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A Survey of Christian Evidences Midway Church of Christ (Fall 2015)

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Presentation on theme: "A Survey of Christian Evidences Midway Church of Christ (Fall 2015)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Survey of Christian Evidences Midway Church of Christ (Fall 2015)

2 What, Why, and How?

3 Class Objectives Primary—to equip Secondary—to engage Class Format One topic per week Discussion, written work Special notes Feedback Going forward

4 Greek ἀ πολογία → “apologia” (I Peter 3:15) A verbal defense (especially in a court of law) A well-reasoned reply A reasoned argument that presents evidence Formal definition “Apologetics is that branch of Christianity that deals with answering any and all critics who oppose or question the truth of Christianity and showing the irrationality of any alternatives.”

5 Questions Existence and nature of God Identity of Jesus Christ Faith and Science Historical reliability of Christianity People Atheists/agnostics Wavering believers Children

6 Offensive/Positive Present a positive case for Christianity Examples Existence of God Historical reliability of the Gospels Defensive/Negative Answer or refute objections to Christianity Examples Problem of evil Alleged Bible contradictions

7 Classical Prove theism first, then Christianity Evidential Historical/archaeological evidence Cumulative Case Several different lines of argument Presuppositional Start with Christianity/scriptures

8 Changes in Western thinking Pre-Enlightenment → God-centered Enlightenment era → increased secularism Modern era → popular dismissal of Christianity Influence of pop culture Internet TV (History Channel, National Geographic) Movies (Da Vinci Code) Books

9 “You can’t convert people with arguments” Apologetics removes barriers Ex: Antony Flew “You just have to believe” (Fideism) Blind faith =/= Biblical faith John 10:37-38, Matthew 22:37 “Apologetics isn’t in the Bible” Jesus used it! (Matthew 11:2-6) So did the Apostles (Acts 17:22-30)

10 We live in a post-Christian world Secular skepticism is a virtue Militant atheism on the rise Poor view of Christians and Jesus We shape our culture Our world asks tough questions We answer their objections We challenge their beliefs What is our end goal?

11 Know why you believe This gives you the courage to evangelize We have an advantage over atheists Have you ever seen an atheist debate? Reinforce your (and your kid’s) faith Atheistic points are presented as truth Can Christians be… smart? Personal benefits Well-rounded, thoughtful, confident

12 Some just don’t know Religion of Internet, TV, classroom Our side is not presented publically Some need to face the facts “Skepticism” as a wall around the heart All beliefs should be challenged Apologetics may have little direct effect Worth it even if one is saved Provides an intellectual foundation

13 Effective apologetics… Silences objectors Adds credibility to the speaker Leaves people thinking What is required? A relationship with God A good example A willingness to study, learn, and listen

14 Apologetics is evangelism 1 Peter 3:15 applies to everyone We fight for souls God gives the increase “A stone in his shoe” This requires… Respect (1 Pet 3:15b) Patience (Col. 4:5-6) Listening (James 1:19)

15 Know your audience Know their objections Ask questions Listen closely Speak clearly Be prepared! Keep notes Don’t make it hard on yourself “I don’t know” is okay

16 Areas of study (in addition to the Bible) Philosophy Morality Biology Physics History Archaeology And more… Find your niche!

17 1. 1 Peter 3:15 is not the only verse that uses the word “apologia”. Using a concordance or the Internet, find another verse where apologia is used. What does apologia mean in this verse? How does that relate to our definition of apologetics?

18 2. Why do you think some Christians today avoid the study of apologetics? What reasons would you give to encourage someone to study apologetics?

19 3. While speaking to the crowd in Athens in Acts 17:28, Paul quotes Epimenides and Aratus, two Greek (pagan) philosophers. Why would Paul quote pagans while presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How could you use this approach when speaking to a non-Christian (for example, a Muslim) today?


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