechanical Energy = 3.5 J + 5.2 J Mechanical Energy = 8.7 J - What Is Energy?

15 Energy Calculating Mechanical Energy The kinetic energy of a 500-N diver during a dive from a 10-m platform was measured. These data are shown in the graph. - Forms of Energy

16 Energy Calculating Mechanical Energy About 1000 J Reading Graphs: According to the graph, how much kinetic energy does the diver have at 8 m? - Forms of Energy

17 Energy Calculating Mechanical Energy Kinetic energy = about 2000 J; potential energy = about 3000 J Calculating: Using the graph, find the kinetic energy of the diver at 6 m. Then calculate the diver’s potential energy at that point. - Forms of Energy

18 Energy Calculating Mechanical Energy About 5000 J Inferring: The mechanical energy of the diver is the same at every height. What is the mechanical energy of the diver? - Forms of Energy

19 Energy Other Forms of Energy Most forms of energy, other than kinetic and potential, are associated with tiny particles that make up the objects. They include: Thermal Energy – the total potential and kinetic energy of the particles in an object. Electrical Energy – the energy of electric charges. Chemical Energy – potential energy stored in the chemical bonds that hold the chemical compounds together. Nuclear Energy – potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. Electromagnetic Energy – the energy of light and other forms of radiation. - Forms of Energy

20 Energy Building Vocabulary After you read the section, reread the paragraphs that contain definitions of Key Terms. Use the information you have learned to write a definition of each Key Term in your own words. - Forms of Energy Key Terms:Examples: mechanical energyThe form of energy associated with the position and motion of an object is called mechanical energy. thermal energyThe total potential and kinetic energy of the particles in an object is called thermal energy. electrical energyThe energy of electric charges is electrical energy. chemical energyChemical energy is potential energy stored in the chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together. Key Terms:Examples: nuclear energy electromagnetic energy A type of potential energy called nuclear energy is stored in the nucleus of an atom. The sunlight that you see each day is a form of electromagnetic energy.

21 Energy Links on Forms of Energy Click the SciLinks button for links on forms of energy. - Forms of Energy

22 Energy End of Section: Forms of Energy

23 Energy - Energy Transformations and Conservation Energy Transformations Most forms of energy can be transformed into other forms. A change from one form of energy to another is called energy transformation. There can be single or multiple transformations of energy.

24 Energy - Energy Transformations and Conservation One of the most common energy transformations is the transformation between potential energy and kinetic energy. Examples: Waterfalls, Juggling, Pendulum, and Pole Vault Transformations Between Potential and Kinetic Energy

25 Energy - Energy Transformations and Conservation Transformations Between Potential and Kinetic Energy A pendulum continuously transforms energy from kinetic to potential energy and back.

26 Energy Energy Transformations Activity Click the Active Art button to open a browser window and access Active Art about energy transformations. - Energy Transformations and Conservation

27 Energy - Energy Transformations and Conservation The law of Conservation of Energy states when one form of energy is transformed to another, no energy is destroyed in the process. Energy can not be created or destroyed. Whenever a moving object experiences friction, some of its kinetic energy is transformed to thermal energy this shows that energy is not destroyed, just transformed. Einstein discovered that matter can be transformed to energy. Destroying a small amount of matter can release huge amounts of energy, so the law of conservation had to be adjusted to state that matter and energy together are always conserved. Conservation of Energy

28 Energy QuestionAnswer Asking Questions Before you read, preview the red headings. In a graphic organizer like the one below, ask a question for each heading. As you read, write answers to your questions. What is an energy transformation? An energy transformation is a change from one form of energy to another. What are some examples of transformations between potential and kinetic energy? Juggling and pendulums show transformations between potential and kinetic energy. What is conservation of energy? The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. - Energy Transformations and Conservation

29 Energy End of Section: Energy Transformations and Conservation

30 Energy exists as measured in is the ability to do can be which at a given rate is Graphic Organizer Kinetic energy Energy Potential energy Elastic WorkJoules GravitationalPower

31 Energy End of Section: Graphic Organizer

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