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Primary and Secondary Sources Day 2 ✦ Defend your team ✦ Introduce primary& secondary source ✦ Observe primary or secondary source And other electronics.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary and Secondary Sources Day 2 ✦ Defend your team ✦ Introduce primary& secondary source ✦ Observe primary or secondary source And other electronics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary and Secondary Sources Day 2 ✦ Defend your team ✦ Introduce primary& secondary source ✦ Observe primary or secondary source And other electronics

2 Warm-up: L22 Computer Lab Fill out the Survey 1. Fill out the beginning of the year survey. --Just do Parts A: Survey about you and F: Survey about science. 2. Turn in the survey and get a balloon. 3. Blow up your balloon. 4. Write your name on the balloon so everyone can read it. (Don’t read the paper that’s inside!!!)

3 Games for names Do not let anyone see your note! Materials and Methods (what you need/what you do) *Balloon **note inside ***string ****lot’s of space *****team to protect you 1. Tie your balloon to your foot so your name shows. 2. Stand in a circle with your hands behind your back. 3. Try to save your balloon (and your team’s) & POP everyone else’s.... *BUT--> YOU MUST say a person’s name before you pop their balloon or you are out too! The last person standing with a balloon wins a free notebook and pen. modified from

4 Here we go....

5 Telephone (at round patio-L building) 1. Sit in a circle next to one person from your team. 2. A person with a sentence on their note (person 1) will start the game. 3. Person 1, whisper your sentence to the person on your right (person 2). 4. Person 2, whisper the sentence to the person on your right (person 3). 5. Continue to pass the message until all group members have heard the sentence.

6 Definitions “Primary Source presents information that has not been previously published in any form in any other source.” 1 Secondary Source integrates and aims to improve information in a primary source. Improvement might be more organization, editing, or making information available to a different audience. 1-

7 Thomas Edison writing in his lab notebook.

8 Diaries Letters Photographs Art Maps Video/film Sound recordings Interviews Newspapers Magazines First hand stories

9 Textbooks Popular magazine articles Biographies Published stories Movies of historical events Art Music recordings Opinion columns

10 With your team... Think about your Telephone experience today. Was that primary or secondary source? WHY?

11 Move from station to station. Are these primary or secondary sources? WHY? Gallery Walk

12 Homework: 1. Read through the rest of the syllabus....Sign by Friday 2. Practice recognizing primary and secondary source....Discuss with team as warm- up 3. Meet at L44 (your regular classroom) tomorrow. Bring binder paper and pen to class.... :0) Be ready to discuss sources!


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