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1 “Il Modello Puglia” Challenges and opportunities between actually and future programming period for the international action of the Apulia Region Settore.

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1 1 “Il Modello Puglia” Challenges and opportunities between actually and future programming period for the international action of the Apulia Region Settore Mediterraneo

2 2 General objective Promotion of the innovation, the enterprise, the development of the economy and the knowledge skills through initiatives of regional cooperation at the cross-border, trans-national and inter-regional European level, including also the neighbourhood cooperation. Them are finalized to strengthen the collaboration and the capacity building to assist the economic, cultural and social development of the Puglia in the widest southern and Mediterranean context. Promotion of the innovation, the enterprise, the development of the economy and the knowledge skills through initiatives of regional cooperation at the cross-border, trans-national and inter-regional European level, including also the neighbourhood cooperation. Them are finalized to strengthen the collaboration and the capacity building to assist the economic, cultural and social development of the Puglia in the widest southern and Mediterranean context. Settore Mediterraneo

3 3 The territorial internationalization The internationalization promoted from the Region involves two typology of actions that add and complete the public support to the enterprises: The internationalization promoted from the Region involves two typology of actions that add and complete the public support to the enterprises:  actions towards the regional territory: capacity building, visits and missions, cultural interchanges, etc.  actions towards the foreign territory partner: sectorial and intersectorial agreements and international understandings Settore Mediterraneo

4 4 Regional System actions 1)development and promotion of partnerships agreements and territorial economic cooperation to transnational level; 2)promotion and spread of structures and services characterized in a position to facilitating the access of the local actors to specific instruments and know-how in relation to the opportunities of international cooperation; 3)coordination and integration of the regional political and initiatives of territorial internationalization; 4)Integration between the political in support of the internationalization and those finalized to the consolidation of economic infrastructures in favor of local productive systems; 5)creation of better conditions for integration of various public financing fund for the territorial internationalization. Settore Mediterraneo

5 5 Law Framework  Regional law n. 20 of 25 August 2003 about the decentralized cooperation to Third Countries development  Agreements of international collaboration  Italy-Albanian Crossborder Cooperation Programme (today, Neighborhood Programme)  Greece – Italy Crossborder Cooperation Programme  Crossborder Cooperation Programme in the Adriatic sea (today, Neighborhood Programme) Settore Mediterraneo

6 6 Regional law n. 20 of 25 August 2003  Strengthen the regional actions in particular in the Balkan-Adriatic geographic area;  Establish in the Apulian territory a process of best practices partnership, through the “construction of a regional conscience of the other”;  Given priority role to local communities and to civil society in the several cooperation fields to promotion of economic, social and cultural development and to human rights protection. Settore Mediterraneo

7 7 Cooperation Agreements  Multilateral agreements: The Puglia Region joins to the international Association among territorial Adriatic-Ionic authorities to create the Adriatic- Ionic Euroregion. The Puglia Region joins to the international Association among territorial Adriatic-Ionic authorities to create the Adriatic- Ionic Euroregion.  Bilateral: Puglia-Albania Agreement: common engagement to promote direct investments to create the Pan-European Corridor VIII Puglia-Albania Agreement: common engagement to promote direct investments to create the Pan-European Corridor VIII Puglia-Montenegro Agreement: implementing the cooperation in sanitary field and developing the maritime and aerial net transport. In course of definition an Agreement between the Puglia Region and the Macedonian Republic. Puglia-Montenegro Agreement: implementing the cooperation in sanitary field and developing the maritime and aerial net transport. In course of definition an Agreement between the Puglia Region and the Macedonian Republic. Settore Mediterraneo

8 8 Participation to Community Crossborder Cooperation Programmes  Interreg III A Italy - Albanian: Technical assistance for biological productions, culture, institutional support, immigrants’ remittances channelisation, microfinancial actions, pilot actions in sanitary field.  Interreg III A Greece - Italy: infrastructural strangthening of maritime transport and communication.  Interreg III A Adriatic Crossborder Programme Settore Mediterraneo

9 9 Crossborder Cooperation ProgrammeFinancialDimension Number of projects Interreg III A Italy-Albanian 35.541.11436 Greece - Italy 18.677.7815 Interreg III A Adriatic Crossborder programme 9.802.227 9.802.22714 TOTAL 64.021.12255 In total today it has been activated 55 projects, shared in the three Crossborder Programmes Settore Mediterraneo

10 10 Territorial partnership projects promotion towards the Balkans and Southern Mediterranean Countries  Promoting integrated and interregional projects in the fields of the social - economic development (productive sour – industrial rows and services to enterprises and local development); environment (integrated management of the water resource); crossborder transport and the sanitary services, nets themes and management of smaller museums. All the Balkan Countries are interested by the advanced proposals.  Promoting integrated and interregional projects in Egypt and Tunisia in the social - economic development field (integration of the row and the sour – industrial productions); environment (integrated management of the water resource); transport and cross border logistic services, nets themes and management of smaller museums. Settore Mediterraneo

11 11 Apulia in the territorial European cooperation and neighbourhood policies 2007 - 2013  3 Objective “European territorial Cooperation”:  Crossborder programme with Greece;  Transnational programmes Europe South-East and Mediterranean Programme;  Community Interregional Programme.  Neighbourhood Area:  Multilateral Adriatic Crossborder Programme, in the IPA instrument. The Puglia Region has proposed a special project of bilateral cooperation Italy - Albanian;  Mediterranean Neighbourhood Programme, in the ENPI instrument. The Puglia Region has proposed a special project of bilateral cooperation Italy - Egypt. Settore Mediterraneo

12 12 The geopolitical area for the territorial internationalization actions.  South Mediterranean (Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt)  Western Balkans (PAO)  Medium-East (Syria, Lebanon)  Black Sea basin (Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey)  Baltic Sea basin (new Member States) Settore Mediterraneo

13 13  PRINT: Regional Plan for the Puglia Region Internationalization  “PROGETTO – PAESE”: process planning of local development transnational actions  “PROGETTO – SETTORE”: process of sectorial actions planning towards some foreign market areas  REGIONAL BILL in order to participate to the communitarian law formation, to implement the international agreements and European Union actions, to conclude agreements with States and understandings with territorial authorities staying in the other State. Instruments for the Apulia Region internationalization Instruments for the Apulia Region internationalization Settore Mediterraneo

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