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Ownership, Control and Finance in Film Task 1: How many movie production companies can you name? 1.Universal 2.…

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Presentation on theme: "Ownership, Control and Finance in Film Task 1: How many movie production companies can you name? 1.Universal 2.…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ownership, Control and Finance in Film Task 1: How many movie production companies can you name? 1.Universal 2.…

2 The Three Processes 1. Production (making films) In the film industry are… 2. Distribution (getting films to audiences) 3. Exhibition (showing films)

3 Production Companies (Getting the film made) Year founded: List of famous films: Year founded: List of famous films: Year founded: List of famous films: Task 2: Fill in the gaps

4 MGM What type of films do they make? Focus Features What type of films do they make? 20 th Century Fox What type of films do they make? Lionsgate What type of films do they make? Troma What type of films do they make? Working Title What type of films do they make? Pixar What type of films do they make? Dreamworks What type of films do they make? Task 3: Fill in the gaps

5 Horizontal Integration (part 1) Horizontal integration is when one __________ company owns lots of __________ companies which sell __________ products to different markets. Task 4: Fill in the gaps

6 Horizontal Integration (part 2) Parent Company Subsidiary 1Subsidiary 2Subsidiary 3Subsidiary 4 What type of films do they make? Task 5: Fill in the gaps

7 Horizontal Integration (part 3) 1.Horizontal integration is… 2.Horizontal integration is good for companies because… 3.A subsidiary is… 4.A conglomerate is… Task 6: Finish the sentences

8 Vertical Integration Conglomerate Film Production Film Distribution / Exhibition TV Stations Magazines

9 Vertical Integration Vertical Integration is when one large company owns lots of smaller companies that are useful to each other (like a company that owns a leather factory, a stud-factory, a football boot factory and a shop that sells football boots). Imagine that you owned a media conglomerate and you had just produced a movie. How might it be helpful to own the following things: 1.A distribution company… this would help me… 2.A chain of cinemas … 3.A TV Film channel … 4.A News channel … 5.A magazine … 6.A Special Effects Company … Task 7: Fill in the gaps

10 Find the definition: ‘Concentration of Ownership’ means… Examples of media conglomerates are… Task 8

11 Research Task – Make a list of all the companies owned by Sony 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Task 9

12 Vertical Integration In what ways have the companies owned by Sony helped them to be vertically integrated? Task 10

13 Horizontal Integration (part 1) In what ways have the companies owned by Sony helped them to be horizontally integrated? Task 11

14 Other ways to generate money… 1. Product Placement Task 12: What is product placement? How does it help a movie to make money?

15 Task: Go to this website here: Make a list of 3 movies that have a lot of product placement in them from 2012. List what companies had their products in the movie. My list: … Task 13

16 Other ways to generate money… 2. Merchandise and additional content Films with Apps: Films with computer games:Films with DVD bonus features: Films that were in 3D at cinema: Films with action figures: Films with spin-off TV series: Task 14

17 Final Task: Paste onto this slide a picture of every piece of Twilight merchandise that you can find. Task 15

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