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TimeLink Time and Attendance Software A Software Application to Replace the Current Paper Based, Manual Process Personal and Academic Excellence Inspired.

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Presentation on theme: "TimeLink Time and Attendance Software A Software Application to Replace the Current Paper Based, Manual Process Personal and Academic Excellence Inspired."— Presentation transcript:

1 TimeLink Time and Attendance Software A Software Application to Replace the Current Paper Based, Manual Process Personal and Academic Excellence Inspired by a Collaborative and Innovative Learning Environment





6 Additional Considerations Other Than Paperwork Reduction Improvement of Fair Labor Standards documentation Control of processes and “gate keeping” Standardization of process for all staff Efficient and easy to use process for all staff Enhanced timeliness of data processing Enhanced ability for cost control Reduction in error rate and real time error identification and correction Enhanced ability to track and report hourly and overtime pay


8 Time Clock Biometric Devices Biometrics verifies the identity of an individual based on six unique feature points of the finger – it does not record the fingerprint. Biometrics dramatically reduces time fraud or “buddy punching” in addition to eliminating the need for immediate administrative help resulting from lost or forgotten badges or ID numbers. The device uses a high-performance optical sensor to identify or verify a person’s identity. A finger is placed on a plastic scanning plate illuminated by an LED light source, the finger is then scanned and the six point structures are encoded and saved as a biometric template in numeric format in the local database of the device. The biometric numeric template created from the six point structures will be matched to your user ID - Social Security numbers or other personally identifiable information are not used.


10 Salaried Non-Exempt –Custodians, Nutrition Workers, Secretary, Admin Techs, Technical Support Specialists, Nurses, Instructional Assistants, Maintenance staff, Lead Technology Specialist, Reprographic Specialist, CLASS Site Director, MLK PAC Manager Hourly Employees –Tutors, Substitute Nutrition, Substitute custodian, Athletic Coaches, Adult Education Salaried Exempt employees with Secondary Job for Hourly Pay Salaried Exempt –Teachers, Counselors, Coordinators, Administrators, Principals, APs, Athletic Directors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Network Engineer, Supervisor, Sub Teachers and Sub IA’s Who Will Be Using The Devices?

11 What’s Coming Next? Posters will be strategically placed throughout buildings for initial communication about the upcoming initiative Time keeping devices will be installed with Principal/Building Supervisor input Implementation Timeline: November - Walker, Division Administration, Division Annex (CHS), Adult Education At the same time, enroll staff division wide These groups will also fill out time sheets so that we can validate current system with new system December – All others All staff will use new system only going forward

12 How You Can Help: Communication is key – be informed and help staff understand the reasons behind this initiative Generate positive, enthusiastic awareness about TimeLink Be a “Champion” leader of this project

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