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28-2: The New Frontier.

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1 28-2: The New Frontier

2 1. Problem: Economic Recession
What programs, laws, and accomplishments resulted from Kennedy’s beliefs? Congress increased defense spending Increased the minimum wage Extended unemployment insurance Provided assistance to cities with high unemployment rates What did Kennedy believe the government could do to solve the problem? Increased spending Engaged in deficit spending Lower taxes

3 2. Problem: Poverty Abroad
What did Kennedy believe the government could do to solve the problem? Offered volunteer, economic and technical assistance to developing nations What programs, laws, and accomplishments resulted from Kennedy’s beliefs? Peace Corps: (volunteers help poor/developing nations) The Alliance for Progress: (aid to Latin American countries) Some economic progress was made in developing nations due to these efforts

4 3. Problem: Soviet Successes in Space
What programs, laws, and accomplishments resulted from Kennedy’s beliefs? U.S. astronauts orbited the Earth and finally landed on the moon. Science programs expanded New technology and new industries developed Rapid growth of Southern and Western states What did Kennedy believe the government could do to solve the problem? JFK set the goal of landing on the moon before the end of the 1960s Increased spending on the space program Crew of Apollo I

5 The New Frontier: Unfulfilled Promises
4. Rejected Proposals Medical care for the aged Rebuilding of blighted urban areas Federal aid for education

6 The New Frontier: Unfulfilled Promises
5. Later proposals JFK made but never had the chance to guide through congress because he was assassinated A national assault on poverty An investigation of racial injustice in the South A national Civil Rights Bill A tax cut

7 Warren Commission The Warren Commission was the body that investigated the Kennedy Assassination. The Commission determined that JFK’s assassinator, Lee Harvey Oswald, acted alone

8 Term: Mandate Mandate: An overwhelming show of support by voters, or a clear indication that the voters approve of a politician’s plan. One reason for Kennedy’s difficulties was that he was elected by a small margin. As a result he lacked a popular mandate. Because JFK lacked overwhelming support, he rarely pushed hard for his bills.

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