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Procurement Management System (PMS) What is PMS? What are the Objectives? Features Overview of the database Challenges Future Developments Views from Users.

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Presentation on theme: "Procurement Management System (PMS) What is PMS? What are the Objectives? Features Overview of the database Challenges Future Developments Views from Users."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procurement Management System (PMS) What is PMS? What are the Objectives? Features Overview of the database Challenges Future Developments Views from Users

2 What is PMS? This is a software designed to assist in the process of procuring goods and services in the Public Sector of Ghana and which conforms to the Procurement Management Law of Ghana (Act 663).

3 Main Objective The main objective is to present a uniform and consistent way for the evaluation process of tenders with the aim to identify the substantially responsive offer that represents the lowest evaluated bid.

4 Other Objectives Maintain supplier database Generate a Procurement Register Monitor contracts Save time in the tender process Reduce errors in the tender process Audit trail Ensure transparency Produce relevant reports

5 Features PMS is secured Uses Procurement Plan for procurement Prints out the tender history, contract history, bidder history and product history Prints out the ff forms: Request for Quotation, Award Notification letters, Purchase Order forms and Contract forms, Rejected Bids, Cancelled Orders with security features Deployment over a Local Area Network. Domestic Preference rates enabled PMS is multicurrency Prints out a summary Evaluation Report etc etc

6 Organisation of the database Divided into 7 Modules Procurement Plan module Tender and Lot Setup module Bids Setup module Tender Awards module Order Management module Data Administration module Reporting module

7 pms main menu

8 The procurement plan module products indenters procurement plan

9 The tender & lot setup module tender setup lot and product setup product distribution

10 The bids setup module bidders tender price read out bid setup bid evaluation bid and lot prices domestic preference

11 The tender awards module final evaluation awards

12 The order management module orders deliveries payment

13 The administration module backup templates setup security audit trail users tender documents procurement act

14 The reports module evaluation report tender awards tender requests cancelled orders rejected bids analysis reports supplier appraisal procurement: planned vrs actual security audit trail user listings report histories

15 End of Presentation Thank you Presented by Ekow Wiah Software Developer

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