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Marcel Trümpy Platform Technology Advisor Microsoft Switzerland

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Presentation on theme: "Marcel Trümpy Platform Technology Advisor Microsoft Switzerland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marcel Trümpy Platform Technology Advisor Microsoft Switzerland

2 Enterprise Search to become platform capability MSFT products: MOSS MSS(X) WDS/Vista Microsoft

3 Updated and rebranded version of SharePoint Server 2007 for Search (‘MOSSFS’) Key investment areas and new features Simplified Installation Experience Enhanced Administration Interface New Federation Capabilities Performance and Stability Enhancements No Preset Document Limits (see slides 4-5) Available in two versions Microsoft Search Server 2008 (MSS) Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express (MSSX)

4 Search Server 2008 Search Server 2008 can be installed in a distributed topology to provide greater scale and redundancy Search Server 2008 Express Search Server 2008 Express can only be installed in single server mode Search Server 2008 licensed per server Search Server 2008 is licensed per server Search Server 2008 Express FREE Search Server 2008 Express is FREE There are no other feature differences

5 Will be officially branded “Enterprise Search Feature Update (KB947701)” Available towards the end of H1 CY08 from the Download Center & Microsoft Update. Applies to both; SharePoint Server 2007 RTM or SP1 Search Server 2008 (&Express) Installs Admin UI, Federation, CBA/FBA UI and core platform updates for MOSS Installs bug fixes for MOSS and MSS(X)
























29 Enables the display of results from other search engines or applications to be displayed alongside results from the local index Federation in Search Server will Send a query to other search engines or applications Format and render the results Work out of the box or with minimal effort with many existing search engines and applications Federation in Search Server will not Interleave multiple result sets into a single result set Relevance rank results from other search engines or applications

30 When Federation is a good thing You can connect easily to the location The content is already being indexed You can’t index the content due to security/politics/etc… The content is outside of your firewall Having a single ranked result set is not important Very well scoped queries When Indexing is a good thing You want or need control over when, what and how content is indexed and an Indexing Connector exists You want or need a single ranked result set You want to have granular control of security trimming You have diverse content sources that you need in a single place to make results make sense

31 Every search engine or application must be defined as a Federated Search Location in MSS(X) A Federated Search Location defines How and When queries will be sent to the location (Template URL & Triggers) The Formatting of results (XSL) Authentication settings Are easily imported and exported as a Federated Location Definition file (.FLD) Locations can be connected to one or more Federation Web Parts to render results

32 OpenSearch 1.0/1.1 Query is sent in a parameterized URL{searchTerms} MSS replaces token {searchTerms} with query terms The source must return an XML result set Very simple to configure if results are returns as ATOM, ATOM2, RSS or RDF Local Search Index Query is processed by the search object model { searchTerms} scope:customers MSS replaces token {searchTerms} with query terms Results are returned as XML (MOSS results schema)

33 Required if the location is not supported out of the box, in that; It is not accessible via a URL It cannot process a query in a URL parameter It cannot return results as XML Connectors do the following Take a query as a URL parameter and convert it to a format compatible with the location Run code to get a result set Convert and render the results in XML Connector acts as the “middle man” between MSS(X) or MOSS and the location

34 Upgrading MOSSfS to MSS(X) is blocked Upgrading MSSX RC to MSSX RTM is blocked, you have to reinstall To upgrade MSS(X) to MOSS you will need; MSS(X) Installed with SQL Server (not Express) SharePoint Server Service Pack 1 “Enterprise Search Feature Update (KB947701)” Use SQL Express (Basic Install) carefully SQL version can’t be upgraded which may block you from a future MOSS or MSS upgrade

35 FromTo Windows SharePoint Services v3.0 with SQL Server Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express with SQL Server Windows SharePoint Services v3.0 with MSDE Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express with SQL Express Search Server 2008 Express with SQL Server Search Server 2008 with SQL Server SharePoint Server 2007 with SQL Server Search Server 2008 with SQL Server SharePoint Server 2007 with SQL Server Search Server 2008 Express with SQL Express Search Server 2008 with SQL Express

36 FromTo SharePoint Server 2007 for Search Enterprise or Standard Edition Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express RC Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express RTM SharePoint Server 2007 or any previous versions of SharePoint Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express with SQL Express SharePoint Server 2007 Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express with SQL Express Search Server 2008 or Search Server 2008 Express with Full SQL Server

37 MSS is built on WSS 3.0 just like MOSS MSS is WSS with *most* of the MOSS Search A clean install of Search Server will Install WSS 3.0 & SP1 Allow you to use all the features of WSS 3.0 * Automatically enable cross-site search in WSS 3.0 An in-place upgrade will Upgrade WSS 3.0 SP1 to Search Server Allow you to continue to use WSS 3.0 as before * Will require WSS content to be re-indexed Enable existing WSS 3.0 site search to be flipped on a per site basis to use Search Server search Enable cross-site search in WSS 3.0 * See later slide on “Document Limits and Storage”

38 Metadata and snippets are stored in SQL The Index "SearchDB" will grow the fastest “Search DB” also holds internal crawl management data (~40% of space) SQL Express has a 4GB Limit per DB Leads to an effective doc limit of 250-450k docs The “Full Text” index is stored on disk No limit to the “Full Text” index apart from running out of disk space Ignore this slide if you’re using SQL Server

39 Clean WSS 3.0 uses Windows Internal Database (“WYukon”) No database size limit for WSS content Clean MSS uses SQL Express (Be aware!) 4GB database size limit for WSS content Can have multiple WSS content db’s Upgrading WSS to MSS uses SQL Express by default for new WSS content db’s But you can manually set new WSS content DB’s to use Windows Internal Database SearchDB uses SQL Express, can’t be changed

40 General Availability planned for March Will support MOSS RTM/SP1 and MSS(X) Will NOT support <= SPS2003 Documentum 5.3 SP4 and SP5 Filenet P8 Connector 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 Technical documentation will be published on TechNet and Consider using Vorsite for services help if required

41 32 & 64 bit version support for; SharePoint Server 2007 Windows Server 2003 and 2008 Search Server 2008 (Express) Performs full-text recognition (OCR) and image clean-up Available mid Q2 CY08 30 day free trial version Standard Edition - $299.00 Enhanced versions available Q2 CY08

42 Search ASP.NET Server Controls – new! Search Center Branding Removal Feature – new! Faceted Search V2 Faceted Search V2 – UPDATED! SharePoint Search Admin SharePoint 2007 Wildcard Search SharePoint Search Bench C# Protocol Handler SampleC# Protocol Handler Sample – NEW! HTML Agility Pack Search As You TypeSearch As You Type – NEW! Smart Search for SharePoint.NET Helpers for the Search Web Service SharePoint Batch Query Test ToolSharePoint Batch Query Test Tool – NEW!

43 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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