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Starter – Think…Pair…Share Explain how ICT can be used to support the following tasks: Payroll Personnel Independently think of a suitable response (2.

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2 Starter – Think…Pair…Share Explain how ICT can be used to support the following tasks: Payroll Personnel Independently think of a suitable response (2 mins). Now turn to your learning partner and discuss, clarify, challenge etc. (2 mins) Now share with the whole class (2 mins)

3 Topic 2 Information and Systems (Lesson 2) (Electronic Textbook Chapter 3)

4 Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to investigate and understand the following systems, by describing their purpose, how they are used, tasks performed and who is likely to use them: –Accounts Systems –Back Office Systems

5 Assessment Objectives (Outcome) Grade E/D Standard: Be able to briefly explain what an accounts system and back office systems is. Achieve more than 40% of the exam style question. Grade C/B Standard: Be able to describe in detail the purpose of an account system and back office systems, as well as identify some of the key tasks performed. Achieve 60% or more of the exam style question. Grade A Standard: Be able to describe the purpose and tasks undertaken in an accounts system and back office systems, as well as justify who is likely to use these particular systems and why? Achieve 80% or more in the exam style questions.

6 Exam Practice Some ICT systems are used in nearly every type of organisation. Describe how ICT is used to help support the following tasks: - –Accounts (2 marks, adapted exam question) 2) Describe what a back office system is and give an examples of how it is used to support retail businesses and their activities. (5 marks, adapted from June 2013 and Folens) 3 2 1 I don’t feel confident to be able to answer the question(s) yet OR complete the skill at present I feel I am able to partly answer the question(s) at present OR can partly complete the skill at present I am confident in answering the question(s) and would gain full marks OR I can complete the skill fully and teach others

7 Introduction ICT systems are introduced into businesses and organisations to support the activities the businesses or organisations has to perform. The use of ICT systems brings a number of benefits to organisations, e.g. –Improves the accuracy of decision making –Tasks are more automated, reducing administration –Can be used to bring in new customers through the use of websites and the sharing of systems.

8 What is a Supply Chain? Activity – Research and describe what is meant by a supply chain? Stretch & Challenge: Describe how ICT Systems can help with Supply Chain Management? (5mins) Organisations involved in a supply chain tend to make sure that the ICT systems they use interface and exchange data and information with other organisations. To achieve this, they usually invest in the same technologies. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Start Timer

9 Accounts Systems: What is it? Purpose? Tasks Performed? An accounts system helps organisations to monitor and control the money coming into and going out of the business. It is a system used for the collection, storage and processing of financial information and can be used by decision makers. Activity: Investigate into the following information, using the flash cards of information available to you: Investigate into what Account System are and their purpose? Investigate into examples of tasks performed in accounts systems In pairs, create a visual diagram of an account system and the tasks performed, that will allow you to describe the purpose and tasks performed to others within the group. (10 mins) Now quickly share your findings with others in your group – add to your notes.

10 Back Office Systems What is it? Purpose? Tasks Performed? Examples? Back Office Systems work in the background of organisations and do not have a direct face to face interaction with clients/customers. Activity: Using the resources available to you (electronic textbook, internet…), investigate the following: - What are back office systems? Find examples of back office systems? What tasks are performed using back office systems? You may find the following video clip a useful source to start you off…

11 Summary: True or False Hold your TRUE or FALSE cards in their air high when answering each of the following questions in turn: 1.A supply chain consists of organisations, people, resources, information and ICT systems that are involved in getting a product that has been ordered from supplier to the customer. 2.Accounts systems only control money going out of a business. 3.Sage is an example of an off-the-shelf accounting page which is often used by smaller businesses 4.Senior management often use accounting systems to monitor profits and losses, as well as highlight any issues arisen if different departments that may need resolving 5.Back office systems enable the running of administrative tasks 6.Back office systems deal directly with customers 7.In a retail company, back-office systems are used to maintain a record of all sales transactions, purchases, updating stock records etc. True or False? 8.Back office systems do not generate paperwork such as invoices, receipts etc

12 Exam Practice 1) Some ICT systems are used in nearly every type of organisation. Describe how ICT is used to help support the following tasks: - –Accounts (2 marks, adapted exam question ) 2) Describe what a back office system is and give an examples of how it is used to support retail businesses and their activities. (5 marks, adapted from June 2013 and Folens)

13 Stretch and Challenge Back office systems are use a many organisations. For examples, they are used in: - Travel agents Financial Service Providers Find out and discuss what tasks a back office system can do to support the above examples.

14 Assessment Objectives (Outcome) Grade E/D Standard: Be able to briefly explain the purpose of an accounts system and back office systems. Achieve more than 40% of the exam style question. Grade C/B Standard: Be able to describe in detail the purpose of an account system and back office systems, as well as identify some of the key tasks performed. Achieve 60% or more of the exam style question. Grade A Standard: Be able to describe the purpose and tasks undertaken in an accounts system and back office systems, as well as justify who is likely to use these particular systems and why? Achieve 80% or more in the exam style questions.

15 Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to investigate and understand the following systems, by describing their purpose, how they are used, tasks performed and who is likely to use them: –Accounts Systems –Back Office Systems

16 Homework / Independent Study Review the lesson and complete the worksheet on Moodle INFO 3 Homework section.

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