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Protists Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista. 19.1: The Protist Kingdom  A few commonalities Eukaryotes Eukaryotes Moist habitats Moist habitats.

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Presentation on theme: "Protists Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista. 19.1: The Protist Kingdom  A few commonalities Eukaryotes Eukaryotes Moist habitats Moist habitats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protists Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Protista

2 19.1: The Protist Kingdom  A few commonalities Eukaryotes Eukaryotes Moist habitats Moist habitats

3 The Protist Kingdom  Very important Base of aquatic food webs Base of aquatic food webs Economic uses Economic uses Cause diseases Cause diseases

4 The Protist Kingdom  Very diverse Animal-like Animal-like ProtozoansProtozoans Plant-like Plant-like AlgaeAlgae Fungus-like Fungus-like Slime MoldsSlime Molds

5 19.2: Protozoans  Animal-like Unicellular heterotrophs that can move Unicellular heterotrophs that can move

6 Protozoans  Classified by movement Ciliates Ciliates CiliaCilia Ex.) ParameciumEx.) Paramecium Flagellates Flagellates FlagellaFlagella Ex.) EuglenoidsEx.) Euglenoids

7 Protozoans  Classified by movement Sarcodines Sarcodines Fluid extensionsFluid extensions Ex.) AmoebaEx.) Amoeba Apicomplexa Apicomplexa Disease- causing parasitesDisease- causing parasites

8 19.3: Fungus-Like Protists  Decomposers  Don’t have chitin

9 Fungus-Like Protists  Classification Slime Molds Slime Molds Brightly coloredBrightly colored Water Molds Water Molds “Fuzzy”“Fuzzy” Can be parasitesCan be parasites

10 Fungus-Like Protists  Classification Downy Mildews Downy Mildews Attack plantsAttack plants Ex.) BlightEx.) Blight

11 19.4: Algae  Plant-like Multicellular, photosynthesizers without organ systems (roots, leaves, etc.) Multicellular, photosynthesizers without organ systems (roots, leaves, etc.)

12 Algae  Classified by pigment Diatoms (golden) Diatoms (golden) Silica shell (Used in toothpaste)Silica shell (Used in toothpaste) PlanktonPlankton Dinoflagellates (red) Dinoflagellates (red) PlanktonPlankton

13 Algae  Classified by pigment Red algae Red algae “Seaweed”“Seaweed” CoastsCoasts Brown algae Brown algae “Kelp”“Kelp” Green algae Green algae Fresh waterFresh water

14 WARM UP  Name the 3 basic kinds of protists. (Hint: _____-like, ______-like, _______-like)  List 5 different protists we learned about today.

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