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VO2-MAGAZINE.jpg Michael Jenkins Presents:

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2 VO2-MAGAZINE.jpg Michael Jenkins Presents:

3 Congestion Control needs to be Updated to Increase the Functionality of TCP Standard Sliding Window No notifications from the network Intelligent solutions Different network types

4 As a network becomes congested, the amount of acknowledged packets decrease Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance TCP Tahoe TCP Reno Congestion Collapse

5 Multiple duplicated acknowledgements Differentiation between transmitted and Retransmitted Packets TCP Eifel Packet Reordering

6 High-Speed / Long-Delay Networks Optical Vs Satellite Networks Standard algorithms do not efficiently work on high-speed networks. HS-TCP (High-Speed TCP)

7 Feature Research No universal congestion control approach for every network type Rules to measure packet loss Short-Lived Flows Fairness between TCP flows Excusive buffering Syndrome


9 VO2-MAGAZINE.jpg Michael Jenkins Presents:

10 Presented by: Tony Reveldez GEOFF HUSTON B.Sc., M.Sc. Australian National University MATTIA ROSSI B.Eng.,M.Sc. Leopold- Franzens- Universitaet GEOFF ARMITAGE B.Sc., PhD. Swinburne University of Technology 9

11 Border Gateway Protocol  What is it?  iBGP vs eBGP  TCP/IP  Distant Vector Routing Path Vector Routing  Route Selection Process  Messages AS Path 10

12 BGP Threat Model  Securing the BGP Session Injection, eavesdropping, delay messages, replay  Verifying BGP Identity Are you really who you claim to be?  Verifying BGP Information Is your information complete?  Verifying Forwarding Paths Is my information accurate? 11

13 Consequences of Attacks on the Routing System Denial of Service the potential to masqueradeAddress Stealing The ability to eavesdrop 12

14 Securing BGP  The Security Toolset  Security Requirements Securing the data payload and semantics Piecemeal incremental deployment  Approaches to Securing BGP sBGP, soBGP, psBGP, pgBGP, IRV 13

15 Approaches to Securing BGP  Securing the operation of BGP TCP session GTSM TCP MD5 IPSEC  Security in the Data Level 14

16 Securing the Integrity of BGP Data  sBGP  soBGP psBGP  IRV  pgBGP 15

17 State of BGP Security As the table shows, of all proposals, only a few have been implemented and mostly not deployed 16

18 by Sommer, Gunreben, Feller, Kohn, Mifdaoui, SaB, & Scharf Presented by Isaac Hatton

19 Ethernet’s Success Scalability Adaptability Bandwidth Reliability Availability Ethernet’s Success Scalability Adaptability Bandwidth Reliability Availability


21 Control Level – connects a moderate number of specialized computer devices such as machine control system over a moderately large area Device Level – enables communication between sensors and actuators Plant Level – comprises an entire production facility and connects a large number of factory cells an machine process controllers

22 Control Domain Diagnostics Driver Assist Safety Control Domain Diagnostics Driver Assist Safety Infotanment Domain GPS Navigation Displays Voice Recognition In-Vehicle Audio Video Displays In-vehicle Wireless Internet Phone Integration Bluetooth Satellite & HD Radio Infotanment Domain GPS Navigation Displays Voice Recognition In-Vehicle Audio Video Displays In-vehicle Wireless Internet Phone Integration Bluetooth Satellite & HD Radio

23 Performance Requirements Low latency Jitter constraints Deterministic behavior Performance Requirements Low latency Jitter constraints Deterministic behavior Safety Requirements Reliability Integrity Redundancy Security Safety Requirements Reliability Integrity Redundancy Security



26 KEVIN REISINGER Presents… A SURVEY OF PRICING SCHEMES IN WIRELESS NETWORKS Christos A Gizelis University of Aegean Mytilene, Greece Dimitrios D. Vergados University of the Aegean Mytilene, Greece

27 GOALS OF WIRELESS PRICING SCHEMES Assure continuous quality of service. Maximize profits for service providers

28 QUALITY OF SERVICE CHALLENGES Tracking the location of subscribers. Ensure continuous connectivity when moving between networks. Avoid service termination due to the lack of bandwidth

29 PRICING SCHEMES Static SchemesDynamic Schemes Subscribers are charged a pre-defined amount for their service. Service priorities can be modified according to the subscriber’s network demands.

30 STATIC PRIORITY PRICING Bandwidth is shared among all subscribers. Subscribers are allowed to select their priority class.

31 DYNAMIC PRIORITY PRICING Priority classes can be modified during the service usage. Network resources are optimized by guaranteed bandwidth.

32 OTHER NOTABLE PRICING SCHEMES Cumulus Pricing (Static) Subscribers pay a flat rate based on their expected resource requirements. If that limit is exceeded, the contract is re- negotiated. Probabilistic Pricing (Dynamic) Future demand for a service is predicted using historical data. The service provider sets the prices according to demand.

33 Questions?

34 David Lynn Presents… HANDOVER IN MOBILE WIMAX NETWORKS: THE STATE OF ART AND RESEARCH ISSUES Sayan Kumar Ray Krzysztof Pawlikowski Harsha Sirisena

35 HARD HANDOVERS Acquisition Phase BS advertises the Network Topology Scanning of advertised neighboring BSs and MS Ranging and Optional Association Activates Actual Handover Phase Deciding on the TBS Initiating the Handover TBS synchronization and Ranging Process Authorization and Registration Phase

36 FAST BASE STATION SWITCHING HANDOVERS Diversity Set Updating Updating and Selecting the new ABS Handover Occurrence

37 RESEARCH ISSUES: LAYER 2 HANDOVER ISSUES Excessive Scanning and Associating Activates Optimizing Scanning Interval Efficient Exploitation of DL and UL Signals Wastage of Ranging Slots Prolonged Handover Connection Disruption Time Network Re-Entry Activity due to Ping Pong Effects IP Connectivity Delay during Network Re-entry Optimizing Handover-based Load Distribution

38 RESEARCH ISSUES: LAYER 2 HANDOVER SOLUTIONS Select the potential TBS before the scanning operations. NBSs can exchange configuration parameters. MS’s uplink signal strengths and SBS’s downlink signal strengths. Selection of the TBS prior to the handover preregistration phase. MAC management message can enable the MS to receive traffic immediately after the handover. Traffic for MS will remain buffered in the SBS for a set amount of time. TBS know the MS’s previous AR and the IP address. BS-initiated directed handovers and MS- initiated rescue handovers are conducted in parallel.

39 RESEARCH ISSUES: LAYER 3 HANDOVER ISSUES Large L3 Handover Latency MAC State Migration Problem Interworking with MIPv6

40 RESEARCH ISSUES: LAYER 3 HANDOVER SOLUTIONS Timely indication of organized L2 triggers. Serving network can buffer the IP packets meant for the MS to reset the lost MAC frames. FMIPv6, HMIPv6 and PMIPv6.

41 RESEARCH ISSUES: LAYER 2&3 HANDOVER ISSUES & SOLUTIONS Explicit HO Notification to Upper Layers Imprecise L2 TriggersSeamless Integration of L2 and L3 Mobility Management Messages Two-Way Cross- Layer Handover Information Flow Explicit L2 to L3 event triggers during the various stages of the overall MWiMAX HO activity. Send the L2-HO trigger early enough to the upper layers in the form of predicted RSSI values. Removal of related HO management messages from both the MWiMAX L2 and L3 HO. Multiple event and command services to improve the FMIPv6 HO support over the MWIMAX MAC.

42 A Survey of Protocols to Support IP Mobility in Aeronautical Communications Written by Christian Bauer Martina Zitterbart Presented by Corey Whitley

43 Aeronautical Telecommunication Network The Old ◦ Analog ◦ Overloaded The New ◦ Digital (IPv6 Based) ◦ Unified  Air Traffic Services (ATS)  Airline Operational Communications (AOC)  Airline Administrative Communications (AAC)  Aeronautical Passenger Communications (APC)

44 Mobile Topology Network A Network B Correspondent Node

45 Mobility Requirements;;;; Session Continuity Mobile Network Support Inherent Packet Overhead RTT OverheadConvergence Time Support for Ground-Initiated Communication Secondary HEADERPAYLOAD Multihoming Security (Masquerading) Security (DoS) End-to- End Delay (Routing) Scalability Applicability to ACC/APC Primary


47 Access Network A NEMO Signaling Access Network B Home Agent Correspondent Node NEMO Tunnel This Mobile Router is accessible through Network A (CoA) Records show that the destination is accessable through Network A. (CoA) Mobile Router Mobile Network Node Packet Binding Update Binding Ack The Mobile Router is now accessible through Network B (CoA) Binding Update

48 NEMO Analysis Session Continuity Mobile Network Support Inherent Packet Overhead RTT OverheadConvergence Time Support for Ground-Initiated Communication Secondary Multihoming Security (Masquerading) Security (DoS) End-to- End Delay Primary (Routing) Scalability Applicability to ACC/APC

49 Home Agent Access Network B Access Network A Home Agent Correspondent Node Access Network Correspondent Node MNNMR Route Optimization Correspondent Router MNN to CNMR to CNMR to CRMR to HA Mobile Router AdaptabilitySeparabilityMultihomingEfficient Signaling Security HEADER PAYLOAD

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