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CMTF Cryogenics (status and plans) SRF program and AD/Cryogenics work presented by Arkadiy Klebaner May 21, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CMTF Cryogenics (status and plans) SRF program and AD/Cryogenics work presented by Arkadiy Klebaner May 21, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMTF Cryogenics (status and plans) SRF program and AD/Cryogenics work presented by Arkadiy Klebaner May 21, 2013

2 Outline CMTF cryogenic system Key system elements CMTF work Project X Cryogenics R&D Current priorities Summary Slide 2

3 CMTF Cryogenics Scope –Cryogenic plants, associated auxiliary equipment, and distribution systems in support of PXIE and Cryomodule Test Stands Refrigerators –CTI - 4000 refrigerator (SLAC)  Will support CM test stands –ARRA funded Superfluid Cryogenic Plant (by Linde)  Will support PXIE or CM test stands Slide 3

4 Cryogenic Capacity Sulzer/CTI - 4000 Refrigerator previously was used as a part of Stanford Large Detector project and E-158 experiment Nominal capacity is 1,000 W @ 4.5 K refrigerator or 6 g/sec liquefier Upgrade to 1,600 W or 9 g/sec Superfluid Cryoplant 4 major modes of operation –250 W @ 1.8 K –250 W @ 2.0 K –500 W @ 2.0 K –16 g/sec LHe Additional shield capacity –600 W @ 5/8 K –5 kW @ 50/80 K Slide 4

5 CMTF Cryogenic System Diagram PxIE ? Distribution box Slide 5

6 Key elements Warm Compressor System Distribution box Vacuum pumps and compressors CTI – 4000 Superfluid cryogenic plants (SCP) Slide 6

7 Warm Compressor System Slide 7

8 Warm Compressor System Pre- commissioning –Jan 25, 2013  Received ORC –Feb 13, 2013  Preparing for commissioning startup Commissioning: –Feb 14, 2013  Started commissioning –Feb 20, 2013  Completed commissioning of “purifier” compressor #7 –Feb 22, 2013  Completed commissioning of compressors #4 and #5 –Feb 26, 2013  Completed commissioning of compressor #6 –Mar 01, 2013  Commissioning completed Post commissioning: –May 6, 2013  Completed helium purification –Current  Checking oil content as a function of discharge pressure Slide 8

9 Warm Compressor System A typical example of compressor running - variations in suction profile < 0.05 psig (2.6 torr) Slide 9

10 Distribution Box Slide 10

11 Key elements: Distribution Box PXIE transferline Distribution Box Slide 11

12 Distribution Box Slide 12

13 Distribution Box Slide 13

14 Distribution Box Slide 14

15 CTI – 4000 Refrigerator Modifications and Upgrades Two new Fermilab style bayonets added for Wet Engine Expander to increase refrigeration/liquefaction capacity Internal Adsorber Re-certified to higher 285 psig MAWP to increase overall process pressure and capacity Fabricated u-tube jumper from BC-2 to BC-5 with bypass valve for cooldown and HX1-2 bypass interlock protection Vacuum shell and support structure modification to allow disassembly of vacuum shell in pit for potential coldbox repairs Turbines overhauled and upgraded to magnetically levitated bearings. Brake coolers replaced Obtained Turbine Control Block for S7 control and software interlocks/alarms. Began initial implementation into program Slide 15

16 CTI -4000 The capacity is first increased by the addition of the more efficient expansion using a TeV reciprocating expansion engine (Wet Engine) Further increase in capacity is achieved through raising the MAWP and therefore process pressure supply Further increase in capacity could be achieved by increasing turbine throughput by replacing the turbine nozzle ring with larger flow area Slide 16

17 CTI -4000 Turbine coolers upgrade Slide 17

18 Vacuum Pump Acquired two vacuum pump skids from SNS Slide 18

19 Vacuum Pump Refurbished and sent one back to SNS. The other skid is for CMTF Slide 19

20 Warm Vacuum Compressors Slide 20

21 SCP Slide 21

22 SCP Slide 22

23 SCP Slide 23

24 SCP Slide 24

25 Purge Panel Slide 25

26 Purge Panel Slide 26

27 LHe Dewar Commissioning this month Slide 27

28 Controls Slide 28

29 Vaporizers Slide 29

30 Inventory Controls Slide 30

31 Gas Analyzers Slide 31

32 LN2 System Slide 32

33 SCP MIE/Project There is no cost change to the initial TPC Updated schedule for the SCP installation and commissioning DescriptionTarget Date Cold box delivery to FermilabJune 18, 2013 Installation finishedAugust 18, 2013 Commissioning finishedFebruary 13. 2014 Acceptance test certificateFebruary 18, 2014 Slide 33

34 SCP Vendor is working 7 days x 12 hours shift to meet delivery to Fermilab current deadline Estimated time for installation and commissioning activities is based on 12 hrs shifts Large amount of work by many groups is and will be happening in the next several month at CMTF Concerted effort between Fermilab personal, T&M workers and Linde is essential to minimize cost and schedule risk Slide 34

35 SCP To reduce cost and schedule risks: –Installation plan and detailed commissioning schedule is finalized; –Installation team is formed; –Medical qualifications for the installation team are being collected; –FESHM Contractor safety is being addressed; –Weekly web based fabrication progress review meetings; –Bi-weekly fabrication site visits to the fabrication site; –Bi-weekly facility planning coordination meetings; –Bi-weekly CMTF layout coordination meetings; –Daily one-on-one meetings. Slide 35

36 Project X R&D Active pursued goals (for details see PXIE handbook, chapter on Cryogenics ) 1. Develop cryogenic system control strategies for all modes of operation, including RF On/RF Off modes 2. Develop design solutions and control algorithms to minimize helium pressure fluctuation 3. Develop expertise in operating cryogenic turbo expanders with gas bearings, oil free warm vacuum pumps, and cold compressors 4. Improve expertise in cryogenic process and component design 5. Develop expertise in defining multi stage cold compressors train hydrodynamic field 6. Improve the Project X cryogenic system acquisition strategy and cost estimate based on the procurement experience with PXIE cryogenic system 7. Improve capacity margin estimate for Project X cryogenic system 8. Develop engineering and technical expertise in support of the Project X superfluid cryogenic system design and operation Slide 36

37 Priorities 1.Commission SCP and close out ARRA/MIE project 2.Install CTI-4000 (so that additional infrastructure work can continue) 3.Design PXIE cryogenic distribution system –Work with HWR CM (ANL) and SSR1 CM (TD) teams to assure proper integration –Need to incorporate CMTS1 requirements for future work 4.Construct PXIE cryo distribution system –Ready for CM testing in ~2016 5.Prepare for CMTS1 construction so that distribution system is ready when required –1.3 GHz Cryo boxes (from BARC) arrive – for test (~late 2015/2016) –Need to be able to test 650 MHz 6 cavity CM in 2017 time frame (pre-CD3) 6.Connect CMTF CTI - 4000 to NML Slide 37

38 Summary Project X Cryogenic R&D work is progressing Current focus is on the Superfluid Cryogenic Plant Basic engineering design work on PXIE distribution system has started Slide 38

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