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CWIC Development Team Yuanzheng Shao Lingjun Kang Archie Warnock

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Presentation on theme: "CWIC Development Team Yuanzheng Shao Lingjun Kang Archie Warnock"— Presentation transcript:

1 CWIC Development Team Yuanzheng Shao ( Lingjun Kang ( Archie Warnock ( CWIC Development Team Workshop, Greenbelt, MD 28-30 January 2014

2 Background  What is the best approach to utilize existing code with OpenSearch front end?  Remote communications already established  Not all remote data providers support OpenSearch  CWIC developers already familiar with remote data provider’s metadata  Establish best practices for error handling  Establish valid CWIC OSDD  Dataset ID is mandatory for CWIC  Establish valid CWIC-specific Atom query responses  Align responses with GCMD and ECHO

3 Implementation  Re-use CWIC back end as much as possible  One (OpenSearch) front end, multiple remote interfaces, one (Atom) response  Use remote OpenSearch implementations when available  Build in quasi-agile, multiple release implementations  1 – OSDD only  2 – Static Atom response  3 – Dynamic Atom Response  4… improved Atom responses

4 Implementation Action Items Resolved  ECHO - ECHO OpenSearch API to support search by dataset id (Jan 8 in TEST)  CWIC - Use datasetId instead of dataset_id in OSDD, Atom feed  CWIC - Ensure in Atom response is a UID, not a string  GCMD - temporal range to use (Dublin core)? – if (in response to OrigMetaNode prepended to Entry IDs){done, see note below}dc:date  CWIC - provide static atom response  CWIC - use "enclosure" for "rel" attribute in atom response to mark granule ordering URL  CWIC - GHRSST response contain null value for element  CWIC - element of GHRSST response contain redundant text: "originator:"  CWIC - / element contains dead link for GHRSST response. Make it live  CWIC - change the date/time format of GHRSST, make it consistent with INPE and LSI  CWIC - the link for the original metadata in GHRSST response is incorrect  CWIC - ensure georss:box syntax is correct  CWIC - opensearch:itemsPerPage appears twice  CWIC - ensure geoBox permits decimal numbers  GCMD - Atom response has spurious blank lines  CWIC - add GET method to OSDD?  CWIC - content-type should be application/xml+atom  CWIC - self links should not provide local URLs

5 Implementation Action Items Pending/In Process  CWIC, GCMD, ECHO - Use parameter names consistently (searchTerms, count, startIndex, startPage)  Agreement now?  CWIC, GCMD - Align namespace declarations  opensearch or openSearch?  GCMD - inconsistency in startIndex (0 indexed? 1 indexed?)  ECHO - namespace declarations in Atom response?  CWIC - namespace declaration for datasetId, granuleId attributes in response  CWIC, GCMD - is startIndex 0-indexed or 1-indexed?  CWIC, GCMD - requesting startPage=startPage+1 should retrieve next count results?  GCMD - RSS does not include aoi, toi  Irrelevant to CWIC now?  GCMD - georss response correct for multiple bounding boxes, and must be a single bounding box  GCMD - how do temporal searches work?  CWIC - pagination function aligned with GCMD?

6 Implementation Action Items Unresolved  GCMD – does GCMD OpenSearch response include CWIC OSDD link?  ECHO - format of georss response should be as described by the spec  ECHO - explicit namespace declarations  CWIC - ensure opensearch URL element points consistently to the appropriate instance (OSDD and results)  CWIC - check namespace declarations for attributes in the Query element (datasetId)  CWIC, GCMD, ECHO - add next, prev and last parameters to Atom response?

7 Discussion

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