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Do Now: Think back to the Jones Beach lab where you classified and sorted organisms. What do scientists sort organisms based on?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Think back to the Jones Beach lab where you classified and sorted organisms. What do scientists sort organisms based on?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Do Now: Think back to the Jones Beach lab where you classified and sorted organisms. What do scientists sort organisms based on?

3 Spider crab vs. green crab

4 What is taxonomy? The way in which organisms are sorted based on physical characteristics and DNA code.

5 organisms 2 groupsKingdoms : Initially all organisms, were broken down into only 2 major groups or Kingdoms : PlantsPlants AnimalsAnimals

6 Taxonomy: divideHowever, as more organisms were discovered there was a need to divide the groups even further. classification Taxonomy structureThe classification of living organisms is called Taxonomy and is primarily based on structure of the organism.

7 Classification Categories: broad generalThe 5 kingdoms are very broad and general categories. subdivided specific categories.To help organize the wide variety of animals, plants etc, the 5 kingdoms were subdivided into more specific categories.

8 The Classification Categories are: KingdomKingdom PhylumPhylum ClassClass OrderOrder FamilyFamily GenusGenus SpeciesSpecies Keep Ponds Clean OrOrOrOr Fish Get Sick! Least Specific Most Specific

9 The Five Kingdoms… major groupsThere are now 5 kingdoms or major groups. They are: –Monerans –Monerans (bacteria, algae) –Protists –Protists (ameba, paramecium) –Fungi –Fungi (lichens, yeast, mold) –Plants –Plants(grasses, trees, flowers) –Animals –Animals (fish, birds, dogs, humans)



12 A. Kingdom Monera MicroscopicMicroscopic UnicellularUnicellular (single cell) ProkaryoticProkaryotic (no nucleus) cell organellesLack most cell organelles absorptionIngest food by absorption Ex: Blue-green algae, bacteria


14 Blue-green Algae


16 B. Kingdom Protista UnicellularUnicellular (single cell) EukaryoticEukaryotic (has nucleus) motileSome are motile (able to move) Ex: Amoeba, paramecium

17 Ameba

18 Paramecium


20 C. Kingdom Fungi MulticellularMulticellular (has many cells) EukaryoticEukaryotic (has nucleus) cell wallsHave cell walls but CANNOT make own food Ex: lichens, yeast, mold, mushrooms

21 Marine Fungi Rarely heard of Important role in decomposing (breaking down cellulose in plant material) Coral reefs, estuaries, mangroves, etc.

22 Lichens

23 Mold

24 Moldy Room

25 Yeast


27 D. Plant Kingdom MulticellularMulticellular EukaryoticEukaryotic photosynthesisMake food by photosynthesis SessileSessile (does not move) Kelp can grow half a meter a day!

28 Phytoplankton

29 Sea grass The only flowering plant in the ocean!


31 E. Animal Kingdom Multicellular Eukaryotic Obtain food mostly by ingestion Motile




35 1. Kingdom largest generalThis is the largest and most general unit of classification What kingdom do dolphins belong to?Animalia

36 Bottle Nose Dolphin Taxonomy KingdomAnimalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mammalia Order:Cetacea Family:Delphinidae Genus:Tursiops Species: truncatusAnimaliaChordataMammaliaCetaceaDelphinidae

37 2. Phylum grouping general body planstructureThe grouping of organisms based on general body plan and structure What phylum do dolphins belong to?Chordata nerve cord craniumAll chordates have a dorsal (back) nerve cord and cranium that protects the brain. Ex: Humans, dolphins, sharks, dogs, frogs


39 3. Class common characteristicsShare common characteristics What class do dolphins belong to? Mammalia (mammals) Ex: Characteristics: –Hair on body –Give birth to live young –Warm blooded


41 4. Order more similar classThese organisms are more similar than those of the same class What order do dolphins belong to?Cetaceans

42 Dolphins, whales & porpoises

43 Sub order: Odontocetes Toothed whales Carnivores

44 5. Family appearance feeding habits, behaviors, and general functionsThey are similar in appearance, and have the same feeding habits, behaviors, and general functions What family do Dolphins belong to?Delphinidae Ex: orca, pilot whales; fast, use echolocation, do not dive as deep as other cetaceans

45 6. Genus appearance may breedwith each otherThey are more similar in appearance and may breed with each other What genus do dolphins belong to?Tursiops Ex:Rounded forehead, pronounced “beak”

46 Slight, almost un-noticable genetic differences Common bottle nose Indopacific bottle nose (T. aduncus ) Pacific bottle nose (T. gillii) Black sea bottle nose (T. truncatus ponticus )

47 7. Species most specificThis is the most specific unit of classification interbreed freelyThese individuals can interbreed freely and are most similar to each other What species do bottle nose dolphins belong to? truncatus truncatus

48 Bottle Nose Dolphin Taxonomy KingdomAnimalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mammalia Order:Cetacea Family:Delphinidae Genus:Tursiops Species: truncatusAnimaliaChordataMammaliaCetaceaDelphinidae

49 Binomial Nomenclature 2 namesEvery organism has 2 names GenusThe first name is the Genus (always Capitalized) speciesThe second name is the species (lower case) H omo s apiensThe scientific name for humans therefore is H omo s apiens which means “wise man”

50 What is the scientific name for a dog? CanisThe Genus is Canis Canis familiarisHouse pet = Canis familiaris Canis lupusWolf = Canis lupus

51 What is the scientific name for a cat? FelisThe genus is Felis Felis domesticaHouse pet = Felis domestica Felis rufaBobcat = Felis rufa


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