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Neural Electrical Impulse-Based Control [Digital] Mary Nsunwara [Presenter] Wayne Blake Reshun Gethers Thursday, January 31 st, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Neural Electrical Impulse-Based Control [Digital] Mary Nsunwara [Presenter] Wayne Blake Reshun Gethers Thursday, January 31 st, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neural Electrical Impulse-Based Control [Digital] Mary Nsunwara [Presenter] Wayne Blake Reshun Gethers Thursday, January 31 st, 2002

2 Electromyography Instrumental technique for registering the electrical signals occurring during muscle activity

3 Signal Applications I By Appearance –EMG is used in Medical Applications to diagnose muscle or nerve conditions, such as Muscle Fatigue, Muscle Dystrophy and Nerve Lesions –Further Analyses such as FFT provide more information

4 Signal Applications II Signal Itself –Remote Control Applications –The value of the signal is used to control a more sophisticated system –Focus of Project for this Semester

5 Purpose Design a system that will efficiently measure signals produced by head muscle movement and use these signals to operate a remote control car

6 Tasks and Hurdles System currently available to measure muscle signals Duplicate Amplifier Available in Lab Signal-to-Noise Ratio Common Mode Rejection Ratio Interface to Control System

7 Interface to PC Digitize Signals Measured with EMG –Analog to Digital Converter –Hysteresis Comparator Assign Codes for System Control –Determine Number and Degree of Muscle Movements to Execute Commands Apply Commands on Test System

8 Current Products Prices ranges from $175 - $2000 Inexpensive –Have no computer interface –Generally only Useful for muscle training

9 Potential Applications Wheelchair Control –Practical for use by Paraplegics On-screen Mouse Control –Move mouse pointer using facial muscles alone Video Game Controls

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