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Presenters: Anthony Grisillo and Charles Keeler Rose Tree Media School District, PA.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenters: Anthony Grisillo and Charles Keeler Rose Tree Media School District, PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenters: Anthony Grisillo and Charles Keeler Rose Tree Media School District, PA

2 Anthony Grisillo  BSED Elementary Education  MED Science and Technology  US Space Academy Teacher Program  Gifted Support Instructor  Building Science Coordinator Charles Keeler  BSED Elementary Education  MDT Instructional Technology  US Space Academy Teacher Program  5 th Grade Teacher and Accelerated Math Instructor  Building Technology Coordinator

3 Handout  O O O Only an outline to reduce paper consumption.  A A A All other resources on  Q Q Q Questions and Answers  E E E Evaluation Form and Prizes


5 Great Example  W W W WALL-E  B B B Blu-ray Version  G G G Geek Track Commentary  C C C Clip

6 The Whys and Hows and Whats WWWWhys  L L L Learning styles  B B B Brain based research HHHHows  S S S Short clips, no longer than 10 minutes.  D D D DVDs, podcasts, and streaming video are our friends.  W W W Watch the clip with a purpose.

7 WWWWhats  A A A Any footage that can promote critical thinking.  S S S Science can be correct or incorrect.

8 Video Database  w w w w wwww wwww.... llll iiii gggg hhhh tttt ssss cccc aaaa mmmm eeee rrrr aaaa ssss cccc iiii eeee nnnn cccc eeee.... bbbb llll oooo gggg ssss pppp oooo tttt.... cccc oooo mmmm  I I I If you want to contribute: YYYYou can use a generic login. YYYYou can use your own gmail account.

9 This Is A Test  A A A An ecosystem is “a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.”1  Y Y Y You have 5 minutes to go and film an example of an ecosystem.  B B B Bonus points for most creative ecosystem. 1

10 Videography as Assessment  E E E Engages students  H H H Have students include clips with projects  H H H Have students create their own documentaries.  S S S Student Sample

11 “I had a terrible education. I attended a school for emotionally disturbed teachers.” “I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” - Woody Allen - Albert Einstein

12 Questions and Answers

13 Evaluation and PRIZES!

14 Thank you for attending! Please check out for more information.

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