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Psychodynamic Theory Personality Development Psychosexual stages from birth to maturation –Proceeds in a prescribed manner Based on which part of the.

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2 Psychodynamic Theory

3 Personality Development Psychosexual stages from birth to maturation –Proceeds in a prescribed manner Based on which part of the body is most sensitive to excitation –Emphasis is on pleasure not sex Libido – the sexual energy and becomes attached or associated with needs of the individual

4 Pure evil?

5 Id “It” Baby is pure id Primitive –Unverbalized needs, wants, and feelings –Think of the worst thought Where libido comes from –Baby is mass of needs

6 Id Pleasure principle –“I want it all now!” Primary process thinking –UCS –No “words” No qualification, no sense of time, etc. –Goal: immediate gratification of every need

7 How does a baby get pleasure?

8 Oral Stage The primary source of pleasure is in the mouth (only thing a child has control over) Libido is in the mouth, lips, and tongue Birth to about 18 months

9 Oral Stage Psychological Theme Dependency A baby is completely dependent and passive What happens if the babies oral needs are satisfied at this stage?

10 Oral Stage Adult Personality Type “Oral character” –One of two extremes (both have issues focused on dependency and passivity) Doctrine of opposites Extremely independent –Don’t want help from anyone! / “I can do it myself!” Extremely Passive –Just wait for things to happen Think about what they want, rather then do something about it

11 Anal Stage

12 Libido moves to elimination organs –Age 1 – 3 years “Have to go!” Child needs to learn to control his or her bowels Note: Id doesn’t want to worry about this!

13 Anal Stage Ego is born “I” Created because of awareness that one does not get everything one wants

14 Anal Stage Ego is born Reality principle –The way to get the most gratification in the long run is to make compromises Secondary process thinking –What you think, “think” means! –Rational, practical, etc.

15 Anal Stage Ego must deal with reality (parents) and the Id (want to go!). Psychological Theme Self Control and obedience “No!” –Terrible twos Figure out power

16 Anal Stage Adult Personality Type “Anal character” –One of two extremes (both have issues focused on control) Doctrine of opposites Anal Retentive –Extremely organized / cannot tolerate disorganization –Try to control every aspect of life (although like control from authority) Anal Expulsive –Little or no self-control –Disorganized, always late –Dislike authority


18 “Boys and girls are different” Age 3 – 7 years

19 Phallic Stage Child is curious about their genitalia and others –Libido moves to genitals Boys have a penis and girls do not –Notice the emphasis is on penis Who is the “other” gender they are seeing? Parents

20 Phallic Stage Oedipus complex (for boys) –Greek myth The desire to rid the parent of the same sex, and take possession of the opposite sex parent –Remember what parts of the mind are present Fear prevents this behavior Fear lies in the belief that they will be castrated by their father –Castration anxiety

21 Phallic Stage How do you avoid this from occurring? Start to act like father –“tricks” the id –Protects boy from dad Try to become one you most fear Take on attitudes, values, beliefs, etc. Identification

22 Superego “Over I” Through identification the superego is born! “Moral Voice” –Think of the best, most moral person Stores and enforces rules Enforces rules through anxiety

23 Phallic Stage Electra complex (for girls) The desire to rid the parent of the same sex, and take possession of the opposite sex parent –Remember what parts of the mind are present Fear prevents this behavior But what is the fear? –No castration anxiety Believes she already lost her penis –“Penis envy”

24 Phallic Stage Electra complex (for girls) Fear isn’t as strong as for males Identification is not as strong as for males Superego less developed! What do you think about that??

25 Identification Do we sometimes identify with those we fear? Stockholm Syndrome Patty Hearst

26 Phallic Stage Psychological Theme Figure out what it means to be a “boy” or a “girl” Done through identification

27 Phallic Stage Adult Personality Type “Phallic character” –One of two extremes (both have issues focused on sexuality) Doctrine of opposites Extremely promiscuous in sexual behavior Asexual Note: both extremes are similar (define life in terms of sex) –Freud views middle as most healthy

28 Latency Stage Starts around 7 years Not really a stage, but a retreat from the pleasurable biological activities Decline of sexual interest Social and cognitive interests develop

29 Genital Stage Start of puberty –Libido moves to genitals Sexual desire resurfaces in a socialized form Do not pass through it It is the GOAL! –Try to get as much libido here as possible

30 Genital Stage Focus is on genitals –Note: label (note phallic) Giving life Psychological Theme Creation and enhancement of life –True maturity is the ability to bring life into the world and allow it to grow Not only kids, but other things as well (art, work, etc)

31 Genital Stage Adult Personality Type “Genital character” Well adjusted and BALANCED What is mental health? Love and work

32 Psychosexual Stages StagePhysical Focus Psychological Theme Parts of the Mind OralMouthDependencyPure Id AnalElimination organs Self-ControlEgo is born PhallicPenisIdentitySuperego is born LatencyNone -- GenitalGenitals-- Libido


34 Parts of the Mind

35 Consciousness Conscious Preconscious Unconscious

36 The Mind


38 The Mind ID CS PCS UCS

39 The Mind ID CS PCS UCS Ego

40 The Mind ID CS PCS UCS Ego Superego

41 Therapy Most psychological problems are a result of issues in the UCS –Conflicts in the UCS between id, ego, superego Goal of therapy is to make the UCS CS! –Catharsis –Deal with is rationally –Map the mind

42 Therapy How? Dreams –UCS “pops” out Manifest vs. Latent content Did not believe in universal symbols –Meaning vary for each individual

43 Therapy Hypnosis –Used early in career Free association –Psychic Determinism –Nothing is random! “Talking Cure” Accidents

44 Therapy Transference –The tendency to bring ways of thinking that developed with one important person into a later relationship with a different person Good tool for therapists –Can be dangerous

45 Therapy What happens when the UCS starts to become CS? Person starts to feel worse! –Anxiety Many people try “not to think about it” because of this

46 Therapy Important for a therapeutic alliance to occur –Bond between therapist and client Helps client deal with this anxiety This usually takes many years

47 Cons Nonverifiable Theory of development not consistent with the data Theory developed from a limited and homogenous population – young, female, and behavioral symptoms were similar Sexist

48 Pros Emphasizes the importance of childhood Attempts to understand unconscious forces Defense mechanisms

49 Why Important A complete theory of personality –Shows what a theory should look like Still influences therapy –Talking cure –free association –billing for missed appointments

50 Why Important Culture “Why did you really do that” “Looking for a father figure” “Uptight” “What is he trying to overcompensate about?” “Letting it all hang out”

51 Why Important Asked the right questions Dreams Humor Early life Sexual attraction Love Anxiety Modern day researchers are still looking for answers to these questions!



54 ID Pleasure Principle / Primary Thinking

55 ID Superego “Morals” Pleasure Principle / Primary Thinking

56 ID Superego “Morals” Ego Reality Principle / Secondary thinking Pleasure Principle / Primary Thinking

57 ID Superego “Morals” Ego Reality Principle / Secondary thinking Pleasure Principle / Primary Thinking



60 ID Wants sexual gratification NOW

61 ID Superego Immoral (married, stranger, etc.) Wants sexual gratification NOW

62 ID Superego Ego Needs to satisfy ego, superego, and reality! Immoral (married, stranger, etc.) Wants sexual gratification NOW

63 ID Superego Ego Immoral (married, stranger, etc.) Wants sexual gratification NOW Needs to satisfy ego, superego, and reality!

64 Psychic Conflict Examples: Candy Police Driving in a car Fear of heights Typically both the ego and superego may push the id impulse back into UCS –Never know about it –But still may have a vague feeling of uneasiness, anxiety of guilt! “I just feel bad – but I don’t know why”

65 Ego Id

66 Parapraxis Humor


68 Write a funny caption for this picture

69 Findings Tend to write captions with sexual or aggressive themes –“Sorry for being late, I was just with your best friend” Interestingly, rarely make such statements when asked what they might do in this situation

70 Themes Sex Aggression Elimination

71 Why? Which part of the mind emphasizes these themes? How does a joke work? Surprise!

72 How a joke works The surprise “punch line” is important Ego doesn’t have a chance to defend against it Rush of pleasure comes from sudden release of tension Tension released because repressed impulses suddenly allowed expression The punch-line evades the censor

73 How a joke works Expression of unacceptable impulses, often of sex and aggression Jokes allow you to enjoy these impulses in a relatively safe manner

74 Practical Jokes Examples Expression of mild hostility in an enjoyable way

75 Research The art of telling a joke (if Freud is right) The more tension a person experiences before a punch line, the funnier the joke Told they would be using a rat –Low tension (just held it) –Mod. tension (took blood; told it was easy) –High tension (took blood; told it was hard) Id Ego

76 Research Reached into cage and found

77 Research “Punch Line” How funny was that?

78 Research

79 When jokes go bad! If joke is too crude it is typically not seen as funny. Why? Its purpose is too obvious to the audience – ego has time to censure the impulse

80 Nice jokes What about “nice” jokes? “I don’t believe in astrology, because I’m a Virgo, and we’re hard to convince.” Silliness in general allows for a brief escape from reality Demands of reality are resented by the mind –It constantly thwarts release of tension! Defying reality is mildly pleasant

81 Remembering Jokes Have trouble remember jokes? Repression occurs afterward

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