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what we had  8 to 10 page Word document edited to three different versions.  Email sent once a day with hospital lists, surgeries, births, deaths, and.

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2 what we had  8 to 10 page Word document edited to three different versions.  Email sent once a day with hospital lists, surgeries, births, deaths, and prayer requests. Email was sent after all information was updated. Usually after 6 pm.  Emails was sent to 135+ Staff Members and 300+ Deacons keeping up with care for 10,000+ members and 30,000+ prospects.  Absolutely no tracking system of care anyone provided.  Each of 3 campuses had their own document and it was never shared with the other campuses. Created a lot of duplication of efforts.  Masses of emails back and forth to determine who was doing what.  Some people received excessive care and others not enough.  Medical information was being sent via email.  Two failed attempts at custom development to track care. Most were not optimistic about the third attempt.

3 what we needed  Web Based  Accessible 24 hours a day  Accessible on all types of devices. Cell phones especially.  Access to current information as soon as it was available  Access for 400+ Users (Staff, Deacons, and Nurture Team Leaders)  Efficiency in follow up  A way to keep medical information behind a secured site so we weren’t risking violating HIPPA laws.  A system that was successful

4 how we manage CARE CASE TYPES  Christian Love and Sympathy  Deacons on Mission  Discharged  Home Care  Hospital List  Long Term Illness  Long Term Care  Military List  Nursing Home & Assisted Living  Prayer Pager  Prayer Request  Rehabilitation  Surgery  Welcome to Our World

5 All cases are searchable by Name, Care Type, Congregation, Location, or Last Action Date.

6 how we manage CARE TYPES  Assisted Living Visit  Benevolence  Bereavement Call  Bereavement Card  Blessing Basket  Blooming Blessing  Card  Card – Deacon  Card – Nurture Team  Email  Hospital Care Basket  Hospital Visit  Household Visit  Long Term Care  Meal  Meal – Nurture Team  Nursing Home Visit  Operation Enduring Blessing  Other  Phone Call  Prayer Pager  Prayer Shawl  Rehabilitation  Text Message  Update of Contact Information

7 how we manage CARE SUPERVISOR  Each campus has a team of Care Supervisors. Each are trained to enter and manage a Care Case as well as Care History. Teams include:  Campus Pastor  One or two Ministers in charge of care  Campus Administrative Assistant CARE WORKER  Each of these Users are trained to enter Care History for a Care Case only. Users include:  All Full Time and Part Time Staff  Deacons  Nurture Team Group Leaders

8 how we launched STAFF  Lunch and Learn training session  Live walk through of looking up information and making an entry  One on one training  Printed Handout DEACONS & NURTURE TEAM  For 13 weeks in the fall, we met on Thursday nights and trained the next weeks Deacon Team  Live walk through of looking up information and making an entry.  One on one training  Printed handout

9 where we’ve struggled  Adoption of a new system.  Culture change.  Hard to find the newest cases.  Forgetting to check Mobile Tools regularly.

10 how we’ve overcome  Message was sent from Senior Leadership that this is what we are using. So learn it.  Message was sent to everyone that we could no longer personalize communication to each User about what they needed to do. If you assume a leadership or servant role, you need to invest the time and take the initiative to keep yourself informed.  End date set for the old system to go away for good.  Created a daily Care Case Update Email through Professional Services. Game Changer!

11 Daily Care Case Email sent daily at 3 pm

12 output  We use Views on the Household Care Log to run Care Types and Care Case History for reporting statistics and resource planning.

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