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The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Electricity Supply Enterprise Rakhine State Office Priorities and Detailed Description.

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Presentation on theme: "The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Electricity Supply Enterprise Rakhine State Office Priorities and Detailed Description."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Electricity Supply Enterprise Rakhine State Office Priorities and Detailed Description of Electrification Plan For Rakhine State Dated -21.Oct.2015

2 Priority Electrification Project List for Rakhine State NoTownship Name of Village To be Electrified No of House House hold Popu lation To be constructed Estimated cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line 11/0.4 kV Transform er 400 V Lines (Miles) Estimated Cost (Mil Kyats) mileKVANo 1SittweMg Ni Pyin1821779860.4100252.31.7578.56 2 Shwe Pyi Thar22119511700.2100240.15144.89 3 Kyia Taw(Paik Seik) 1031208310.2100140.150.7533.67 4Par Da Late380414230011003112.753134.67 5A Myint Kyum39242423522.61003209.942.5112.22 6Che Lai Pinn1201166550.5100144.370.7533.67 7 Kyite Tee27626315391.51002119.121.567.33 8Pon nagyunRa Pauk Chaung76754281.51001105.120.522.44 9Zay Ti Yinn31321721100174.750.522.44 2

3 Priority Electrification Project List for Rakhine State NoTownship Name of Village To be Electrified No of House House hold Popu lation To be constructed Estimated cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line 11/0.4 kV Transform er 400 V Lines (Miles) Estimated Cost (Mil Kyats) mileKVANo 10AnnPel Pa Doe1201253751.751001120.310.7533.67 11Zar Ti Maw80832451.51001105.120.522.45 12Zan To39 1911.751001120.310.522.45 13Zu Pot Pinn Taw58 48321001135.490.522.45 14Ram reeRon Bu Zae12 7521001135.490.522.44 15 Ah Wa Taung11711455321001135.490.522.44 16Than dwe Mat Chanug (Upper) 65 14221001135.490.522.44 17 Mat Chaung (Lower) 28 11121001135.490.522.44 18Mel Gyum (1)494517621001135.490.522.44 19Nan Yar Kone36381401100174.740.522.44 20Tum Pin Sai68702881100174.740.522.44 21Sar Ni Taung70 2751100174.740.522.44 3

4 The additional electrification statement due to newly 66/11kV substation and newly power line for Rakhine State Sr NoTownship To Be ConstructedThe effective area Estimated Cost (millon kyats) Substati on 66kV Line (mile) 33kV Line (mile) Total Villages (Nos) Total Househo ld (No) Total Populati on (No) Material Installati on Total 1 Ponnagyun (Yotayourk) Newly 66/11 kV 5 MVA 1-10298456531660.58247.021907.6 2 Maruk U (Tainnyo) Newly 66/11 kV 5 MVA 6.5-3633016272081.079277.9052358.984 Total17.5-46331472803741.659524.9254266.584 4

5 5

6 6

7 To be Constructed  11 kV Distribution Line 28.9 miles  400 V Distribution Line 18.5 miles  11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer 28 Nos Kyauk Phyu District No. of Villages - 6 Nos Household - 431 Estimated Cost - 752.2 (mil kyats) Sittwe District No. of Villages - 9 Nos Household - 1816 Estimated Cost - 764.64 (mil kyats) Thandwe District No. of Villages - 6 Nos Household - 316 Estimated Cost - 630.71 (mil kyats) Electrification Plan for Villages of Rakhine State (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) Rakhine State No. of Villages - 21 Nos Household - 2563 Estimated Cost - 2147.6 (mil kyats) 7

8 Detailed Electrification Plan for Rakhine State (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) NoDistrict Name of Village To be Electrifi ed No of Hous e Hous e hold Popu latio n To be constructed Estim ated cost (Mil Kyate s) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Mile s) Estima ted Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Materi al Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost TotalKVANo Mate rial Cost Tran spor tCos t Con stru ctio n Cos t Total 1.Sittwe917811816 1129 7 8.9475.6713.2551.62 540. 64 160 0 16192824224764.6412.25549.89 2. Maungda w ------------------ 3.Maruk U------------------ 4. Kyauk Phyu 6426431192211587.916.563.8 668. 2 6006723984752.23.25145.89 5.Thandwe6316 11329481.0113.552.2 546. 71 6006723984630.713134.67 Total2125232563 1435 1 28.9 1544.5 9 43.35 167.6 2 1755.6 280 0 2833614423922147.618.5830.45 8

9 Detailed Electrification Plan for Sittwe District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) NoTownship Name of Village To be Electrifie d No of Hous e Hous e hold Popu lation To be constructed Estimat ed cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Miles ) Estima ted Cost (Mil Kyats) Mile Materia l Cost Transp ortCos t Const ructio n Cost TotalKVANo Mate rial Cost Tran sport Cost Con stru ctio n Cos t Tota l 1.Sittwe716741709106976.4342.059.637.12 388.7 7 10014168721196584.7711.25505.00 2.Ratitaung------------------ 3. Ponnagyu m 2107 6002.5133.623.7514.5 151.8 7 1002241328179.87144.89 4.Pauk taw------------------ Total917811816112978.9475.6713.3551.62 540.6 4 160016192824224764.6412.25549.89 9

10 Detailed Electrification Plan for Sittwe District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) Ratitaung (No) Sittwe No. of Villages - 7 Nos Household - 1709 Estimated Cost - 584.77 (mil kyats) Sittwe No. of Villages - 7 Nos Household - 1709 Estimated Cost - 584.77 (mil kyats) Pauktaw (No) Sittwe District No. of Villages - 9 Nos Household - 1816 Estimated Cost - 764.64 (mil kyats) Ponnagyun No. of Villages - 2 Nos Household - 107 Estimated Cost - 179.87 (mil kyats) Ponnagyun No. of Villages - 2 Nos Household - 107 Estimated Cost - 179.87 (mil kyats) 10

11 Detailed Electrification Plan for Kyauk Phyu District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No Town ship Name of Village To be Electrifi ed No of Hous e Hous e hold Popu lation To be constructed Estimat ed cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Miles ) Estimat ed Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Materia l Cost Trans portC ost Const ructio n Cost TotalKVANo Mate rial Cost Tran sport Cost Cons tructi on Cost Total 1. Kyauk Phyu ------------------ 2.Ann429730512947374.1210.540.6 425.2 2 1004482656481.222.25101 3.Ramree21291266284213.78623.2 242.9 8 1002241328270.58144.89 4.Munaung------------------ Total6426431192211587.916.563.8668.21006723984752.23.25145.89 11

12 Ann No. of Villages - 4 Nos Household - 305 Estimated Cost - 481.22 (mil kyats) Ann No. of Villages - 4 Nos Household - 305 Estimated Cost - 481.22 (mil kyats) Kyauk Phyu (No) Ramree No. of Villages - 2 Nos Household - 126 Estimated Cost - 270.98 (mil kyats) Ramree No. of Villages - 2 Nos Household - 126 Estimated Cost - 270.98 (mil kyats) Munaung (No) Kyauk Phyu District No. of Villages - 6 Nos Household - 431 Estimated Cost - 752.2 (mil kyats) Detailed Electrification Plan for Kyauk Phyu District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) 12

13 Detailed Electrification Plan for Thandwe District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) No Town ship Name of Village To be Electrifi ed No of Hous e Hous e hold Popu lation To be constructed Estimat ed cost (Mil Kyates) Task by regional Cost for 11 kV Line11/0.4 kV Transformer 400 V Lines (Miles ) Estima ted Cost (Mil Kyats) mile Materia l Cost Trans portC ost Const ructio n Cost TotalKVANo Mate rial Cost Tran sport Cost Constr uction Cost Tota l 1. Thandw e 6316 11329481.0113.552.2 546.7 1 1006723984630.713134.67 2.Toungup------------------ 3.Gwa------------------ Total6316 11329481.0113.552.2 546.7 1 1006723984630.713134.67 13

14 Detailed Electrification Plan for Thandwe District (Within 2 miles from Existing 11 kV Distribution Line) Toungup (No) Thandwe No. of Villages - 6 Nos Household - 316 Estimated Cost - 630.71 (mil kyats) Thandwe No. of Villages - 6 Nos Household - 316 Estimated Cost - 630.71 (mil kyats) Gwa (No) Thandwe District No. of Villages - 6 Nos Household - 316 Estimated Cost - 630.71 (mil kyats) 14

15 The Statement of Fiscal Yearly Budget and Electrified Connection for Rakhing State NoNo Fiscal Year State/Region Capital Budget for ESE (mil Kyats) State/Regi on Capital Budget for DRD (mil Kyats) Electrified Connection ON GridOff Grid Total Cost For 11 kV Line & 11/0.4 TR TotalC ost for 400 V Line TotalOff Grid Villa ge (Nos) Consum er (Nos) Villa ge (Nos) Consu mer (Nos) 1 2014-2015 Estimate (RE+BE) 2636.571677.24313.772186.2853424012616506 2 2015-2016 Estimate (RE+BE) 11972.098282.9 20254.9 9 2719.201071442715513596 3 2016-2017 Budget Estimate (RE+BE) 19356.259881.03 29237.2 8 -17823140785115622 Grand Total33964.9 19841.2 5 53806.1 5 4905.48338418071066145724 15

16 Sr No DescriptionQuantitiesTransported Site 1 11/0.4 kV, 100 kVA Transformer 14Sittwe District PMO Office 2.10 meter Concrete Pole265Sittwe District PMO Office 3. D.S, L.A, D.O.F Set (OR) L.A, Cut Out Fuse Set 14Sittwe District PMO Office 4.12kV SAC Cable 95mm 2 34848 mSittwe District PMO Office 5. 400V Distribution Panel for 100kVA 14Sittwe District PMO Office 6.Other AccessoryLotSittwe District PMO Office Main Materials List Transported to Sittwe Township 16

17 Sr No DescriptionQuantitiesTransported Site 111/0.4 kV, 100 kVA Transformer2Sittwe District PMO Office 2.10 meter Concrete Pole102Sittwe District PMO Office 3. D.S, L.A, D.O.F Set (OR) L.A, Cut Out Fuse Set 2Sittwe District PMO Office 4.12kV SAC Cable 95mm 2 13612Sittwe District PMO Office 5. 400V Distribution Panel for 100kVA 2Sittwe District PMO Office 6.Other AccessoryLotSittwe District PMO Office Main Materials List Transported to Ponnagyun Township 17

18 Sr No DescriptionQuantitiesTransported Site 111/0.4 kV, 100 kVA Transformer4Ann Township PMO Office 2.10 meter Concrete Pole283Ann Township PMO Office 3. D.S, L.A, D.O.F Set (OR) L.A, Cut Out Fuse Set 4Ann Township PMO Office 4.12kV SAC Cable 95mm 2 38115Ann Township PMO Office 5. 400V Distribution Panel for 100kVA 4Ann Township PMO Office 6.Other AccessoryLotAnn Township PMO Office Main Materials List Transported to Ann Township 18

19 Sr No DescriptionQuantitiesTransported Site 111/0.4 kV, 100 kVA Transformer2Kyaukphyu District PMO Office 2.10 meter Concrete Pole161Kyaukphyu District PMO Office 3. D.S, L.A, D.O.F Set (OR) L.A, Cut Out Fuse Set 2Kyaukphyu District PMO Office 4.12kV SAC Cable 95mm 2 21780Kyaukphyu District PMO Office 5. 400V Distribution Panel for 100kVA 2Kyaukphyu District PMO Office 6.Other AccessoryLot Ramree ESE OfficKyaukphyu District PMO Officee Main Materials List Transported to Ramree Township 19

20 Sr No DescriptionQuantitiesTransported Site 111/0.4 kV, 100 kVA Transformer6Thandwe District PMO Office 2.10 meter Concrete Pole365Thandwe District PMO Office 3. D.S, L.A, D.O.F Set (OR) L.A, Cut Out Fuse Set 6Thandwe District PMO Office 4.12kV SAC Cable 95mm 2 49005Thandwe District PMO Office 5. 400V Distribution Panel for 100kVA 6Thandwe District PMO Office 6.Other AccessoryLotThandwe District PMO Office Main Materials List Transported to Thandwe Township 20

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