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TRU-Park Introduction workshop 1 25 February 2016 Melanie Attwell and Associates Lucien Le Grange Architects and Urban Planners.

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Presentation on theme: "TRU-Park Introduction workshop 1 25 February 2016 Melanie Attwell and Associates Lucien Le Grange Architects and Urban Planners."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRU-Park Introduction workshop 1 25 February 2016 Melanie Attwell and Associates Lucien Le Grange Architects and Urban Planners

2 Tender Process Open tender advertised in January 2015 by WC Government: DTPW The closing date for tender submission was the 2 nd March 2015 Our Team was interviewed during the 16 week adjudication period on 13 th May 2015 On 2 nd July 2015, our Team was officially appointed as the successful tenderer The official Client is the WCG: DTPW, in partnership with the City of Cape Town

3 Professional Team Required PersonnelNameCompany Lead Planner / Town PlannerNisa MammonNM & Associates Public Participation PractitionerMelikaya Ntshingwa, Fraser Siteti, Michael Krause SUN Development Urban Designer/sJody Paterson, Lucien le Grange, Sabina Favaro, and Michael Krause NM & Associates, Lucien le Grange Architects & SUN Development Green Technology SpecialistCarl SchneiderRHDHV Landscape ArchitectTarna KlitznerTarna Klitzner Landscape Architects Urban Development EconomistFrancois VirulyViruly Consulting

4 Professional Team Required PersonnelNameCompany Civil Engineer: Water & SewerPieter JordaanRHDHV Electrical / Power EngineerBeukes KotzeRHDHV Civil Engineer: StormwaterPeter HirschowitzRHDHV Transport Planner / Traffic Engineer Roy Bowman / Rory Williams RHDHV Environmental PractitionerBronwen GriffithsRHDHV Heritage PractitionerMelanie AttwellMelanie Atwell & Associates Sustainable Development Planner Gerhard Van Weele / Tasneem Steenkamp RHDHV


6 The Site Voortrekker Road Salt River Station Black River Liesbeeck Parkway Liesbeek River Station Road Berkley Road Salt River Pinelands Station Alaexandra Road Maitland Station Koeberg Rd Station Ndabeni N2 M5

7 The Site: Precincts

8 Education levels The TRU-Park site is surrounded by very diverse socio-economic conditions.

9 Income levels The TRU-Park site is surrounded by very diverse socio-economic conditions.

10 TRU-Park is sitting between two patterns of the distribution of social facilities. Distribution of social facilities

11 The Team’s Brief To prepare a number of framework plans for the TRUP site with the objective of obtaining development rights for precincts and special release areas identified in the ToR. To follow a Package of Plans Approach in terms of Section 136 of the Cape Town Municipal By-law, 2015. A PoP allows the sequencing of integrated planning at increasingly detailed scales and applies to areas generally known as Special Areas. The Team will commence with a review of the CoCT approved 2003 TRUP Contextual Framework and Phase 1 Environmental Management Plan, then prepare a Development Framework, Precinct Plans and Site Development Plans as part of an application for rezoning.

12 Key objectives of the Brief To promote inclusivity and integration To encourage sustainable development from an environmental, economic and social perspective To encourage partnerships to make public land viable so as to improve under-performing properties To explore the notion of live-work-play through high-density, transit oriented, walkable and mixed use / income environments


14 TRU-Park VISION GLOBAL ALIGNMENT UN Habitat SDG 11 : make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable NATIONAL / PARASTATAL ALIGNMENT National Planning Commission / NDP 2030 WCG ALIGNMENT TRUP Development Project / Cabinet approved / November 2012 WCG / OneCape 2040 WCG / 5 Strategic Goals / Gamechangers WCG / Central City Regeneration Programme CoCT ALIGNMENT CoCT / City Development Strategy / 2040 CoCT / Integrated Development Plan / 2012 – 2017 PLANNING LEGISLATION ALIGNMENT Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act / 2013 MANIFESTO Vision Alignment

15 WCG / cabinet approved ‘city for the future’ progressive environment approach preserve open, green park like quality metro urban park 4 5 6 Sustainable transport Mixed use, Mixed tenure Develop funding opportunities 1 2 3 alternative systems of technology 10 clear admin, management and institutional systems integrative space, response to culture and memory social partnership 9 8 7 10 Manifesto points / draft dense and compact, self-sustaining carbon neutral, ‘green’ within a parkland integrated with mixed land use, walkable and PT orientated financially viable, profitable, stimulates economic growth and employment creation sensitive to the areas heritage, cultural memory and diversity socially responsive by undoing the legacies of the apartheid city planning / attending to needs of the current and future communities

16 Global alignment 18 Principles of design at site level 10 Manifesto points

17 TRUP Public Participation Process requires engagement that leads to broad ownership of development potential requires broad engagement with interested and affected parties different engagement intensities process of engagement is inclusive and forward looking process acknowledges and takes lessons from previous engagement [CoCT and TRUP Association] TRUP PPP : to understand principles of development in the area, leading toward the ‘Manifesto’ inclusive and transparent process to ensure design process takes cognisance of : Preparation for legislated processes [land use management processes] Key Outcomes: prior planning ideas of relevant stakeholders with an interest in the site plans are shared with relevant stakeholders as these develop

18 Public Participation Process / stakeholders National and parastatal Provincial government and line department representatives City of Cape Town and line department representatives Subcouncils and their Wards 1. Government Associations/Forums TRUP Steering Committee The Oude Molen Forum Western Cape Diverse Traditional Leaders Forum Civic and Rate Payer Associations [Mowbray, Pinelands, Maitland, Observatory, Kensington, Kew Town, Langa, Athlone] Landowners Private businesses 2. Directly affected stakeholders 3. Interested parties Businesses from surrounding areas Individuals with special skills and knowledge Research and professional sector bodies [UCT, CHEC, ILASA, UDISA, etc.] Friends of the Liesbeek Friends of the Black River University of Cape Town NGO’s

19 Public Participation Process TRUP Engagement Process Introduction Meetings Stakeholder Meetings Series of Workshops chairpersons secretaries of steering committees secretaries of associations stakeholder forums engagements are to set the stage for understanding the expectations and visions for TRUP Workshop 1 Group Introduction Workshop 2 Manifesto discussion Workhop 3 Constraints & Opportunities of site Workshop 4 Scenario discussion Workshop 5 Parallel via CoCT and WCG media liaison and communication strategy 1 2 3

20 Public Participation Process / meetings held thus far / February 2016 Summary of the TRUP meetings and engagements : 8 meetings held with the Client [WCG / CoCT] 10 meetings held among the members of the TRUP Team 24 meetings held with various stakeholders - PP meetings are highlighted in grey - a meeting was held with members from Sub council 15 - 21 meetings were held with the directly affected stakeholders a workshop and a follow-up technical meeting was held between the Dutch, the client and the TRUP Team

21 A green corridor should be defined and a multi-purpose environmental space created that can support learning. They are happy that environmental practitioners are on board. - Friends of the Liesbeeck Public Participation Process / meetings held thus far / extracts The development should fit into other larger development plans for the City. - OCA It is felt that NMT should be promoted; the area should not be built for cars only. -OCA Concerns were raised about the use of “density”; it was felt that density should only be suggested where appropriate/necessary and development should be sensitive to heritage and the wetlands as well as to the legacy of Oude Molen. – Oude Molen Eco Village, TRUP Association Safety is seen as essential. -OCA The wetlands and TRUP is seen as a green lung for the city; this has value to the city as a whole. – TRUP Association & OCA There was a full process of this kind done five years ago. …we want to see big development there; but we are scared that somebody will, in 5 years time, take the group through the same process again.. – Pinelands Rate payers / Resident association.. their father King Fadana had aspired to establish a Xhosa/Nguni museum and cultural village site at Oude Molen. They wish to argue for the realisation of the King's aspirations. – Xhosa / Nguni traditional leaders Langa must not be a tick box and not become part of the actual development that takes place; it must not be a talk shop. Ensure to have 2-3 people at the workshop. – Langa Civic Association

22 TRUP Public Participation Process Open Questions Media liaison protocol and responsibilities – What is our role in responding to media requests? How much background is useful to provide to the media? How can we use these opportunities for trust building? Weighting of potentially competing development interests on the site – When “maximizing development rights”, how does the client see the prioritization of public interest versus private sector interests for development rights in the TRUP area? TRUP- Association and Oude Molen Tenant situation – Special Meeting called by Alderman Walker on TRUP-A. -Appointment of Property Company in process Engagement with CoCT and WCG line departments in via workshop prior or after public workshop?

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