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Identifying Bird Orders and Families

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1 Identifying Bird Orders and Families
Some useful familial characteristics *Note- Not all orders/families/species are represented in this presentation, please refer to master species list.

2 Anseriformes Anatidae
Can some one tell me the type of birds in this order? Anseriformes

3 Anseriformes: Characteristics
Waterfowl, diverse group Palmate feet Among ducks, use speculum to help ID Geese tend to be larger Mergansers have more elongated body/head shape Bills less flattened

4 Anseriformes Hooded merganser, American widgeon, green-winged teal, northern shoveler, surf scoter, common goldeneye

5 Falconiformes Cathartidae, Pandionidae, Accipitridae, Falconidae
Can some one tell me the type of birds in this order? Falconiformes

6 Falconiformes: Characteristics
Carnivorous Distinctive curved beak shape Strong feet, talons Large eyes In flight, minimal flapping Falconidae Pointed wings Moustache Accipitridae Primary “fingers” Pay attention to tail shape (especially in flight)

7 Falconiformes Accipitridae Falconidae
Red-tailed hawk, northern harrier, peregrine falcon x2 Falconidae

8 Falconiformes: Sharp-shinned vs. Cooper’s Hawk
Cooper’s head extends beyond wrists (in flight), thicker terminal white tail band, darker crown (compared to nape) Sharp shinned with blunt, flat tail, proportionally smaller head and shorter tail Sharp-shinned Hawk

9 Charadriiformes Charadriidae, Scolopacidae, Laridae, Alcidae
Can some one tell me the type of birds in this order? Charadriiformes

10 Charadriiformes: Characteristics
Generally, sea-dwelling/shorebirds birds Pay attention to leg color, bill shape Plovers (Charadriidae) 1st digit (toe) very reduced Shorter, thicker bills compared to Scolopacidae Prominent bend in wing Sandpipers (Scolopacidae) Long toes, reduced 1st digit Long, tapered wings Gulls (Laridae) Large Narrow, pointed wings Use leg color and bill markings to ID species

11 Charadriiformes: Laridae
Mew Gull: no/faint ring on bill, dark iris Ring-billed gull: black ring, pale iris Western gull: pink legs, red spot on lower mandible, darker than glaucous-winged Glaucous-winged gull: relatively un-patterned plumage, lighter coloring, pink legs, red spot on lower mandible Caspian tern: thick orange, pointed bill; smaller body, flattened head

12 Charadriiformes Killdeer, Semi-palmated plover, Dunlin
Plovers: thick short bills, vestigial toe Sandpipers: comparatively longer bills, reduced toe

13 Strigiformes Tytonidae, Strigidae
Can some one tell me the type of birds in this order? Strigiformes

14 Strigiformes: Characteristics
Round, flat faces with ear tufts large eyes facing forward Bill hooked and relatively short Barring, earth-toned colors as camouflage Strong feet, sharp talons zygodactyl

15 Strigiformes Barred owl, northern spotted owl, great horned owl, barn owl

16 Picidae Can some one tell me the type of birds in this order? Piciformes

17 Piciformes: Characteristics
Vertical posture Zygodactyl digit arrangement Stiff tail feathers for balance Chisel-like beak Undulating flight pattern Flap-flap-glide (wings tucked) Pay attention to patterning on wings, specific location of brighter colors, bill size

18 Piciformes Red-breasted sap sucker, Pileated woodpecker, northern flicker Eastern subspecies of Northern flicker has black malars (male) and red nape (male and female); gilded flicker male has red malars and female has no facial marking

19 Piciformes: Downy vs. Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker Hairy Woodpecker Downy: smaller body, smaller bill size proportional to head Hairy: larger body, longer bill compared to head Males have red nape in both species

20 Tyrannidae, Laniidae, Corvidae, Hirundinidae, Paridae, Aegithalidae, Sittidae, Certhiidae, Troglodytidae, Regulidae, Turdidae, Bombycillidae, Parulidae, Thraupidae, Emberizidae, Icteridae, Fringillidae Can some one tell me the type of birds in this order? Passeriformes

21 Passeriformes: Characteristics
Wide variety! Anisodactyl Song birds More elaborate vocalization than other orders Anything else you can think of?

22 Swallows vs. Swifts Swallows (Passeriformes Hirundinidae): violet-green and tree swallow more forked tail, more severe angle in wing Swifts (Apodiformes Apodidae): Vaux’s swift stubby tail, less steep angle on trailing edge of wing? Can’t perch! Stiffer flight *Note, these differences are specifically for species you need to know, there is a lot of body, wing, tail variety among swifts and swallows

23 Passeriformes: Your turn
Spotted Towhee vs. American Robin Black-capped Chickadee vs. Bush Tit Red-winged BB vs. Brown-headed Cowbird (Brewer’s BB too!) LBBs Dark-eyed Junco White-crowned Sparrow Song Sparrow Marsh vs. Bewick’s vs. Winter Wrens Wrens: Bewick’s more prominent eyebrow than marsh, white flecks on outer retrices; winter dark, short eyebrow, short tail, prominent barring on body; marsh rufus coloring more patterning on mantle than Bewick’s

24 Sources Sibley, David Allen. The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003. Sibley, David Allen. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. Anseriformes Falconiformes Charadriiformes

25 Sources (cont.) Strigiformes Piciformes Passeriformes

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