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The Great Depression & New Deal, 1929-1941 Unit 7: Causes of the Great Depression.

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1 The Great Depression & New Deal, 1929-1941 Unit 7: Causes of the Great Depression

2 Origins and Causes  Extreme wealth inequalities Big difference between rich and poor  Ballooning stock market Over speculation and buying stock on credit would lead to the Stock Market Crash (Black Thursday 10/29/1929)  Over reliance on unprotected loans We still had debt from WWI  Too much speculation & borrowing

3 Stock market Crash  1920's had been a period of good economic times  Tuesday Oct. 29th, 1929 - NYC Stock market crashed, causing a depression that would last until 1940

4 How the Stock Market Worked  the public invests in companies by purchasing stocks; in return for this they expect a profit  b/c of booming 1920's economy, profit was plentiful, so banks were quick to make loans to investors

5 Stock market  also investors only had to pay for 10% of the stock's actual value at time of purchase  this was known as BUYING ON MARGIN, and the balance was paid at a later date

6 Stock Market  this encouraged STOCK SPECULATION - people would buy and sell stocks quickly to make a quick buck  because of all this buying & selling, stock value increased (Ex: G.E stock $130  $396/share)  this quick turnover didn't aid companies they needed long term investments so they could pay bills (stock value was like an illusion)

7 Inequality Causes a Ripple Effect  a major problem: uneven distribution of wealth 42% of the population was below poverty line Top 1% owned most of the $$  of the 58% above the poverty line, most fell into the middle class category - they were not wealthy; they had jobs b/c of the industrialization & consumerization of the American market place  this middle class depended on their salaries and when productivity declined they lost their jobs  and because of low savings, they had to cut back on their purchases this decline in purchases among the middle class ruined the whole country

8 President Hoover Herbert Hoover Was a Progressive Worked towards War Reconstruction  Opposed direct federal aid  Instead he believed in: Self-help & volunteerism Self-help cooperatives (this means the government did not think it was their job to help the people financially)

9 President Hoover’s Response  he didn't believe that the gov't should play an active role in the economy  he persuaded bankers/business to follow his policy of VOLUNTARY NON - COERCIVE COOPERATION where he gave tax breaks in return for private sector economic investment  Hoover also organized some private relief agencies for the unemployed Believed it was the Church's job to aid those in need not the Government

10 President Hoover’s Response  he worked out a system with European powers that owed U.S. money as a result of WWI debts = HOOVER MORATORIUM - put a temporary stop to war debt & reparations payments European countries were to purchase American goods instead to stimulate American economy

11 Good idea in theory…  in early 1931 these measures appeared successful, but then......the TARIFF WARS began  Democrats in Congress passed a high tariff (SMOOT HAWLEY) to protect U.S. industry (hoped to stimulate purchasing of U.S. goods) this turned out to be a fatal error... Congress did not understand that the world had become a GLOBAL ECONOMY  in retaliation other countries passed high tariffs and no foreign markets purchased American goods, so U.S. productivity decreased again

12 Hoovervilles

13 Seattle, 1931

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