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Automation Living in a Paper Oriented World and The Steps to Automation.

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Presentation on theme: "Automation Living in a Paper Oriented World and The Steps to Automation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automation Living in a Paper Oriented World and The Steps to Automation

2 Data Capture Document Recognition Translation Solutions Language Services Server, Cloud & Web Desktop Computer Mobile and Embedded OS About ABBYY ABBYY is a leading provider of document recognition, data capture, and linguistic technologies and professional services. ABBYY Technology includes: ● Optical Character Recognition (OCR) ● Adaptive Document Recognition Technology ™ (ADRT ™ ) ● PDF transformation ● Layout analysis Paper-intensive organizations from all over the world use ABBYY to automate time- and labor- consuming tasks and to streamline business processes. 2


4 Living in a Paper Oriented World Paper documents remain an important information source for business processes of all kind

5 Pain Points for Users Users can’t find the documents or information needed Employees waste time on routine manual entry, leaving important tasks behind Archives and files end up occupying valuable space Organizations need to comply with multiple regulations Documents for e-Discovery need to be digitized to get ready for litigation Users find it difficult to manage information in different languages across all regional offices Companies don’t have the necessary tools to import data into a document or content management system

6 Paper Stats There are more than four trillion paper documents stored in the U.S. today, a number that increases about 22 percent annually (source)source Businesses spend an estimated 500 hours per year searching for documents in an office setting, and it costs an estimated $20,000 to fill a five-drawer filing cabinet with paper documents (source)source Automating digital business processes can improve customer service and reduce operational costs up to 65 percent (source)source Currently only 16 percent of organizations capture data for use within a process, meaning valuable time is spent manually re- keying data or metadata (source)source


8 Automation Step One: Scanning Scanning documents helps reduce paper loads and saves valuable space But… ● The data is not searchable ● There is a lot of manual entry ● The business process of automation is at a low level ● There is not one central system for all company data

9 Automation Step Two: Document Management System With a Document Management System, documents are organized and easily accessible One repository holds all the information including scanned images But… ● The data is still not searchable ● The business processes are not fully automated due to manual tasks ● Manual entry is error prone and time consuming

10 Automation Step Three: Full-text back file conversion Full-text back file conversion puts filed d ocuments into searchable formats Searchable information is now available in the Document Management System But…. ● New documents that come into the company still undergo a manual process ● The business processes are not yet truly automated –The AP person may not be able to process invoices without manual entry –The legal department may not be satisfied with contract management

11 Automation Step Four: Data and Document Capture Implementing Data and Document Capture creates d ata that is searchable and fully accessible Investments in a Document Management System are paid back with enabled search on all content New information is entered automatically Documents are automatically classified and the data is extracted and sent to the Document Management System Business process are fully automated with data and document capture integrated There is no limit on automation – Always challenge the process and seek more automated processes!

12 Technology Example: ABBYY FlexiCapture 10 Multi-lingual data capture and document processing solution Automatically and accurately converts documents into business- ready data Any document. Any industry. Any volume.

13 Case Study: On-Site Anesthesia On-Site is a provider of anesthesia services for outpatient surgery centers It is a fast growing business with increasing paperwork The company has only one employee for billing and one for patient records They previously had a data capture software which did not provide reliable output There was a need to automate EOB and patient records processing together with in-house billing

14 Case Study: On-Site Anesthesia Sought solution to process all patient billing, health insurance and health information forms Needed to included SharePoint with searchable data Timely billing was a key factor, so minimal downtime was critical Results of Automation with FlexiCapture: Workload reduced from two data entry employees down to 25 percent of one person’s job responsibilities Helped significantly reduce overall office overhead Faster processing of clients’ information enables better client service Better customer service for our clients answering patient questions faster Better patient care translates to better customer service for our client’s patients


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