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Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS) American Academy of Pediatrics  Practice-based research network of the Academy  Core activities made possible.

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2 Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS) American Academy of Pediatrics  Practice-based research network of the Academy  Core activities made possible by funding from HRSA MCHB and AHRQ  PROS has studied child health topics as diverse as: –preschool vision screening –secondary sexual characteristics of young girls –management of child behavior problems –management of very young febrile infants

3 Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS) MISSION STATEMENT The mission of PROS is to improve the health of children and enhance primary care practice by conducting national collaborative practice-based research

4 PROS Organization  1900 pediatric practitioners from over 675 practices in 59 smaller “networks” corresponding to states and regions  Each chapter has a coordinator  Each coordinator responsible for overseeing research activities and meeting with PROS research staff and consultants

5 PROS Practices by AAP Chapter (n = 690) 6 12 1 1 7 5 4 21 7 9 29 5 2 7 3 9 8 8 10 17 19 8 2 10 16 31 9 25 5 14 17 26 35 6 6 5 HI - 14 CA I - 21 CA II - 16 CA IV - 5 CA III - 6 NY I - 28 NY II - 16 NY III - 12 VT - 15 MD - 21 DE - 10 NJ - 13 CT - 13 RI - 3 MA - 34 NH - 7 22 Military Chapters - 3 Puerto Rico - 5 Quebec - 3 October 2003 2 1 AK DC - 1

6 PROS Studies in the Field wChild Abuse Recognition Experience Study (CARES) wSafety Check wHealthy Lifestyles Study wTranslating Immunization Research Into Practice

7 Completed PROS Studies  Helping Improve Pediatric Practice Outcomes Intervention Project  Fostering the Appropriate Diagnosis of Asthma Study  Polio Immunization Delivery Study  Assessment of Febrile Infants Less Than 3 Months of Age  Child Behavior Study  Gastroenteritis Outcomes Study

8 Completed PROS Studies  Management of Acute Asthma in Pediatric Practice  The Referral Process in Primary Care  Immunizations Among Children Followed by Practicing Pediatrics  Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Young Girls  Preschool Vision Screening in Pediatric Practice

9 How Is PROS Multidisciplinary? wlargest group of pediatric nurse practitioners in the country wcomposition of study teams wmultiple disciplines involved within practice sites wparticipation of ancillary staff in developing protocols wlearning collaboratives feature staff participation

10 Multisite Research: Benefits  multiple sites ensure diversity  capacity for producing large numbers  interest in topic areas provide feedback to AAP leadership  studies shaped by a large consensus of real-world clinicians

11 Multisite Research: Challenges  challenging to ensure quality control from a distance  multiple sites mean multiple IRBs wsome practices may not be as invested  studies evolve over time – becoming more complex

12 For More Information on PROS Please Contact Richard C. “Mort” Wasserman, MD, MPH Director, PROS Network Vermont Office Arnold 5455, UHC Campus Burlington, VT 05401 802/847-4611 Eric J. Slora, PhD Director, AAP Division of Primary Care Research Department of Practice and Research American Academy of Pediatrics 141 Northwest Point Boulevard Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 800/433-9016, extension 7910

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