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Safeguarding Children Information Session for Parishes.

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1 Safeguarding Children Information Session for Parishes

2 Prayer

3 Ground Rules Listen to and respect each other. Challenge constructively. Address oppressive behaviour and language. Observe confidentiality. Participate actively. Child’s welfare is paramount.

4 Aims of the Session To raise awareness of best practice in relation to safeguarding children and to become familiar with current Church and Diocesan safeguarding standards.

5 Objectives By end of this session you will: Know what is meant by the term ‘Safeguarding’. Be familiar with Church and Diocesan standards. Be aware of the practicalities of safeguarding at a parish level. Be familiar with Diocesan structures, personnel, resources and supports that are available.

6 What is Safeguarding? Safeguarding means: Creating safe environments for children and those who work with them.

7 Whose responsibility is it? Safeguarding Children is the responsibility of everyone.

8 Seeks to take preventative action, and is not limited to responding to existing harm. Is primarily pro-active, but will respond to any concern. It includes recognising, responding to, and reporting abuse. Safeguarding…

9 Types of Abuse Neglect Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Bullying Signs and Symptoms? Recognising

10 Record and date all observations of worrying marks/behaviour. Seek advice. You have a supportive not an investigative role. Judgement about abuse must be left to the professionals. Responding

11 If you are concerned that a child or young person you know is at risk, or you wish to raise a matter from the past, you are welcome to contact any of the following: Garda/PSNI Social Services Diocese. Reporting

12 A written policy. Procedures. Practices to Prevent Harm. Training and Education. Communicating the Church’s safeguarding message. Access to advice and support. Implementing and monitoring. Church Standards

13 Diocesan/Religious Order Standards

14 Recruitment and Training. Information sharing. Supervision ratios. Codes of Behaviour. Trips away from home. Practicalities

15 Recruitment and Training Processes The first step is to ensure that anyone employed or volunteering to work with children in the Church is suitable. Checklist for selection and recruitment. Sample declaration form. Vetting for any previous convictions/charges. Ongoing training in safeguarding. Safeguarding: Practical Aspects…

16 Information sharing, record keeping: Child’s consent, as appropriate. Parental consent for activities. Medical information. Contact information for parents/guardians Attendance records. Etc. Safeguarding: Practical Aspects…

17 Appropriate supervision ratios Think about how many adults are needed to supervise the activity. Recommended ratios of adults to children are given in Safeguarding Children (p.44). Adults who are not yet vetted, also need to be supervised. Safeguarding: Practical Aspects…

18 Codes of Behaviour: for adult staff volunteers children and young people. Safeguarding: Practical Aspects…

19 Procedure for Trips away from Home. Consider: Involvement of parents/guardians. Age range and ability level of the children involved. Number of adult supervisors required. Anticipate and assess risks. Develop a strategy to deal with risks. Safeguarding: Practical Aspects…

20 You. Children, Young People and Parents. Parish Staff and Volunteers. Local Safeguarding Representatives. Safeguarding Trainers. Safeguarding Committee. Designated Person. Advisory Committee. Diocesan Bishop / Congregational Leader. Civil Authorities. Diocesan Structures and Personnel

21 Local Safeguarding Representatives. Diocesan Trainers. Diocesan Safeguarding Committees. Diocesan Designated Person. HSE/HSC. Gardaí / PSNI. Towards Healing. Others. Resources and Support

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