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By Matt Jennings & David Spano.  History of Nmap  What is Nmap  How Nmap works  The goal of Nmap  What is Zenmap  Advantages of Zenmap  How to.

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Presentation on theme: "By Matt Jennings & David Spano.  History of Nmap  What is Nmap  How Nmap works  The goal of Nmap  What is Zenmap  Advantages of Zenmap  How to."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Matt Jennings & David Spano

2  History of Nmap  What is Nmap  How Nmap works  The goal of Nmap  What is Zenmap  Advantages of Zenmap  How to use Zenmap  References

3  Originally created by Gordon Lyon  Published in a 1997 article in Phrack magazine with source code  With community updates came more advance features  Named “Security Product of the Year”  Has appeared in movies: Bourne Ultimatum, The Matrix Reloaded, and Die Hard 4

4  Free and open source  Security Scanner  Scan huge networks of literally hundreds of thousands of machines

5  Portable  Available for Most OS  Powerful  Large network  Single host  Flexible  Supports advanced techniques  Easy  As simple as entering a target host  Free  Free to download

6  Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways  To determine what hosts are available on the network,  What services those hosts are offering  What operating systems and OS versions they are running  What type of packet filters/firewalls are in use  Many of other characteristics.

7  The primary goal of the Nmap Project is to help make the Internet a little more secure and to provide administrators, auditors, and hackers with an advanced tool for exploring their networks

8  Official Nmap Security Scanner GUI  Multi-platform free and open source application  Aim is to make Nmap easy while providing advanced features for experienced Nmap users

9  Interactive and graphical results viewing  Comparison  Convenience  Repeatability  Discoverability

10 1) download windows version from

11 2) Double click on the exe

12 3) Double-click on the Zenmap shortcut on your desktop.

13 4) Type in “”

14 5) In the Profile field, select “Intense Scan” then press the “Scan” button to begin

15 6) Click on the “Nmap output” tab

16 7) Click on the “Ports / Hosts” tab

17 8) Click on the “Topology” tab

18 9) Click on the “Host Details” tab

19  Using Zenmap was very easy due to its GUI  Installation in Windows is graphical and only requires hitting the “next” button  Nmap and Zenmap documentation is abundant on the site - Available in 16 different languages


21  Nmap - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits. Web. 06 Dec. 2011..

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