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Date: May 6, 2016 Aim #79: How do scientists classify living organisms? HW: 1)Evolution Test Monday 5/9 and Tuesday 5/10 2)Unit 7e due Friday, May 13th.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: May 6, 2016 Aim #79: How do scientists classify living organisms? HW: 1)Evolution Test Monday 5/9 and Tuesday 5/10 2)Unit 7e due Friday, May 13th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: May 6, 2016 Aim #79: How do scientists classify living organisms? HW: 1)Evolution Test Monday 5/9 and Tuesday 5/10 2)Unit 7e due Friday, May 13th Do not forget Castle Learning!! Human Phys. Fridays Do Now: Warm-Up Notebook DateTitle of Activity Page # 5/6121

2 Aim #79: How do scientists classify living organisms?

3 1) What is Taxonomy? Taxonomy is the branch of biology that involves the identification, naming, and classification of species. The modern system of classification now contains five major groups called Kingdoms. The modern classification system is based on structural similarities and evolutionary relationships.

4 2) What are the subcategories? Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species “General to Specific” King Phillip Come Out For Goodness Sake

5 3) How do scientists universally name organisms? They use what Linnaeus referred to as: Binomial nomenclature Homo sapien Felis felineCanis familaris Genus & species

6 4) Three Domain System: The “Domain” is a larger category than the “Kingdom”.

7 5a) Kingdom Monera Which are single-celled prokaryotes (bacteria). Characteristics: 1)No nucleus 2)No membrane enclosed organelles 3)Have cell walls (peptidoglycan) 4)Some are pathogenic (cause us harm)

8 b) Kingdom Monera Shapes: 1)Coccus – round-shaped 2)Bacillus – rod-shaped 3) Spirillus – spiral-shaped

9 c) Types of Monera: Monera AerobicAnaerobic ObligateFacultative Obligate Anaerobes - oxygen is poisonous. Facultative Anaerobes - oxygen will not kill them.

10 d) Cyanobacteria: Are bacteria that carry out photosynthesis (produce oxygen). Bacteria are the most populous organisms on earth!

11 6) Kingdom Protista Eukaryotes that are not animals, plants, or fungi are classified as protists. Most are unicellular. They are very diverse organisms.

12 Types of Protists: Protists Protozoans Heterotrophs AmoebaParamecium Slime Molds Fungus-like Heterotrophs Euglenoids Autotrophs AlgaeEuglena

13 b) Protozoans: Heterotrophic, shapeless organism that moves by pseudopods & engulfs food by phagocytosis. Amoeba Paramecium Heterotroph that Moves around by using tiny hair-like projections known as cilia. Have contractile vacuoles!

14 c) Slime Molds: Are fungus like organisms that are heterotrophs, which Live off dead organic matter and bacteria. They resemble fungi because they come together as a unit (looking like a multicelled organism) & form spores.

15 d) Euglenoids: Euglena Green Algae Photosynthetic protist with chloroplasts & a flagellum for movement. A group of photosynthetic protists.

16 7) Kingdom Fungi: Characteristics: 1)Are eukaryotic heterotrophs 2)Have hyphae which are tiny threads of cytoplasm surrounded by a plasma membrane and a cell wall. 3) Mycelium are branches of the hyphae that form an interwoven mat. The branching mycelium enables the fungus to obtain food by absorptive nutrition.

17 b) Reproduction of Fungi: Fungi reproduce by releasing large numbers of microscopic spores. Spores are haploid single cells with thick cell walls that can withstand unfavorable conditions for long periods of time. Most fungi produce spores asexually at the tips of specialized hyphae.

18 c) Sexual Reproduction of Fungi: Haploid hyphae fuse together and combine their genetic material. Eventually, diploid cells resulting from these pairing undergo meiosis. These meiotic divisions produce haploid spores.

19 d) Types of Fungi: Mushrooms Yeast (unicellular) Molds

20 8) Lichens: A union between fungi and either algae or cyanobacteria.

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