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Plant Names and Classification

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1 Plant Names and Classification
Chapter 16 Lecture Outline Plant Names and Classification Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

2 Outline Introduction Binomial System of Nomenclature
The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature Domain & Kingdom Concept Classification of Major Groups The Species Concept

3 Classification of Major Groups
3 domains: Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya Domains broken up into Kingdoms Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Kingdoms broken up into Phyla

4 PLANT PHYLA For the Plant Kingdom: There are approximately 12 Phyla

5 Phylum Polypodiophyta Phylum Bryophyta
Phylum Coniferophyta Phylum ??? = Angiosperms

6 The Domain & Kingdom Concept
TAXONOMIC CLASSIFICATION– grouping of similar organisms into groups MEMORY AID Domain Do Kingdom Keep Phylum Philip’s Class Clothes Order On Family For Genus Goodness Species Sakes

7 Binomial System of Nomenclature
All species given a unique two word name representing the GENUS and SPECIES names. Spearmint: Mentha spicata L. A page from Species Plantarum by Linnaeus

8 Classification of Major Groups
Example: onion Domain Eukarya Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Angiosperm Class: Monocot

9 Genus: Allium Species: Allium cepa L. Allium Flavum
Allium Schoenoprasum

10 Example: California Rose
Domain Eukarya Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Angiosperm

11 Class: Eudicot Order: Rosales Family: Rosaceae Spiraea douglassii
Geum macrophyllum

12 Species: Rosa californica
Genus: Rosa Species: Rosa californica Rosa Gymnocarpa Rosa Woodsii

13 Class: Moncot Order: Liliales Family: Liliaceae

14 COMMON NAMES: Unreliable
Examples Dicentra cucullaria - Many common names: Dutchman’s breeches, little-boy’s breeches, monkshood, boys-and-girls, soldier’s cap, white hearts,…, plus others in different languages Monkshood is common name for Dicentra cucullaria and for Aconitum species, which is in a different family.

15 The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
Book that standardizes rules governing the naming and classification of plants Two steps for a new plant species: Latin description of plant must be published in a journal or other public publication. Author must designate type specimen that is deposited in a herbarium.

16 The Species Concept Morphological species concept - A species is defined by morphology. Interbreeding species concept - A species is a population capable of interbreeding and is reproductively isolated from other groups. Ecological species concept - A species is a group of related individuals that occupy a unique ecological niche.


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