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Preparing for the Administration of the Grades 3- 8 Assessments March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for the Administration of the Grades 3- 8 Assessments March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for the Administration of the Grades 3- 8 Assessments March 2016

2 Objectives Louisiana Believes Objective: During this session, District Test Coordinators will: Review available resources and share methods for using and sharing Discuss final preparations for assessment administration Plan for communication and support during spring assessments

3 Agenda 3 Louisiana Believes Resources Final Preparations ELA, Math, and Science Paper ELA and Math Online Social Studies Paper Social Studies Online Communication and Support

4 General Resources 4 Louisiana Believes ResourceDescription 2015-2016 Assessment CalendarCalendar of state assessments 2015-2016 Month-by-Month ChecklistMonth-by-month tasks and resources related to assessment and accountability 2015-2016 Assessment FAQFrequently asked questions gathered from the assessment inbox, office hours, and hotline Computer-Based Scheduling GuidanceRequirements, guidance, and sample schedules for computer-based testing Assessment LibraryAll assessment related resources (e.g., powerpoints, webinar recordings, forms) Practice Test PageAll resources related to administering, scoring and using the practice tests Assessment Guidance PageAll 2015-2016 assessment guides Accountability LibraryAll accountability related resources (e.g., powerpoints, webinar recordings, forms)

5 Accessibility and Accommodation Resources 5 Louisiana Believes ResourceDescription Assessment LibraryAll assessment related resources (e.g., powerpoints, webinar recordings, forms) Accessibility and Accommodations Manual Comparisons of paper- and computer-based accessibility and accommodations and guidance on the decision-making process IEP Form in SERSER2015-2016 IEP form and database for students with disabilities defined by IDEA IAP FormPlan of support for students qualifying for support under section 504 Temporary IAP FormPlan of support for students with temporary disabilities (e.g. broken arm) LEP Accommodations FormPlan of support for English language learners Unique Accommodation FormRequest for accommodations not specifically listed on either the IEP, IAP, or LEP forms Personal Needs Profile (PNP) FormForm for documenting specific accessibility accommodations (e.g., math read aloud)

6 Test Security Resources 6 Louisiana Believes ResourceDescription Assessment LibraryAll assessment related resources (e.g., powerpoints, webinar recordings, forms) District- and school-level test security training in the Assessment LibraryAssessment Library Powerpoints for use in training district- and school- level staff in test security Computer-Based Monitoring FormOptional form for use in monitoring computer- based tests Paper-Based Monitoring FormOptional form for use in monitoring paper-based tests Security Plan ChecklistChecklist to use in evaluating whether local test security plans meet policy requirements Testing Irregularity FormForm to use in reporting irregularities *note updated to reflect new student data privacy laws

7 Technology Resources 7 Louisiana Believes AssessmentResourceDescription AllTechnology Readiness Tool (TRT) in eDIRECTeDIRECT Used to measure LEA and school technology capacity (e.g., devices, network) Tech Readiness MemoSteps in preparing for online assessments Grades 3-8 Specific Device RequirementsList of all compatible devices and software for 2015-2016 INSIGHT User Guide in eDIRECT eDIRECT User guide with screenshots and step-by- step directions for installing and using INSIGHT, the online testing platform Testing Site Manager (TSM) in eDIRECT eDIRECT Tools used to assess the setup and readiness of devices and networks to administer online assessments End of Course (EOC) EOC Technology GuidelinesList of all compatible devices and software for 2015-2016

8 Practice Test Resources 8 Louisiana Believes ModeResourceDescription Both Computer- and Paper- Based Practice Test PageAll resources related to administering, scoring and using the practice tests ELA Practice Test GuidanceGuidance on using ELA practice tests to influence instruction Math Practice GuidanceGuidance on using math practice tests to influence instruction Computer- Based Guide to Administering the Online Practice Tests Directions on administering, reviewing and scoring the online practice tests Administering the Online Practice Tests in the Assessment LibraryAssessment Library Recorded webinar and powerpoint including INSIGHT screenshots Online Tools TrainingTraining on online platform available through the INSIGHT Online Practice TestsPractice tests in the INSIGHT portal that provide a content-and grade-specific experience with testing platform

9 ELA, Math, and Science (PBT) Resources 9 Louisiana Believes ResourceAvailability Accommodations and Accessibilities ManualAvailable eDIRECT Manage Users User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable eDIRECT TA System User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable eDIRECT Materials Management Tools User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable Test Coordinator ManualMid-March Test Administrator ManualsMid-March Test Administrator Manuals (Directions in Native Language)Early April *All resources are available in eDIRECTeDIRECT

10 ELA and Math (CBT) Resources *All resources are available in eDIRECTeDIRECT ResourceAvailability Accommodations and Accessibilities ManualAvailable eDIRECT Manage Users User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable eDIRECT TA System User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable INSIGHT User GuideAvailable eDIRECT Test Setup User GuideAvailable eDIRECT Test Setup Video Training ModuleAvailable Test Coordinator ManualMid-March Test Administrator ManualsMid-March Test Administrator Manuals (Directions in Native Language)Early April

11 Social Studies Field Test (PBT) Resources ResourcesAvailability Accommodations and Accessibilities ManualAvailable eDIRECT Manage Users User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable eDIRECT TA System User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable eDIRECT Materials Management Tools User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable Test Coordinator ManualMid-April Test Administrator ManualsLate April *All resources are available in eDIRECTeDIRECT

12 Social Studies Field Test (CBT) Resources ResourcesAvailability Accommodations and Accessibilities ManualAvailable eDIRECT Manage Users User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable eDIRECT TA System User Guide/Video Training ModuleAvailable INSIGHT User GuideAvailable Test Coordinator ManualMid-April Test Administrator ManualsLate April Test Administrator Manuals (Directions in Native Language)Early May *All resources are available in eDIRECTeDIRECT

13 Agenda 13 Louisiana Believes Resources Final Preparations ELA, Math, and Science Paper ELA and Math Online Social Studies Paper Social Studies Online Communication and Support

14 ELA, Math, and Science (PBT) Key Dates Louisiana Believes ActionKey Dates DTCs receive materialsApril 11–April 15 DTCs order additional materials through eDIRECTeDIRECTApril 11–April 19 (11 a.m.) STCs upload TA numbers in eDIRECTeDIRECTApril 11–May 13 Paper testing window (ELA/Math/Science)April 25–April 29 DTCs send voids forms LDOEMay 2 (deadline) DTCs return materials Materials pickup 1 (scorables)May 3 Materials pickup 2 (scorables)May 5 Materials pickup 3 (nonscorables)May 6–May 13 DTCs complete eDIRECT accountability formseDIRECTApril 11–April 15

15 Verifying Receipt of Shipment Louisiana Believes The Materials Receipt Notice enables district to quickly acknowledge the receipt of materials to ensure test security and replaces the paper Receipt Verification Form. To complete the Materials Receipt Notice: 1.Select an Administration. 2.Within the Enter Receipt tab, enter the date the secure materials shipment was received. The Status Report tab will indicate if the Receipt Notice has been completed for a site.

16 Ordering Additional Materials Louisiana Believes The Additional Materials System Allows districts the ability to enter, track, view, change, export, and delete Additional Materials Orders. This system replaces the paper Additional Materials Request Form for District Test Coordinators. The paper Additional Materials Request Form for School Test Coordinators will still be used to communicate school orders to District Test Coordinators. To manage the Additional Materials system: 1.Select the appropriate Administration. 2.To enter a new order, click on Add Order and enter order quantities per material. Shipping notes can be added in the Notes tab. 3.To find an existing order, click on Find Orders. Note: Existing orders can be updated or deleted if they are in the “Submitted” status.

17 Precoded Documents Louisiana Believes Consumable test booklets(ELA and math) and answer documents (Science): All testers receive one consumable test booklet (ELA and math) or answer document (Science) per content area. Precoding is based on November 2015 enrollment. The label box is preprinted with the following information: first and last name, gender, DOB, bar code, precode number, district and school names and codes, and state ID number. (Limited student information is used if no data sharing agreement is on file.) As in prior years: Do not correct any errors in the preprinted information. Notify your SIS coordinator. Principals should bubble accountability codes as needed. Test coordinators or administrators should code accessibility features and/or accommodations used during administration.

18 Hand-coding Documents Louisiana Believes Consumable test booklets(ELA and math) and answer documents (Science): Precoded documents are provided based on November 2015 enrollment. Test coordinators must hand-code documents for students not receiving precoded documents. Hand-coded documents require program specific bar-code labels. The testing program and administration are identified at the bottom of the bar- code label. School personnel must not affix bar-code labels to answer documents for approved home study program.

19 Agenda 19 Louisiana Believes Resources Final Preparations ELA, Math, and Science Paper ELA and Math Online Social Studies Paper Social Studies Online Communication and Support

20 ELA and Math (CBT) Key Dates ActionKey Dates DRC uploads preidentified students* to eDIRECTAvailable DTCs and STCs complete eDIRECT test setup (e.g., create test sessions, print test tickets)Available District test and technology coordinators complete technology setup (e.g., Testing site manager (TSM), and INSIGHT installation)Available STCs upload TA numbers**Available Online testing window (ELA/Math)April 11–May 6 DTCs complete test ticket invalidations in eDIRECTApril 11–May 13 The following table includes key dates related to LEAP ELA and math computer-based tests: *Students who were identified in the Student Information System (SIS) database as of November 2015. Preidentified students taking PBT can exist within eDIRECT; however, these students should not be placed into online test sessions. **TA numbers need to be uploaded prior to creating test sessions in eDIRECT.

21 Online Assessment Scheduling Guidance To help maintain the highest level of security, the Department has released a Grades 3-8 Computer-Based Test Scheduling Guidance to supports districts and schools in administering online assessments. This guide includes requirements, best practices, and sample schedules. As with prior computer-based tests, districts will have some flexibility in scheduling but must follow the required session order. To reduce incidences of testing irregularities, other required scheduling practices include: Testing students of the same grade level at the same time or as near as possible to the same time; Completing make up tests for students immediately upon return; Limiting student interaction during break periods; Isolating students who have not completed testing for the day; Preventing interaction between tested and untested students; Requiring the completion of a session once opened (limiting reopened test sessions);

22 Uploading Students Test Setup > Upload Multiple Students Districts or schools are responsible for uploading all student records into eDIRECT for students participating in the practice test. This is a simple process that involves populating the Multiple Student File Layout and uploading it to the eDIRECT. To upload multiple students from the Test Setup menu: 1.Select Students to display the Manage Students page 2.Select the Upload Multiple Students tab. 3.Review the required file layout.PDF with instructions for how to create and format the file. 4.Once the.csv file is ready, upload the file. All students will automatically be placed into test sessions.

23 Adding Individual Students Test Setup > Manage Students > Add Student Test Coordinators may need to add individual students after the upload for either the practice or operational tests. To add a student after the multiple student upload, populate the required fields within the Add Student screen.

24 Adding Accommodations and Accessibility Features Test Setup > Manage Students > Add Accommodations After a student has been added to eDIRECT, some accommodations and accessibility features will need to be entered into eDIRECT for planning and reporting purposes. To add accommodations to a student’s profile, select the student, then click on Edit Student Click on the Accommodations tab within Edit Student. Select the required accommodation (s), then click on Save Set accommodations will be indicated on test tickets. Note: With Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Translated Text Content (Mathematics Spanish version) if a student’s accommodation changes after the student has been added to a test session, then the student’s test ticket must be regenerated.

25 Test Sessions Test Setup > Test Sessions Once all students are uploaded to eDIRECT, test sessions must be created. Once test sessions are created, then students are added to the appropriate test session so a test ticket can be generated.

26 Creating and Editing Test Sessions Test Setup > Test Sessions > Create/Edit Test Session To create a Test Session, click on Add Session from the Test Session screen. Populate the session details, then click on Find Students. This will display all the available students for the test session, by grade and content area. To add the students to the test session, select the student, then click on the right facing arrow to add the students to the session. Complete the above steps until all students are added to test sessions. Note: For the operational tests, an Upload Multiple Test Sessions option will be available, in additional to creating individual test sessions.

27 Viewing Test Sessions Test Setup > Test Sessions Search and view Test Sessions by clicking on Show Sessions

28 Printing Test Tickets Test Setup > Test Sessions > Print Test Tickets/Rosters School Test Coordinators or Test Administrators must print Test Tickets prior to testing session. Test Tickets contain test login information; tests are activated once a student logs in with username and password provided on Test Ticket. Test Administrators must verify that each student has their correct Test Ticket (one ticket needed per content area). Student Test Tickets are secure materials; they must be distributed, collected and accounted for, and securely destroyed following testing.

29 Printing Rosters Test Setup > Test Sessions > Print Test Tickets/Rosters School Test Coordinator or Test Administrator must print Student Test Roster prior to testing session. The Roster identifies the students in the test session. Student Test Rosters are secure materials; they must be distributed, collected and accounted for, and securely destroyed following testing.

30 Agenda 30 Louisiana Believes Resources Final Preparations ELA, Math, and Science Paper ELA and Math Online Social Studies Paper Social Studies Online Communication and Support

31 Social Studies Field Test Key Dates ActionKey Dates DTCs receive materialsApril 29 DTCs order additional materials through eDIRECTApril 29–May 3 (11 a.m.) STCs upload TA numbersFebruary 18–May 13 Testing windowMay 9–May 13 DTCs submit voids to LDOEMay 16 (deadline) DTCs ship materials (Scorables and Nonscorables)May 17 DTCs complete eDIRECT accountability formsApril 29–May 20 The following table outlines key dates for the paper-based social studies field test for grades 3 and 4:

32 Verifying Receipt of Shipment Louisiana Believes The Materials Receipt Notice enables district to quickly acknowledge the receipt of materials to ensure test security and replaces the paper Receipt Verification Form. To complete the Materials Receipt Notice: 1.Select an Administration. 2.Within the Enter Receipt tab, enter the date the secure materials shipment was received. The Status Report tab will indicate if the Receipt Notice has been completed for a site.

33 Ordering Additional Materials Louisiana Believes The Additional Materials System Allows districts the ability to enter, track, view, change, export, and delete Additional Materials Orders. This system replaces the paper Additional Materials Request Form for District Test Coordinators. The paper Additional Materials Request Form for School Test Coordinators will still be used to communicate school orders to District Test Coordinators. To manage the Additional Materials system: 1.Select the appropriate Administration. 2.To enter a new order, click on Add Order and enter order quantities per material. Shipping notes can be added in the Notes tab. 3.To find an existing order, click on Find Orders. Note: Existing orders can be updated or deleted if they are in the “Submitted” status.

34 Precoded Documents Louisiana Believes Consumable test booklets(ELA and math) and answer documents (Science): All testers receive one consumable test booklet (ELA and math) or answer document (Science) per content area. Precoding is based on November 2015 enrollment. The label box is preprinted with the following information: first and last name, gender, DOB, bar code, precode number, district and school names and codes, and state ID number. (Limited student information is used if no data sharing agreement is on file.) As in prior years: Do not correct any errors in the preprinted information. Notify your SIS coordinator. Principals should bubble accountability codes as needed. Test coordinators or administrators should code accessibility features and/or accommodations used during administration.

35 Hand-coding Documents Louisiana Believes Consumable test booklets(ELA and math) and answer documents (Science): Precoded documents are provided based on November 2015 enrollment. Test coordinators must hand-code documents for students not receiving precoded documents. Hand-coded documents require program specific bar-code labels. The testing program and administration are identified at the bottom of the bar- code label. School personnel must not affix bar-code labels to answer documents for approved home study program.

36 Agenda 36 Louisiana Believes Resources Final Preparations ELA, Math, and Science Paper ELA and Math Online Social Studies Paper Social Studies Online Communication and Support

37 Social Studies Field Test (CBT) Key Dates Key DatesAvailability DRC uploads preidentified students* to eDIRECTAvailable DTCs and STCs complete eDIRECT test setup (e.g., create test sessions, print test tickets)Available District test and technology coordinators complete technology setup (e.g., Testing site manager (TSM), and INSIGHT installation)Available Students and TAs access Online Tools Training (OTT) and practice testsAvailable STCs upload TA numbers**Available Testing windowMay 9–May 13 DTCs complete test ticket invalidations in eDIRECTMay 9–May 13 The following table outlines key dates for the computer-based social studies field test: *Students who were identified in the Student Information System (SIS) database as of November 2015. Preidentified students not participating in the CBT social studies field test can exist within eDIRECT; however, these students should not be placed into online test sessions. **TA numbers need to be uploaded prior to creating test sessions in eDIRECT.

38 Uploading Students Test Setup > Upload Multiple Students Districts or schools are responsible for uploading all student records into eDIRECT for students participating in the practice test. This is a simple process that involves populating the Multiple Student File Layout and uploading it to the eDIRECT. To upload multiple students from the Test Setup menu: 1.Select Students to display the Manage Students page 2.Select the Upload Multiple Students tab. 3.Review the required file layout.PDF with instructions for how to create and format the file. 4.Once the.csv file is ready, upload the file. All students will automatically be placed into test sessions.

39 Adding Individual Students Test Setup > Manage Students > Add Student Test Coordinators may need to add individual students after the upload for either the practice or operational tests. To add a student after the multiple student upload, populate the required fields within the Add Student screen.

40 Adding Accommodations and Accessibility Features Test Setup > Manage Students > Add Accommodations After a student has been added to eDIRECT, some accommodations and accessibility features will need to be entered into eDIRECT for planning and reporting purposes. To add accommodations to a student’s profile, select the student, then click on Edit Student Click on the Accommodations tab within Edit Student. Select the required accommodation (s), then click on Save Set accommodations will be indicated on test tickets. Note: With Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Translated Text Content (Mathematics Spanish version) if a student’s accommodation changes after the student has been added to a test session, then the student’s test ticket must be regenerated.

41 Test Sessions Test Setup > Test Sessions Once all students are uploaded to eDIRECT, test sessions must be created. Once test sessions are created, then students are added to the appropriate test session so a test ticket can be generated.

42 Creating and Editing Test Sessions Test Setup > Test Sessions > Create/Edit Test Session To create a Test Session, click on Add Session from the Test Session screen. Populate the session details, then click on Find Students. This will display all the available students for the test session, by grade and content area. To add the students to the test session, select the student, then click on the right facing arrow to add the students to the session. Complete the above steps until all students are added to test sessions. Note: For the operational tests, an Upload Multiple Test Sessions option will be available, in additional to creating individual test sessions.

43 Viewing Test Sessions Test Setup > Test Sessions Search and view Test Sessions by clicking on Show Sessions

44 Printing Test Tickets Test Setup > Test Sessions > Print Test Tickets/Rosters School Test Coordinators or Test Administrators must print Test Tickets prior to testing session. Test Tickets contain test login information; tests are activated once a student logs in with username and password provided on Test Ticket. Test Administrators must verify that each student has their correct Test Ticket (one ticket needed per content area). Student Test Tickets are secure materials; they must be distributed, collected and accounted for, and securely destroyed following testing.

45 Printing Rosters Test Setup > Test Sessions > Print Test Tickets/Rosters School Test Coordinator or Test Administrator must print Student Test Roster prior to testing session. The Roster identifies the students in the test session. Student Test Rosters are secure materials; they must be distributed, collected and accounted for, and securely destroyed following testing.

46 Agenda 46 Louisiana Believes Resources Final Preparations ELA, Math, and Science Paper ELA and Math Online Social Studies Paper Social Studies Online Communication and Support

47 Continuous Support Louisiana Believes The Assessment team offers continuous support to districts, schools, and teachers seeking information or assistance about assessment administration and accountability. Assessment@ All stakeholders are encouraged to email assessment and accountability questions and/or concerns to Assessment Hotline For immediate assistance regarding assessment and accountability, district-level staff may call the Assessment Hotline at 1-844-268-7320. DRC Customer Service DRC provides customer support to district test coordinators each day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1-888-718-4836 or by email at

48 Assessment Office Hours 48 Assessment Office Hours Assessment office hours are available every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and include an overview of the weekly newsletter and a Q-and-A session for test coordinators, technology coordinators, and other stakeholders. Office Hours Login Information (*No pre-registration required) Click here to join the meeting or go to Enter the meeting room as a guest and provide your name. Select the "listen only mode" if joining the meeting via computer or smartphone or access audio via phone bridge: (800) 832-0736 / room number: 3423602

49 Paper-Based Tests Access test coordinator and administrator manuals Receive materials noting receipt in eDIRECT Hand-code materials for those not receiving precoded documents Distribute testing materials no more than 3 business days prior to the assessment Bubble accountability codes and accessibility/accommodations Next Steps Louisiana Believes For more information, contact Next call: April 5, Computer-Based Tests Access test coordinator and administrator manuals Upload or individually add any additional students Enter accessibility and accommodations into eDIRECT Create test sessions Print test tickets and rosters

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