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2 New Horizon College English Second Edition 第二版 Unit 6 Section A As His Name Is, So Is He!

3 Teaching Procedures

4 I. Pre-reading Activities : Listen,discuss & Say

5  Compound Dictation Directions: You will hear a passage. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and supply the missing words. I. Pre-reading Activities : Listen

6 Students and teachers need to be that the ethnocentric of writers are the way conflict is encouraged. Why is understanding a culture always the others’ ? Is it not that each culture could be made aware of different ? Both sides must work at rising above cultural differences and be willing to … and, in both cases, most likely neither side has access to the cultural conventions of the other so blaming is not the answer. Educating is. aware precisely attitudes cultural responsibility possible convention compromise I. Pre-reading Activities : Listen

7  Listen & Answer 1. What do most people base their selection of a name on? 2. How many factors should parents consider when giving a name to a baby? And what is the final factor? I. Pre-reading Activities : Listen,discuss & Say

8  中国人常说名字是伴随着人的一生的,好 的名字预示好的将来。  一起分享不同国家是如何取名字的。 I. Pre-reading Activities : Discuss & Say  比如:中国 日本 美国

9 I. Pre-reading Activities : Discuss & Say 1.Is there any relationship between the name and the character? 1.2.What does the title of the text mean? How do you explain it?

10 II. Text Analysis

11 II. Text Analysis – New Words  Elegant  Application  Substitute  Professional  Talent  Definition  Characteristic  Approval  Reserve  Specific  Qualify  critic  Prominent  Refine  Attractive  Impressive  Stereotype  Extent  Confess  Carpenter  Physicist  Thoughtful  Award  popularity

12  1. as…so ( L. 1) 在人生的竞赛中,如果你总是安于现状、停 滞不前,你永远也不会成为胜者。 就像机器需要经常运转一样,身 体也要需要经常锻炼 (Just) as a machine needs regular running,so does the body need regular exercise. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

13 2. Turn down 另我们失望的是,他拒绝了我们 的邀请。 To our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.

14 3. while… 在美国学习时,他学会了弹钢琴。 He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

15 4. For better or worse 真实情况是,不管是好是坏,随着新 科技的进步,世界发生了变化。 The reality is that, for better or worse, the world has changed with the advance the advance of new technologies II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

16 5. To be ill at ease 我班里的大多数女生在被要求回 答问题时都感到不自在。 Most of the female students in my class appear to be ill at ease when they are required to answer question. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

17 6. Take charge of 当地政府负责运动会的安全。 The local government took charge of the security for the sports meeting. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

18 II. Text Analysis -- Main Idea What is the text mainly about?

19 If your name no longer seems to fit you, don’t despair—just change it!

20 How is the text organized? Give an example of a name (Para. 1-2) comparison of general idea (Para 3-7) Restatement and emphasis of the general idea (Para. 8)

21 III. III. Analysis of Structure Part I (Para. 1-2) Main idea? Debbie who changed her name into Lynne gained more confidence and achievement. Devices for developing it? Give an exmple

22 Part II (Para. 3-7) Main idea? Name can affect one’s life since it’s stereotyped and most people hole such prejudiced notions. Devices for developing it? Comparison

23 Part III (Para. 8) Main idea? If your name doesn’t fit you, change it Devices for developing it? Contrast

24 The writer of this reading passage tries to convinve the readers of the statement “As his name is,so is he.” To prove it, many comparisons have been made to help bring out the point. Now let’s make an analysis of the first part of paragraph 7 while leaving the second part of that paragraph for you to analyze by yourself. Comparison

25 The first part of para.7  Apparently, such prejudices can affect classroom achievement as well. In a study conducted by Herbert of San Diego State University, and John McDavid of Georgia State University, teachers gave consistently lower grades on essays apparently written by boys named Elmer and Hubert than they awarded to the same papers when the writer’s names were given as Michael and David.

26 Analysis:  Point of view: Apparently, such prejudices can affect classroom achievement as well.  Comparison: The same papers were presented with different names. 1.Essays apparently written by boys named Elmer and Hubert. 2.The same papers with the writers’ name given as Michael and David. Comparison result: Teachers gave consistently lower grades to papers with names such as Elmer and Hubert than to those with names like Michael and David.

27 IV. IV. Summary  Summarize the whole text

28 Thank you

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