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CEOM Sustainable Office Strategy 2010-2012. Goals 1.To build a culture of sustainability which reflects our responsibility to care for God’s creation.

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Presentation on theme: "CEOM Sustainable Office Strategy 2010-2012. Goals 1.To build a culture of sustainability which reflects our responsibility to care for God’s creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEOM Sustainable Office Strategy 2010-2012

2 Goals 1.To build a culture of sustainability which reflects our responsibility to care for God’s creation. 2.To develop and promote behaviours, practices and policies that contribute to the development of a sustainable future for us all

3 Culture of Sustainability That staff become more aware of the importance of sustainability and ways to improve sustainability in the Office That a positive environment for change is created and maintained. That staff demonstrate an increased commitment to sustainability in the Office That a Christian ecological spirituality be supported through opportunities for prayer for creation and a sustainable future. That sustainability goals be included in the next Archdiocesan Strategy Plan and CEOM Action Plan

4 Behaviours, Practices and Policies That a Green Office policy, procedures and strategy plan be developed, communicated to staff, implemented, monitored and reported on to staff. That all staff demonstrate behaviours which reduce energy and water consumption That all CEOM practices reflect a commitment to the principle of Refuse/ Reduce/Re-use/ Recycle That a system of measurement is developed that enables monitoring and evaluation of resource use.

5 Behaviours, Practices and Policies That the CEOM increase its use of sustainable transport That CEOM workspaces are designed to optimise sustainability while ensuring an efficient and comfortable environment As required, that the CEOM work with the Archdiocese of Melbourne to select new premises which optimise sustainability while ensuring an efficient and comfortable environment

6 Targets Culture: At least one sustainability goal be included in the Archdiocesan Strategy Plan and the CEOM Action Plan for the next triennium/quadrennium Use of Energy and Water: –Reduce energy use by 10% each year – 30% over 3 years –Reduce water use by 20% over 3 years –Reduce paper waste by 15–20% each year – 50% by the end of 2012. Sustainable Waste Management –Reduce landfill waste by 15–20% each year – 50% by the end of 2012 –All print publications to be printed on environmentally sustainable paper (recycled or from sustainably managed forestry) with sustainable processes

7 Targets Sustainable Transport –Reduce use of pool cars –Increase fuel-efficiency of pool cars –Increase use of public transport to and from work especially

8 Strategies / Responsibilities Individual Strategies are identified for each goal and target Staff groups are linked to each strategy Intention is that staff groups would take on the strategy and incorporate it into their work plans Choice of strategies to focus on initially, making at least one a priority

9 Achievements -CommonStrategy Achievements -Common Strategy Much has already been done by individuals and Staff groups Possible common Strategy to start the process –Reduce paper use by 30% –Afford to change to a 100% recycled paper

10 Process Sept 09-Mar 10: Writing draft Policy, Strategy Mar- May: Consultation with key managers, Executive team, Director July 2010: OPOC briefing June – August: Completion of Guidelines Consultation with staff groups September: Feedback from staff groups to GOC October: Ratification by Director

11 Consultation with staff groups Green Office committee reps on most staff groups Presentation to your staff group Discussion of your priorities Decide which priorities you will focus on as a group Incorporate into Work Plan 2011

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