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Bell Work Sep 30, 2013 SPI 0807.T/E.3 Intended & Unintended Consequences Engineering Design Process: SPI 0807.T/E.2  Number your paper from 1 to 5 

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2 Bell Work Sep 30, 2013 SPI 0807.T/E.3 Intended & Unintended Consequences Engineering Design Process: SPI 0807.T/E.2  Number your paper from 1 to 5  Write down all five steps of the engineering design process (see pages 24 and 25 to help you…if needed) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) PRESS THE RIGHT-ARROW BUTTON TO ADVANCE THROUGH THE SLIDES!

3 Notes SPI 0807.T/E.3 Intended & Unintended Consequences Intended Purpose/Consequences: When a company designs a new product, they are addressing a need. (This is Step 1 of the engineering design process). This need is the same as the intended purpose. These are things that the engineers purposely include when designing some product or process.  Example: Cell phones-The need being addressed is communication. Likewise the intended purpose or consequence of using a cell phone is better communication.  Other Example(s): Automotive Technology (cars and trucks)

4 Notes SPI 0807.T/E.3 Intended & Unintended Consequences Unintended consequences: are uses or results that engineers do not purposely include when designing some product or process.  Example: Cell phones-One unintended consequence is wrecking you car while talking when driving.  Other Example(s): Cell phone towers

5 Unintended consequences: are uses or results that engineers do not purposely include when designing some product or process  NOTE: Unintended consequences are not always bad. Sometimes they are good!  Example: In WWII, engineers invented sonar to allow submarines to navigate underwater and destroy enemy ships. One unintended consequence is sonargrams for babies. Notes SPI 0807.T/E.3 Intended & Unintended Consequences

6  Copy and fill in the concept map below (see p520) Cars Intended? Unintended? Notes SPI 0807.T/E.3 Intended & Unintended Consequences

7  Copy and fill in the concept map below (see p520) Video Games Intended? Unintended? Notes SPI 0807.T/E.3 Intended & Unintended Consequences

8 (Foldable): Intended/Unintended Consequences 1)Turn to page 515 in your science textbook. 2) Follow the instructions at the bottom about how to make a double-door foldable. 3)Label the two outside flaps as follows:  top flap: Intended Consequences (p27)  bottom flap: Unintended Consequences (p27) 4) Write on the inside of these two flaps as follows:  inside of top flap:2 facts about intended consequences  inside of bottom flap: 2 facts about unintended consequences 5) On the inside-middle of the paper list 4 examples of unintended consequences with 4 examples of modern technology Notes SPI 0807.T/E.3 Intended & Unintended Consequences

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