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UK Scholarships Drexel Fellowships Office February 2010.

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1 UK Scholarships Drexel Fellowships Office February 2010

2 UK’s Education System Graduate school in the UK ◦Taught degree vs. research degree ◦Residential college system, tutors. ◦Single cumulative exam. External examiners. ◦Independent work What’s out there? ◦Rhodes ◦Gates Cambridge ◦Marshall ◦Mitchell ◦ ◦

3 Rhodes Scholarship What is it? ◦Oldest, most prestigious international scholarship ◦Oxford University ◦Usu graduate degree, any discipline.  MSc, Mphil, DPhil ◦Usu 2-3 years ◦32 American Rhodes Scholars/year, 16 districts  PA is District 4, with DE and VA.  NJ is District 1, with NH, ME, RI, VT. ◦Approx 200 Rhodes Scholars total/year. Special considerations? ◦excellence in qualities of mind and in qualities of person which, in combination, offer the promise of effective service to the world in the decades ahead. ◦Leadership; outward-looking ◦Clear reason to want Oxford ◦Student-athlete? -> Vigor

4 Applying for a Rhodes Applying ◦US citizen or… ◦Top student (3.7 or above) ++ ◦18-24 years old ◦1000 word essay  Interests, Aspirations, Reasons for Oxford ◦5-8 references Selection Process ◦September 1 campus deadline ◦University Endorsement (not nomination) ◦Regional Finalists ◦Cocktail party and rigorous interview ◦Admission to department Interested? ◦Rhodes Website: ◦Oxford Website:  Residential Colleges and Academic Programs ◦References

5 Gates Cambridge Scholarship What is it? ◦Gates Foundation ◦Cambridge University ◦Graduate school, any discipline ◦90-100 Gates Scholars per year (~40 US) Special considerations? ◦enthusiasm, robustness of intellect, a willingness to engage and an appropriate humility that comes from an awareness that nothing is ever really simple. ◦Leadership ◦Need good program fit, reason to study at Cambridge. ◦Focus on using education for public/social good.

6 Applying for a Gates Cambridge Applying ◦Any nationality (except UK). ◦Apply directly to graduate program. ◦500 word paragraph/personal statement. ◦3 letters of reference Selection Process ◦Direct apply to Cambridge. Usually Oct 15 deadline. ◦No campus endorsements, no required campus process ◦Top admits automatically considered. Also other Cambridge Trust funding. ◦Finalists, with rigorous national interview Interested? ◦Gates Cambridge website: ◦Cambridge website:  Academic programs and Residential Colleges  If research degree, contact faculty.

7 Marshall Scholarship What is it? ◦British Government ◦For Graduate school, any discipline, at any University in the UK ◦Usually 2 years, though new 1-year program ◦~40 Marshal Scholars per year Special considerations? ◦To foster strong US-UK relations ◦Most academic – “seriousness of purpose” ◦Evidence of leadership ◦Good fit with program.  Look beyond Oxford/Cambridge. ◦Clear reason for studying in the UK

8 Applying for a Marshall Applying ◦US Citizen ◦US degree 2008 or later ◦Min 3.7 GPA. Usually higher ◦3 references ◦Essays: personal statement, academic interests, why the UK Selection Process ◦September 1 campus deadline ◦University nomination required (2) ◦Finalists with rigorous regional interview  NY Region (NY, NJ, PA, CT) ◦University placement Interested? ◦ ◦Research university options. Consider partnership awards.  Above, following links for Study in the UK

9 Mitchell Scholarship What is it? ◦To foster ties to Ireland among the US’ future leaders. ◦One year graduate school ◦Any University in Ireland/Northern Ireland ◦12 Mitchell Scholars per year Special considerations? ◦To introduce and connect generations of future American leaders to the island of Ireland ◦No heritage relationship necessary ◦One year only ◦Key Criteria  Intellectual achievement  Leadership  Commitment to public service.

10 Applying for a Mitchell Applying ◦US Citizen, 18-30 years old ◦1000 word personal statement ◦5 letters of recommendation ◦Identify 3-5 specific programs Selection Process ◦September 1 campus deadline ◦University endorsement required ◦Finalist interview Interested? ◦  Research Irish/Northern Ireland university programs  Mitchell application process

11 Fulbright Scholarship What is it? ◦US State Department with national commissions ◦Mutual understanding ◦One year self-designed study, research, and/or English teaching in over 150 countries ◦Approx 1600 Fulbright Scholars per year Special Considerations ◦UK extremely competitive ◦Good fit important: background, project, location ◦Affiliations ◦Results April-June

12 Application September 1 campus deadlines ◦Start now References ◦Talk to faculty now Essays ◦Get started drafting now Coherence of whole application Interviews ◦Campus endorsement ◦Mock interview

13 General Advice Start early! Three best things to do ◦Keep grades up ◦Get involved ◦Get to know faculty Two more good things to do: ◦Advice on Fellowships site ◦Summer Workshop Start early

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