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Presentation on theme: "CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY OF CENTRAL ASIA: POPULATION AND CULTURE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Essential Questions: How has physical geography affected where people have settled in North Africa, Southwest and Central Asia? Learning Target: IWBAT explain how Central Asian culture is unique. Formative Assessment(s): What are three aspects of Central Asian culture?

3 BELLWORK Write down anything you know about Central Asian culture. Reminder, aspects of culture include: Social organization, Customs and traditions, Languages, Arts and literature, Religion, Forms of government, Economic systems, Food and clothing, Music and dance

4 AZERBAIJAN FUN FACTS Azeri culture is known for its history of folklore and superstition, here are a few popular beliefs: “Do not lend money or bread at night.” “Leaving scissors with opened blades brings misfortune and even death.” “If you meet a person with empty buckets, you are bound for misfortune.” Tea is the most popular drink in Azerbaijan. Traditionally served in a pear shaped glass, the drink is often consumed through lumps of sugar or jam, held in the mouth. The Burning Mountain is a rare natural wonder in the Absheron peninsula. It burns all year round due to natural gas escaping from the ground.

5 CLASSWORK TOGETHER, read about Population Patterns on page 463 1.What is the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan? 2.What are the two largest ethnic groups in the Caucasus? 3.Which country has the largest population in the region? 4.How did 1 million Armenians die in Turkey? 5.Where do most people in Tajikistan live? 6.What two major rivers flow through Central Asia?

6 CLASSWORK TOGETHER, read about History and Government on pages 464-465 1.What civilization ruled over the Caucasus in the 800s BC? 2.Many Central Asian cities were trading posts along what trade route? 3.What five empires have ruled Central Asia? 4.Which country controlled Central Asia for much of the 1900s? 5.Which country has been unstable since the fall of the Soviet Union? 6.Why did the United States overthrow the Taliban government?

7 TURKMENISTAN FUN FACTS The name Turkmenistan was derived from the Persian language, and it simply means “Land of the Turkmen.” In 330 BC, Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria, which later became Merv. One of the projects of the former president Saparmurat Niyazov is a ski resort in a Turkmenistan mountain with no snow. Gas and electricity are free in Turkmenistan, so some citizens opt to have their stoves burning 24/7 to avoid the cost of using matches.

8 CLASSWORK TOGETHER, read about Culture on page 466. 1.What is the main form of language in Central Asia? 2.What is the only country with an unique language? 3.What branch of Islam is most practiced in this region? 4.Which two countries practice Christianity? 5.Besides Afghanistan, what is the literacy rate in Central Asia? 6.What caused the arts to suffer?

9 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT What are three aspects of Central Asian culture? Reminder, aspects of culture include: Social organization, Customs and traditions, Languages, Arts and literature, Religion, Forms of government, Economic systems, Food and clothing, Music and dance


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